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Explanations 1 ‘These verbs take an object, and the object (especially it and them) can be put Verbs with two between the verb and the preposition. Object phrases tend to be put after the parts: transitive preposition. The pronouns him, her, it, us, them are putafter the verb. Verbs and separable marked * have an intransitive form with a different meaning, We brought up this child. We brought her up. Call back and show around always put the object between the verb and the preposition. Other meanings of the verbs listed here are included in the activities. Bring up We brought up this child. (look after and educate) Carry out You haven’t carried out my instructions. (act upon) Call off We have decided to call off the match. (cancel) Clear up* Could you clear up your room please? (make tidy) The weather is clearing up”. (improve) Fillin* Can you fill in this form please? (complete) Our teacher was ill, so Mrs Frost filled in*. (take someone’s place) Find out I want to find out what happened. (learn about) Give away The millionaire gave all his money away. (make a gift of) Jillasked me not to give her secret away. (make something known) Give up* Dve decided to give up eating meat. (stop) After trying hard, George finally gave up. (stopped trying) Holdup Two masked men held up the bank. (rob) Knock out The blow on the head knocked me out. (make unconscious) Leave out Lalways leave out the difficult exercises. (not include) Look up* Thave to look this word up in my dictionary. (locate) Things are looking up*. (appear better) 2 Verbs with two parts: intransitive * Make up* I think you made this story up. The couple quarrelled but then made up. Pick up Pil_pick you up at six. Putaside Harry puts money aside every week for his holiday. Put off They put the meeting off until Thursday. The smell of fish put me off my tea. Purup If you come to Florence I can put you up. Show around Let me show you around the new building. Take over* ‘A German company took us over last year. If you are tired, I'll take over*. Take up Pve decided to take up tennis. ‘Tear up Wendy tore up Alan’s letters. Think over Please think over our offer. Try out Have you tried out the new computer? Turndown Paul was offered the job but he turned it down. Wear out All this work has worn me out. Work out This isa difficult problem. I can’t work it out. (invent) (become friends again) (collect) (save) (postpone) (discourage from) (provide accommodation) (givea guided tour) (buy acompany) (take someone’s place) (starta hobby) (tear into pieces) (consider) (use for the first time) (refuse an offer) (make tired) (find a solution) These verbs have no object. Verbs marked * have a transitive form with a different meaning. There are other meanings, not included here. Break down, The car broke down on the motorway. Break out The war broke out unexpectedly. Come out Her new book came out last week. Draw up* Suddenly an ambulance drew up outside, My lawyer is drawing up a contract for us*. (stop working) (begin suddenly) (be published) (come toa stop) (write a legal document) 1 Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same, using one of the verbs in the list in asuitable form. Use each verb once only. Fall out Charles and Diana have fallen out again. (quarrel) Getaway The bank robbers got away in a stolen van. (escape) Give in She pleaded with me, and I finally gave in. (yield) Gooff Everyone panicked when the bomb went off. __(explode) Look out Look out! There’s a car coming! (beware) Setin I think the rain has set in for the day. (begin as if to continue) Show off You always show off at parties. (behave to attract attention) Take off Your plane takes off at 6.00. (leave the ground) Turn up* Guess who turned up at our party? (arrive, often unexpectedly) Can you turn up the sound*? (increase) Wear off When the drug wears off you may feel pain. (fade away) Activities calloff drawup givein lookup putaside putup turndown turnup wear off work out a) Jack always arrives late for work. ends. alevays. turns. vp. latte. Fa neetkn. b) See if their number is in the phone directory. ©) P'msaving up to buy anew bike. 4) A large black limousine stopped outside the house. ¢) I’mafraid the match has been cancelled. £) The government refused to yield to the demands of the terrorists. g) We offered them £100,000 for the house but they refused our offer. 142 2 Put one word in each space. h) You can stay with us if you come to Cambridge. i) Ican’t calculate how much the whole trip will cost. j) After a few days the pain in Dave’s leg went away. . London? a) Why don’t you let me show you ...t@utd.. b) Janeis coming to pick us after work, ©) Have you found... hat time the train leaves? d) We had to wait for an hour before the plane too ¢) Harry was brought. .. by his grandparents. 