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snakster, Mardoxx, T3T

Contributors: ianpatt, behippo, Kratos, psychosteve, MisterPete, GreatClone, g

ibbed, PurpleLunchBox, Verteiron, Gopher, Indie



Source code:

The following mods/utilities are required for SkyUI:
* The Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), version 1.6.16 or newer
1. Introduction
2. Changelog
3. Installation
4. Uninstallation
5. Troubleshooting
6. Mod Author Guide
7. Credits & Acknowledgements
8. Contact
9. Permissions


1. Introduction
SkyUI is a mod that aims to improve Skyrim's User Interface by making it easier
to use with mouse and keyboard,
less wasteful of available screen space, and nicer to look at.
We do all that while keeping true to the style of the original UI, so new and ol
d components are integrated seamlessly.
It is not our goal to re-create the complete interface from scratch.
Instead we try to identify and change areas that need improvement, while leaving
the things that are already good alone.
Further general objectives and design concepts are:
* Finding a good balance between 'dumbed down' and 'information overkill'.
* Easy installation and setup.
* Blending features in as well as possible - players shouldn't feel reminded tha
t they're using a mod.
* Support for user customization.
Since improving the whole UI is a big undertaking, we only release single menus
at a time as progress is made.
The first menu we addressed was the Inventory. In version 2.0, we included new B
arter, Container and Magic menus.
Version 3.0 introduced an in-game configuration menu for mods. The most recent a
ddition was the Favorites menu in version 4.0.
For a more detailed description, please see our mod description on Skyrim Nexus.
2. Changelog
- Updated SKSE version requirement to 1.6.16.
- Included ammo in Gear category.
- Transforming into a Vampire Lord no longer resets group data.
- Changing the load order index of a mod no longer removes its items from any gr
- Fixed issues when equipping a two-handed that's already equipped via Group Use
- Fixed issue with 'Unequip Armor' flag, which would incorrectly unequip an armo
r piece if it's already worn.
- Fixed Group Use crashes with 2 identical weapons.
- Enabled group hotkey rebinding for gamepads.

- Updated SKSE version requirement to 1.6.15.
- Enabled nested translations for option and value text (uses the same format as
- Added OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN to hide an option.
- Added OPTION_FLAG_WITH_UNMAP. When set for keymap options, it enables an unmap
button that'll send keycode -1.
- Improved menu registration process to avoid missing menus on the first save lo
ad. For real this time.
- Enabled basic HTML formatting for option label text. Example: "<font color='#F
- Fixed an issue with gamepad/keyboard navigation where the wrong entry was sele
cted when scrolling.
- Fixed issue where search widget wasn't being completely disabled when hidden.
- With SKSE 1.6.15, inactive effects are now filtered out.
- Added a configurable minimum time left to hide long lasting effects like bless
ings until they are about to expire.
- Initial release
- Fixed issue that could prevent certain MCM mods from registering correctly (i.
e. Wet and Cold).
- Reverted batch load size to default to avoid delays with lots of saves.
- Fixed map.swf filename in conflict warning message.
- Fixed "Disable positioning" option.
- Reverted menu registration code back to 3.1 until I have more time to resolve
all issues with the new method.
- Fixed bug that kept health bar permanently visible (or hidden).
- Updated SKSE version requirement to 1.6.9.
- Inventory and magic menus now remember and restore last selected column and so
rting state.
- Added emblem to indicate read books/scrolls.

- Fixed several Dragonborn icons.

- Improved visbility of equip icons.
- Fixed an issue in the NMM installer that could cause a crash when trying to fo
rce the installation.
- Fixed issue where closing a menu before any checks are able to complete would
cause false error messages to appear.
- Optimized memory usage of config menu buffers.
- Increased config timeout delay from 1 to 3 seconds.
- Added error message to detect invalid Papyrus .ini settings.
- Updated quest_journal.swf to support legendary difficulty that has been added
in Skyrim 1.9.
- Added a repair console command that forces all menus to re-register: setStage
SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1
- Improved SetInfoText to support nested translation strings. See MCM API refere
nce for details.
- Added an new method to organize options as states. Fully backward compatible.
See state MCM state option guide for details.
- Fixed issue where it would take several reloads until all menus registered suc
cessfully when running a lot of mods.
- Initial release
- Initial release
- Initial release
- Added MCM option to select the category icon theme. Includes all themes from v
ersion 2.2 (Celtic, Curved, Straight).
- Added MCM options to configure some gamepad mappings manually. This should res
olve conflicts with custom controlmaps.
- Added MCM option to disable icon colors.
- Added NMM installer script that detects/reports the most common installation p
- Added runtime check for missing SKSE scripts.
- Updated SKSE version requirement to 1.6.6. Fixes the non-functional localizati
- Fixed leather strips type identifier.
- Fixed minor mistakes in the config.
- Fixed issues with PropertyDataExtender to allow custom config.txt overrides.
- Fixed MCM logo hat madness.
- Made some error messages clearer.
- Added more columns to item lists and a drop-down menu to show/hide them.
- Added a new icon theme by Psychosteve (support for the old themes had to be dr
opped because they are no longer maintained).
- Added type column to group items of the same category into sub-types.
- Added dynamic icon coloring.

