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Chelsea Weber

Broadcast Briefs Assignment


Dogs are overpopulating shelters in states such as California, Georgia and South Carolina. As a
result, thousands of these dogs facing euthanasia are flown each year to areas with shortages of
adoptable pets. The Associated Press reports that volunteer pilots in the group Pilots N Paws
have flown more than 15 thousand dogs to new homes in the past two years. [:20]

PR Release:

Closing your eyes might increase your memory. According to a new study by the University of
Surrey, eyewitnesses to crimes have better recall accuracy when their eyes are closed. This study
consisted of 178 participants across two studies that tested memory for audio and visual details.
Researchers found that participants who closed their eyes answered 23 percent more questions
correctly. Participants who built a relationship with the researchers before closing their eyes
recalled even more. [:27]

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