Accel World Volume 9

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Chapter 1

Progress: 25%.
I will kill you all.
And leave not a single one alive!!

Occupying every part of his mind until no room is left, only this impulse remains. As though making up his
entire body, Arita Haruyuki only wants to tear their limbs and skulls apart, to succumb to a thirst to slice
and dice them.
Uttering a low growl like a beast, he renews his grip on the greatsword in his right.
The pure silver colour of Silver Crows body has completely disappeared, in its place is the vicious black
silver colour of chrome. The armours shape has also been drastically changed; the original slender and
flat limbs are now covered with sharp rings of metallic parts, and the body naturally is different too. But the
most fiendish change is still the helmet, which now completely encases the original round helmet: at first
glance, it seems to have become the wide, greedy mouth of a carnivorous beast. Rows of sinister teeth
completely protect and envelope the face, so the original mirrored faceplate is covered.
This armour is no ordinary equipment not just an Enhanced Armament in the game called Brain Burst.
The strongest equipment in the game, the Seven Arcs, or the Seven Star Armaments; among which, the
armour The Destiny, representing the sixth star Zeta, had been warped as a result of receiving a Burst
Linkers immense wrath and sorrow, and together with the high-ranking greatsword Star Caster fused
into the Disaster Armour. This legendary Enhanced Armament, The Disaster, has even surpassed the
area of the Seven Arcs, bringing widespread destruction since the dawn of Accelerated World, repeatedly
returning if it is suppressed and supposedly eradicated. And now, it has completely taken over the body of
Silver Crow.
No, this kind of phenomenon has already surpassed the limits of summoning or equipping. There is
no difference between Haruyuki and the armour; his thoughts and Disasters destructive impulses are
together as one, no longer hearing the voices of reason in the past.
Haruyuki softly uttered of his own will:
You bastardscan all forget about staying alive.

Opening his fiendish-looking wings to hover in midair, Haruyuki overlooks the real-world Shibuya Areas
()s street in the Demonic City stage, where six Burst Linkers are gathered in a circle
looking up at him like an intruder.
This group of people encircled two weakly flickering points of light.
One of them was grassy green in colour and the other is the colour of ash. They are Grave Markers
that appear at the spot whenever a Burst Linker dies in the Unlimited Neutral Field. The grass-green
marker belongs to Green Legionnaire Bush Utan, from Great Wall, and the other is his long-time friend
and Haruyukis rival, Ash Roller.
Of the six who have killed Roller and Utan countless times, five of them are unknown to Haruyuki, seeing
them from the first time. One of the six just moments ago dealt a killing blow to Ash.
This player was of medium height and slim build, and his two hands gave a feeling of large volume. His
armour was a dark green colour like tea. Named Olive Glove, Just a few days before, he and Bush
Utan had engaged Haruyuki in a Tag Team battle as medium-levelled members of the Green Legion. Of
course they also were familiar with Ash Roller, and probably friends as inferred from their speech.
Yet he, with no change of expression whatsoever, emotionlessly stabbed Ash through the chest. He had
attempted to erase Ash Roller from Accelerated World permanently by depleting all his Burst Points.
Gazing upwards at Haruyuki, expressions of surprise leaked out from the face masks of Olive Glove and
the five others. From their chests, a small, strange object shaped like an eyeball was equipped.
It is the darkness-filled body of the ISS Kit, which grants its users control over the Incarnate System to
gain offensive power beyond the system. In exchange, it amplifies the negative feelings of its wearer,
warping the personalities of the player before even logging into the game. It was likely, thus, that the six
who had attacked Ash Roller, Olives fellow senior legionnaire were under the Kits control, including Bush
But Haruyuki no longer cared about all this.
Ash Roller is a member of another legion, and it could be said that they are enemies. Even though his
Parent is Nega Nebulas sub-commander Sky Raker, in the real world he and Haruyuki have never met.
And yet
Ash had always been Haruyukis opponent; his first duel after becoming a Burst Linker, his first loss, and
also his first victory.
No matter what the situation was, Ash would always treat Brain Burst as a fighting game and play only for
the fun of it. At some unknown time, his passion had become Haruyukis emotional support in a significant
way. When Haruyuki had encountered adverse situations or was at a loss, Ash would always lead him