- Added option to configure the minimum stack size that triggers the quantity se
lect dialog.
- Added dynamic icon art to bottom bar so it matches the current control mapping
- Replaced NMM installer with an in-game configuration menu.
- Replaced old error messages with regular message boxes and added more safety c
hecks for outdated SkyUI components.
- Fixed various minor issues and improved performance.
- Consolidated package format to BSA+ESP.
- Added support for GiftMenu.
- Improved input scheme for mouse and keyboard (no more R to Take All and Store,
mouse click for Give/Take etc.).
- Added carry weight display to bottom bar.
- Fixed locked words being shown as unlocked if one word is known.
- Fixed an issue that could cause crashes for spells with missing effect data.
- Initial release. Mod authors, see fo
r documentation.
- Added compatiblity for the Skyrim version 1.4.21.
- Added multi-language support for Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Poli
sh, Russian and Spanish.
- Added several options to the installer (font size, separate V/W column, specia
l resolution).
- Added a BAIN Conversion File (BCF) including an installation wizard for better
Wyre Bash support. Thanks to Lojack!
- Fixed a bug where selling/dropping/storing stacked items could cause the selec
ted entry to jump to the bottom of the list.
- The last selected category, entry and scroll position are now saved and restor
ed when re-opening the inventory/magic menu.
- Sorting parameters are now preserved if possible when switching through catego
- Improved the SKSE version check so it will also display a warning when using o
utdated versions.
- Most features of our SKSE plugins have been reworked and are now integrated in
SKSE itself.
- Various other tweaks and minor fixes.
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause crashes after recharging an item.
- Fixed skill level sorting.
- Added 'Favorite' as a sort option.
- Fixed stealing text for Russian game version.
- Fixed overlapping of to steal/to place text for large itemcards.

- Fixed enchantment mini-icon so it's no longer displayed for enchanted weapons
- Fixed missing sort options for name field in the favorites category.
- Fixed backspace cancelling the search.
- Fixed searching for non-English languages (i.e. Russian).
- Improved sorting system. Null/invalid values are now always at the bottom.
- Empty categories are greyed out and no longer selectable by mouse or during ke
yboard/controller navigation.
- Included a bundled version of Gibbed's Container Categorization SKSE plugin. T
hanks for giving us permission to use it!
- Initial release
- Initial release
- Initial release
- Updated Gibbed's interface extensions plugin to support the latest Skyrim vers
- Improved support for XBOX360 controller: LB/RB can now be used to change the a
ctive column; Left Stick changes the sorting order.
- Made SKSE warning message less intrusive; it's only shown once after each game
restart now.
- Fixed LT/RT equip bug with XBOX360 controller.
- Fixed bug where 3D model/item card would not update in certain situations (dro
pping an item, charging an item, etc.).
- Removed custom fontconfig.txt to avoid font problems with other font mods, or
with the Russian version of the game.
- Optimized column layout so it only shows states and information that make sens
e for the active category.
- Updated T3T's straight icon theme to include new inventory icons.
- Updated GreatClone's icon theme to the latest version. Now includes inventory
icons as well, and category icons have been improved.
- Fixed wrong inventory icon for spell tomes.
- Various minor tweaks and fixes.
- Initial release
3. Installation

If you were using SkyUI 2.2 or older,
you MUST remove it before installing the new version.
See section 4 for instructions.
-----------------------------------------------------------There are several ways to install SkyUI:
- Subscribe to SkyUI on Steam Workshop.
- Let the Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) download and install the archive for you.
- Download the archive manually and install it with NMM.
- Download and install the archive manually.
Pick the method you prefer.
-----------------------------------------------------------a) Subscribe on Steam Workshop
-----------------------------------------------------------1. Go to and click su
2. The next time you start the Skyrim Launcher, SkyUI will be downloaded and ins
talled automatically.
-----------------------------------------------------------b) Automated Download with NMM

Click the 'Download with manager' button on top of the file.

