World Press Freedom Day

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World Press Freedom Day (3 May)

The General Assembly on 23 December 1993, declared third of May as World Press
Freedom Day. The idea of this action stemmed from the UNESCO General Conference, which, by a
1991 resolution on "Promotion of press freedom in the world", had recognized that a free, pluralistic
and independent press was an essential component of any democratic society.
3 May date commemorates the Windhoek Declaration, adopted on 3 May 1991, within the
Seminar on promoting independent and pluralistic African press, organized by UNESCO and the
UN in Windhoek, Namibia.
The topic of 2009, coordinated by UNESCO, highlights the potential of media to foster dialogue,
mutual understanding and reconciliation.
Worldwide, the day of 3 May helps to inform public opinion about violations of freedom of
expression, as well as to commemorate the courage and professionalism of journalists killed,
wounded and imprisoned, while exercising their profession.
Freedom of Press is a cornerstone of fundamental human rights and a guarantee for other
rights. It encourages transparency and good governance and strengthens the rule of law.
In Romania, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated for the 10th consecutive year. In 2000, within
the program Freedom of Expression FreeEx Romania, Media Monitoring Agency - AMP, in
collaboration with the Association for Protecting and Promoting Freedom of Expression (APPLE)
and the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ), started the celebration of media freedom and in
our country too.MFA: Recent abuses against the Romanian press in the Republic of Moldova show
how freedom of press is limited or nonexistent, even in our neighborhood.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs greets on this occasion in a statement, the fundamental contribution of
press has in supporting democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Romania and worldwide.
Recent abuses against the Romanian press by authorities from Moldova show, unfortunately even in
our neighborhood, how freedom of press is limited or nonexistent in many places in the world and
what negative consequences brought by this situation, said Cristian Diaconescu.
In this context MAE wants to remind to the opinion public in this context, Article 19 of the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, states that Everyone has the right of the freedom of
opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference, and
freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any means and regardless of
states borders.

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