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Moody Innovation Challenge Pre-write

+ __________/ 400 Prewrite

+ __________/ 250 - 5 jpg slide show of the app interface including complete list of questions and
what the final assessment or results will look like.
Team Member 1: Mariana Ponce
Email using to submit this challenge:
Team Member 2: Albert Felix
Email using to submit this
Team Member 3: Freddie Kao
Email using to submit this challenge:
Submissions will take place online at
Submissions will consist of five parts as .
listed below:

Name your Innovation: Think on Your Feet

Name your Team: LES ELITES
1. The Pitch
Pitch us your solution to the challenge in 250 words or less. What is your solution?
Why did you choose it? How does it solve the challenge?
What are the benefits? Be clear, crisp and creative!
The problem with many consumers in the social media market are that a large market segment are teens
and young adults who are not familiar with understanding that what they post can potentially hurt their
chances for admittance into schools or going into a job that he or she has applied to. Psychologically
speaking, teens and young adults are often the most emotionally inflicted individuals that may not be
rationally thinking when they want to do an activity. From personal experience that young adults have doubt
or anger or even sadness in what they do. Whether it is a photo of a person being posted to facebook or that
subtweet, this application will target that problem and tell you why you shouldnt post that.

2. Identify Your Variables

Explain the variables (i.e., risky behaviors, social media venues, charity types or forms of fundraising) you are
considering as you create your solution. List as many different variables as you can, and why. (300 word limit)
Using this mobile and web based application customers benefit when they come up upon a problem in
which at the moment they are impaired to make the right decision. To be more explicit, we are talking about
when theyre angry or upset about something and they want to post something on their social media
accounts that can be a prime cyberbullying action. The application is to help you decide and further think
about posting that particular picture or tweeting that message out for everyone to see. However, it will also
allow the customer to gain further knowledge on how to avoid harassment on the web including sexual
harassment (Growing Dilemma) and becoming more aware of how to safely use social media. First, the
customer chooses a category, which consist of well known social media apps today. Then that category will
have a variety of scenarios in which the customer has the choice to swipe left for I will not take this action
or swipe right for I will take this action. What makes the swiping technique so unique is that the customer
will have a set time limit for each scenario meaning they will be forced to go with their first instincts and if
they do not swipe before the time is up, it decreases their overall score. Ultimately, the application gives the
customer a better perspective of what the right thing to do is and what they should not do in order to elude
potential cyberbullying or harassment.

Upset Sadness
Humiliation of someone
Self Downing

Select the top 5 variables you will consider and RANK THEM from most to least important. (5 moveable slots
most important (1 of 5) Rational decision making while responsibly using social media
most important (2 of 5) Emotional Appeal
most important (3 of 5) Interactive Visual Design
most important (4 of 5) Convenience of using Think on your Feet
most important (5 of 5) Real World Handling
Tell us why you chose those variables and how you decided on their rank (150 word limit). Why did you
choose each of the 5?
The reason why we have chosen the variables we are implementing is because we find that being
responsible builds who you are and that without personal responsibility, even on places such as twitter or
instagram, that those can reflect how you act and can have consequences. With an application thats very
interactive and convenient to use; the possibilities are endless and can ultimately change privacy and
behavior over social media.

3. Making Assessments:
What are the measures of success for your project? What is the scoring system? What information will a user
receive to figure out how they rank, or to make their decision? (300 word limit)

Making sure that "Think on your feet" works, we will put it out as beta, partnering with other social media
apps like twitter and instagram, we indirectly advertise through them and offer users to try it with a certain
promotion. The scoring system is based off of a regular testing rubric but with a more direct answer instead
of a grade. With every question the player gets wrong there will be another two sub-questions that are on the
same topic to help the player gain sufficient understanding on the topic they have chosen. If they get the
question right then it will bypass the two sub-questions and it will move to the next subject. The information
that a user will see is crucial to what is behind the situation, whether it is an emotional break or if it
something more serious, but nonetheless an answer to or not to post something on their social media
4. Market Opportunity
Why would a teenager benefit from this innovation? (market research/ statistics about teenagers) Why is risk
assessment (social media savvy quiz challenge-1)
Who else besides teenagers might benefit from this innovation (secondary market)? Be thoughtful, give census
/ statistical evidence. (250? word limit).

According to our research from the i-SAFE foundation, over 25% of adolescents and teens have
been bullied repeatedly through their cellular devices or the Internet. Of that percentage, 22% have
had someone try to purposefully embarrass them and have been called offensive names by
someone they know. A teenager can benefit from this by not going through the process of
harassment and develop stress. Our target market should use this product because in this
generation we are only the first to see harassment online and to grow up being around that;
however, being someone that posted something offensive is a problem as well. Many young adults
do not know that something that they have on their social media can affect their status of going to a
college or being employed. That is why growing adults are the primary market.
We range to more than young adults; however, we also target older parents and guardians as well.
Considering this application affects their children, it allows parents to show their children to be
responsible over the internet and what to do if they are being harassed or becoming the bully over
the internet.

According to Cyber bullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation:

More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. (more than half of adolescent and teens)
Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.

27% of internet users have been called offensive names

22% have had someone try to purposefully embarrass them
7% have been harassed for a sustained period

6% have been sexually harassed

Effects of Cyber Bullying: Bullying can affect everyonethose who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness
bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.


Heres your chance to really sell your idea! Pick three words that describe your product - what makes it special,
how it helps someone, or why its important.
5. Show It To The World: Heres your chance to show off your solution. Please upload up to 5
separate images, in order, that show exactly what the interface for your innovative solution
would look like (3 slides/6 wireframes)


You will be prompted to upload them online! JPG or GIF images are best, and should be less than 5 MB each).

Explain why you used this format, program and design. Why will this be better than other options you
considered? (150 words?)
We decided to use this format because we see that being in a timed situation that this format is most
comfortable to see and interpret the information given. Considering that there are games and other
applications for different uses that are similar to this format on the android and apple market, this format
would seem only useful.

According to Cyber bullying statistics from the i-SAFE foundation:

More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online. (more than half of adolescent and teens)
Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.

27% of internet users have been called offensive names

22% have had someone try to purposefully embarrass them
7% have been harassed for a sustained period

6% have been sexually harassed

Effects of Cyber Bullying: Bullying can affect everyonethose who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness
bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use, and suicide.

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