back to the path of the Burst Linker with his super-masculine fighting style and the bold exhaust sound of
his American bike. It was always so hot-blooded, so happy-go-lucky whenever they duelled.
But these six people instead depended on bullying the weak and the overwhelming superiority of
Incarnate attacks to incessantly slaughter Ash, leading Haruyuki to hold only hatred for them. Having
been restored to a dormant seed stage with great diofficulty, it was precisely those feelings of hatred and
wrath which revived the Disaster Armour, leading Haruyuki to the completely opposite side. It could be
said to be a huge contradiction, but Haruyuki is no longer aware of that.
Inky black sparks burst from from him hovering in midair. Haruyuki raised the sharp greatsword high into
the sky.
On the ground, Olive Glove and the five others, as though judging this action to be offensive, raised their
right hands perfectly in unison to aim at Haruyuki.
An identical layer of black Over-Ray1 reesembling viscous darkness enveloped six arms of different sizes
and shapes. The darkness rapidly increased in density, distorting the space all around, illustrating the
fearsome attack power accumulated within.
At the same time, a line of small English font appeared at high speed in the grey overlayer of Haruyukis
vision. Their meaning was
Semitransparent, pale red lines soundlessly emerged from the arms of the six on the ground towards him.
This is not the actual attack, but merely the attack trajectory calculated by the Armour with its vast
accumulation of battle experience being illustrated in Haruyukis vision.
These long range attacks were nothing special, being directly aimed at his chest. To dodge them would be
But Haruyuki didnt even move a millimetre, and merely tightened his right hands grip on the greatsword
ever so slightly. The black aura enveloping the blade immediately flickered violently. It closely resembled
its counterparts on the ground, but while their might be termed mucus, Haruyukis would be called
Flames: the fusion of highly refined killing intent with boundless rage absolute-zero 2 flames.
The six Burst Linkers on the ground momentarily clenched their fists before forcefully opening their fists,
their fists calling out the technique name in unison:
Dark Shot!

This is one of the two basic Incarnate attacks granted to users of the ISS Kit. Three days before, Bush
Utan had used it to rip through one of Silver Crows wings as though it was paper; now, six beams of
darkness gathered in a single breath to emit a beastly resonance as they flew together as one.
The power contained in this wave is enough to annihilate any other duel avatar in an instant. Haruyuki
however, was slow to move, only sweeping the greatsword Star Caster in hand only when the beams
began to converge on him.
The dark aura of the sword blazed ferociously, til the beams of Dark Shots did not even touch the swords
body. The clash between Incarnation attacks of the same attribute seemed to shatter space itself with
their collision; all six beams were deflected to Haruyukis lower right. The Demonic City stage, despite
being the hardest terrain amongst all stages, was deeply pierced in an explosion of black flames.
But Haruyuki didnt even bat an eyelid at the destruction below and merely growled softly:
In the end, its merely akin to a test of their Incarnate techniques before the actual battle. Even if it was
enough to technically cause the Overwrite phenomenon 3, the foundation was extremely lacking and its
efficacy was far from adequate. It was nothing in comparison to Takumus Lightning Dark Spike which
was augumented by the ISS Kit and experienced yesterday; this technique didnt even have any feeling
behind it.
The only thing within the hearts of Olive Glove and the others is Thirst. A thirst that knows only to seek
Burst Points from others to be satiated. To depend on other users of Acceleration to reduce the risk to
themselves. An ugly lust for victory.
It is these kind of people who sued such powers to murder Ash roller repeatedly. He as a reserved fighting
gamer had distanced himself from the Incarnate System, only wishing to strength the foundation of duel
opponents in the end. But these six had surrounded him, and executed Ash again and again.
No, not just him. Even Ashs companion Bush Utan, originally part of the six had been killed without a
second thought. The clearest proof was the two Grave Markers nestled together, close to the six of them.
Had they not met the group, Ash and Utan should have been at the Chiyoda Ward far, far, away in the
northeast, waiting for Haruyuki and the others

Today: 2047, 20th June, 7 PM. The six members of Nega Nebulas had carried out a battle to rescue
Haruyuki/Silver Crow and Shinomiya Utai/Ardor Maiden, trapped deep within the towering Imperial
Palace located within the Unlimited Neutral Field.

