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Type I
1. The following statements about cell as the basic unit of life are true, EXCEPT:
A. Each cell has the ability to reproduce throughout human life.
B. Each type of cell is specially adapted to perform one particular function
C. Organ is an aggregate of many different cells held together by intercellular supporting
D. Eliminating CO2 and other by products, wastes produced during chemical reactions, to
the surrounding of the cells
E. Utilizing nutrients (carbohydrate, fat, protein) and oxygen by way of performing various
chemical reactions to provide energy for the cells.
A; 0.66
2. The following statements about body fluid are true, EXCEPT:
A. 2/3 of the body fluid is inside the cells
B. About 56-60% of the adult human body is fluid
C. Interstitial fluid contains ions and nutrients needed by cells.
D. Blood vessel capillaries are the only site for the interstitial fluid to enter the circulation
E. Fluid exchange between intravascular compartment and interstitial space takes place by
way of diffusion through the capillary walls
D; 0.50

Interstitial fluid contains

A. Oxygen and carbondioxide
B. Waste products to be eliminated
C. Glucoce, fatty acids, amino acids and hormones
D. Sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium and bicarbonate ions
E. All of the above
E; 0.66

4. The following statement is true for homeostasis.

A. An active process; not the maintenance of an unchanging, or static, state
B. All the organs and tissues perform functions that help to maintain the constant conditions
C. The maintenance of the constancy of the components of the immediate environment of
the cell
D. The maintenance of dynamic steady state in the internal environment in the range the
physiological range
E. All of the above
E; 0.66

5. The following statements about nervous system are true, EXCEPT:

A. All of the sensory receptors are located on the surface of the body
B. The Central Nervous System consists of the brain, brain stem, and spinal cord
C. Sensory receptors detect the state of the body or the state of the surroundings
D. Brain stores information, generate thoughts, instinctual behaviors, determine reactions in
response to the sensations
E. The nervous system consists of the sensory input portion, the central nervous system
(integrative portion), and the motor output portion
A; 0.66
6. The body control system is carried out by way of
A. genetic control system
B. intrinsic control that operates within the organ to control functions of the individual parts
of the organ
C. intrasystem , that operates within the system to control functions of the individual organs
that compose the system
D. extrinsic control that operates throughout the entire body to control the interrelations
between the organs
E. all of the above
E; 0.66
7. The following intercellular communication is an intercellular communication where
chemical messenger move from cell to cell without entering ECF.
A. Neural
B. Paracrine
C. Autocrine
D. Endocrine
E. Gap junction
E; 0.66
8. The specificity of receptor of the target cells and the specificity of anatomical location are
the specific nature of communication in the following intercellular communication.
A. Neural communication
B. Paracrine communication
C. Autocrine communication
D. Endocrine communication
E. Gap junction communication
A; 0.50

A raise in blood pressure that will be returned back to its normal value is an example of
the following type of control system.
A. Local control system
B. Genetic control system
C. Intrinsic control system
D. Hormonal control system
E. Extrinsic control system
E; 0.66

10. Should the normal conditions of the interstitial fluid is well maintaned, cells survival

will be mantained. Why? (Answer: Cells survival depends on the homeostatic conditions)

11. Pathophysiologic condition will occur if the optimal homeostatic condition can not be
maintained. Why? (Answer: If the optimal homeostatic condition can not be maintained, the
optimal condition of the internal environmet can not be maintained)
U Mod Cell & Gen Homeo Intl 2008 MDW

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