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EDSCI 234 Study Guide

EDSCI 234 Introductory Applied Physics
Project Guide

The final project will connect all the things that you learned in this course.
We will look for applications of the knowledge on electronics and
environmental modeling in your role as a teacher.


At the end of this task, the student should be able to:
1. integrate the knowledge they learned from the course; and
2. design an experiment that will utilize microcontroller-based


1. Design an experiment that your students can perform in less than 1
a. The experiment should make use of the VISSER handheld and
sensors found in the VISSERX kit.
b. The experiment should be related to a topic covered in the K-12
curriculum, specifically grade 7-10.
2. Write the experiment manual with this format:
a. Short introduction and motivation
b. Materials needed
c. Procedure
d. Data Table
e. Guide questions
A sample experiment manual is provided.
3. Perform the experiment. Record the data. Take pictures of yourself
performing the experiment for documentation.
4. Submit the following on or before May 23, 2015 thru my email address
a. Experiment manual with answers in .doc or .docx format
b. Documentation of you performing the experiment also in .doc or
.docx format. Attach some photos and describe your experience.
Note how long you performed the experiment. This documentation
need not be formal. It should reflect your creative side.

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