Haruyuki and Utai had attempted to enlist the help of the mysterious Burst Linker deep within the Imperial
Palace, Trilead Tetraoxide, to escape from the Palaces South Gate. Kuroyukihime, Fuuko, Takumu, and
Chiyuri then prepared to assist their escape at the same time by restricting the movement of the gates
guardian: Super-class Enemy Suzaku of the Four Gods.
In actual fact, Suzaku had appeared much earlier than they had expected, and prevented Haruyuki and
Utai from directly escaping. Just before Suzaku could vaporise them with a breath of ultra-hot flames,
Kuroyukihime and Fuuko had entered Suzakus boundary in a suicidal charge to draw its attention.
Naturally, it would lead to the Legion Master and Sub-Master dying deep within the Four Gods territory
aand falling into the Infinite EK state4, quite possibly the worst outcome of all. Haruyuki had thus
entrusted Utai, having fainted earlier, to Takumu and Chiyuri, before turning 180 degrees back to rescue
the two people whom he loved and respected.
Holding Kuroyukihime and Fuuko in each of his arms, he had taken their only remaining escape route
flying straight up and above. But Suzaku never stopped chasing him. When Haruyuki had exhausted the
energy source of his Aviation ability, his Special Gauge, he realised within him a new Incarnate techinique
found wihtin his heart: Light Speed, flying through the stratosphere and into the world of stars.
Without air in space, neither Haruyuki could fly nor Suzaku could move. But there was the booster-type
Enhanced Armament, Gale Thruster, which Fuuko possessed. Letting Kuroyukihime ride her back to
attack, and depending on the Black Kings incomparable Incarnation attack, Starburst Stream to hit
Suzaku. Despite being unable to finish Suzaku in one last attack due to the Four Gods connection and
its incredible healing powers, Haruyuki, Kuroyukihime, and Fuuko were still able to escape from Suzakus
territory alive.
The six of them had gathered to share their elation at the missions success, but failed to see Ash Roller,
who should also be there with them as previously arranged. Upon hearing that he hadnt appeared at the
meeting point, an indescribably ominous premonition surfaced in his heart, and he flew off alone to
investigate, culminating in this discovery No, he witnessed this scene.
In that instant, he saw Ash being murdered by Olive Glove.

Much as Ash belongs to the Green Legion, Great Wall, which shares a rivalry with Nega Nebulas, he still
chose to meet them in the Unlimited Neutral Field with all the dangers it entails, for the reason of being
unwilling to give up on his conviction and wish to learn the Incarnate System.
After the duel they had in the morning while going to school, Ash had told Haruyuki his plans. He didnt
want to learn the Incarnate System to wantonly battle in the Unlimited Neutral Field, but to strike Bush
Utan once and wake him up.

His unexpected failure to meet them at the appointed time and place was definitely due to a conincidental
meeting with Bush Utan in the regular duel field.
1. ^ Written as excess light. I know, the idea of black light, or anything that makes it sound unlike light, is
strange, but this is Accelverse.
2. ^ Absolute zero refers to the temperature of 0 Kelvin, or -273 degrees Celsius.
3. ^ Overwrite, as explained in more detail in Volume 3, is the process through which excessive signals
produced from the brain trick the system into rendering the players signals as in-game phenomena. Not
to be confused with Over-Ray, a concurrent phenomena in which the excess signals may be processed
by the system as free photons excess light, and thats why Over-Ray is written in kanji as excess light
but pronounced that way.
4. ^ Infinite Enemy Kill, a state where you continuously die at or near the spawn site of an Enemy which
you cannot defeat nor escape from, until you lose all Burst Points and Brain Burst uninstalls.

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