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Top 10 FAQs
1. What is ASL?
ASL stands for American Sign Language, which is composed of intricate hand gestures and
facial movements.

2. Isn't ASL only used by deaf people?

Not exactly. ASL, along with all other sign languages (yes, there is more than one!), was
created by and for deaf people, but hard of hearing and hearing people can learn and use it too,
even becoming a professional interpreter.

3. What does the ASL club do at Western?

We provide an opportunity for students to gain the skills needed to learn and practice sign
language. Our meetings provide a space at Western where you can learn and exercise your ASL
skills. We practice with imaginative games that help hone in on classifiers.

4. What happens at club meetings?

Usually there are elements of ASL that are taught and practiced by members to apply to an
activity for the next meeting. For example, learning signs for foods or colors one meeting and
using the new signs in games or conversation at the next meeting.

5. How does ASL allow me to participate in the community?

The ASL allows members a basic understanding of the Deaf culture, by organizing meetings
and social events within the community. We go beyond just trying to teach ASL, we want to
immerse members into the Deaf culture.

6. Why should I be a part of ASL club?

Many students are not aware of the challenges deaf and hard of hearing people face on a
regular basis. We encourage students to learn more about the language and culture because we
believe hearing people should adjust for those who cannot hear, not the other way around.

7. How can I benefit if I already know how to sign?

This club provides a space for members to continue practicing skills, especially since there is
not a class offered at Western. We also want to go beyond that, and raise awareness about the
challenges the Deaf culture is faced with.

8. How often does the club meet and where?

The club currently meets twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5 p.m. in Bond Hall,
room 227.

9. Can I talk at ASL Club?

Yes, most members of the club are hearing and utilize vocal speech for teaching ASL to other
hearing members, but please be respectful and don't only speak at club meetings or other events;
you are engaging in D/deaf culture after all.


Where can I get more information?

Our Facebook:

Our website:

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