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given, Do not change the word given, You must use between two and five words. f) A shelf fell on my head and knocked me .. g) Twas soangry when I saw the parking ticket that I tore it. h) A fire has broken in an office block in central London. i) Julian always talks loudly and shows ... j) Ifyou don’tlike this part you can leave it a) Ithinkit’s going to rainall day. in I think the ...xain.has, fer... b) [don’t know what to write on this form. in Idon’t know ©) I started doing this job when Janet left. over itp d) This story of yours isn’t true! up You... Thaven’t made a decision, but I’m considering it at the moment. over Thaven’t made a decision, but I’m... f) We believe that it was you who robbed the Post Office. ... the day. this form. .. when Janet left. ... story! © ... at the moment. up. We believe that .. the Post Office. 4 Put one suitable word in each space. 5 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase. g) Tina’s car stopped working on the way to Scotland, down Tina’s car... h) It would bea good idea to stop drinking coffee. up Itwould bea good idea... i) Ruth’s party has been postponed until next month. off Ruth’s party . j) Our company has just been bought by a multinational. over Our company .. on the way to Scotland. .» coffee. . next month, bya multinational. a) Inthe army, all orders have to be ...«aktri¢d...... out! b) Why don’tyou.... .. up golf? It’s a good pastime. ©) IfIwonalot of money, I would... .». some of it away. d) Let's ... out the new food processor. e) This room is amess. Why don’t you f) P've been walking all day. I feel g) Jocis very quarrelsome, he h) Where were you exactly when the bomb i) When does your new record... out? j) Canyou... for me while I go to the bank? out with everyone. off? a) Brian our dinner party wearing a pink bow tie. A)wore out 8)showed off c)turned up) tried out b) David’s wife is bound to...... the truth sooner or later. a)find out B)comeout c)makeup D)giveup ©) You don’t have to decide now, you can A)putitaside 3)callitoff C)tearitup D)think it over d) Pat was caught by the police, but Martin. A)gavein B)gaveup C)gotaway p)held up e) After the quarrel, we kissed and ... A)clearedup B)lookedup c)madeup D)put up f) Why exactly did war...... between the two countries? A)break out B)setin c)gooff p) call off g) After along day at work most people feel wn. A)brokendown B)wornout C)knocked out D) turned down h) I've just been offered a new job! Things are wan A)turningup 8)clearingup c)makingup D) looking up Inthe end ..... the form in disgust, and threw it away. a)filled in B) worked out C)toreup D) putoff Iwas interested in buying the car, buta friend ... A) putme off 3)turnedmedown C) showed mearound p) gaveme away i 6 Replace the word underlined with asuitable phrasal verb listed in this unit. 7 Choose the best meaning for the phrase underlined in each sentence. Other meanings for verbs listed in this unit are included (some with a change of category). a) Ithink that you invented this story. ..made..up. b) When do you think your book will be pi lished? c) Ithink that the weather is improving. d) Ican’t find an answer to this problem. ¢) Becareful! You're going to fall! f) P’mafraid William tends to stop trying. g) Ifyou wanta rest, I'll carry on for you. h) The plane is going to leave the ground. i) [think that Sue and Neil have quarrelled. j) Why do you have to make people admi a) Athalf past six, the alarm clock went off. .R.... A)exploded )rang C) disappeared b) Jimis very good at taking off his teacher. ‘A) flying with his teacher _ 8) getting rid o! C) imitating his teacher ©) Please give in your papers at the end of the lesson. |A) give them back 8) put them inside the desk c) accept whatever they say Please don’t bring up that subject again! ..... a) start shouting about it B)mentionit C) talk aboutit for hours on end ‘There is one small matter I would like to clear up. A) find an explanation for 3) make clean and tidy C) get rid of once and for all f) Shirley spends hours making up before she goes out. |) thinking of a good story 8) trying to get on better with her friends C) putting cosmetics on her face g) Jeanis really good at picking up languages. ‘)choosing languages _B) learning languages by being in a country ) learning languages by heart h) All my old clothes need taking up. A)takingto the cleaners B)tobe replaced c) to be made shorter i) The whole cost of the equipment works out at £450... A)comesto B)canbereduced toc) will involve an extra j) Jackie broke down and everyone felt sorry for her... ‘A) injured herself 8) caused anaccident _C) started c is teacher d €

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