SkyUI will appear in in NMM's Mods list once it's downloaded. Double-cli
ck the SkyUI entry to activate it.
-----------------------------------------------------------c) Manual Download with NMM

Start NMM and click on 'Mods'.

In the left icon bar, click on 'Add Mod From File' and select the downlo
aded archive file.

SkyUI will now appear in the list. Double-click the entry to activate it

-----------------------------------------------------------d) Manual Installation

Locate the 'Data/' folder in your Skyrim installation directory.

Typically it's found at 'Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Dat


Extract the contents of the downloaded archive file to the 'Data/' folde


In the Skyrim Launcher, select 'Data Files' and enable 'SkyUI.esp'.

4. Uninstallation
The uninstallation method depends on which SkyUI version you were using before a
nd how you installed it.
Any SkyUI version older than 3.0 (this includes alpha builds) has to be removed
before upgrading.
For details, see the following instructions that match your current SkyUI versio
n/installation method.
-----------------------------------------------------------NMM installation / Any SkyUI version
-----------------------------------------------------------In NMM's mod list, search for the SkyUI entry and deactivate the mod.
-----------------------------------------------------------Steam workshop / Any SkyUI version
-----------------------------------------------------------Unsubscribe from the mod and deactivate it in Skyrim Launcher (if you haven't al
There, you can also completely remove it by highlighting it and pressing 'Delete
-----------------------------------------------------------Manual installation / SkyUI 2.2 or older
-----------------------------------------------------------If you installed the SkyUI files manually, then you also have to remove them man
So view the contents of the SkyUI archive you are using, locate each file at its
install location and remove it.
To revert your interface folder to its original state, you can delete the 'Inter
face/' directory from Skyrim's 'Data/' folder
and then use Steam to restore any original files you removed in the process by f
ollowing these steps:
(Backup your interface folder before deleting it in case anything goes wrong)
1. Locate Skyrim in Steam's game library.
2. Open the properties dialog and select the 'Local files' tab.
3. Verify integrity of game cache.
Be aware, that this will break any other mods that installed files to the interf
ace folder. You will have to re-install them.
-----------------------------------------------------------Manual installation / SkyUI 3.0 and newer

Locate the 'Data/' folder in your Skyrim installation directory.

It's typically found at 'Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Dat


Delete 'SkyUI.esp' and 'SkyUI.bsa' from the data folder.

-----------------------------------------------------------SkyUI 3.0 alpha versions

-----------------------------------------------------------Before removing any files, it is recommended to make a 'clean' save game with Sk
yUI deactivated.

Start the Skyrim Launcher and select 'Data Files'.


Search 'SkyUI.esp' and uncheck it.

(If you don't have this file, there's no need for a clean save anyway an
d you can skip it)

In-game, load your latest save, then save the game again.


This new save game is now cleaned of SkyUI data.

You can now proceed to uninstall the files.

The 3.0 alpha packages contained loose script files required by mod authors to c
reate configuration menus.
Make absolutely sure to remove these files, because they will override any newer
scripts in SkyUI.bsa.

Locate the 'Scripts/' folder in your Skyrim data directory.

It's typically found at 'Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/Dat

Delete any script files (.pex) that start with SKI_, for example
SKI_ConfigBase.pex, SKI_Main.pex, etc.


Delete 'SkyUI.esp' and 'SkyUI.bsa' from the data folder if present.

5. Troubleshooting
-----------------------------------------------------------Problem: There's an error message, reporting "SKYUI ERROR CODE X"...
See for potential problem
s and their solutions.
-----------------------------------------------------------Problem: There are dollar signs ($) in front of all words in the main menu (and
in lots of other places, too)!
This happens if you accidently removed 'Data/Interface/Translate_<language>.txt'
To restore it, use Steam to verify the integrity of Skyrim's game-cache
(Steam -> Library -> Properties of Skyrim -> Local files tab -> Verify integrity

of game cache).
-----------------------------------------------------------Problem: There are mods missing from my MCM list. Is there anything I can do abo
ut it?
Before starting to reinstall mods, you can try to run a repair script we added i
n SkyUI 3.2.
To do this, open the console and enter "setStage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1" (w
ithout the quotes).
If your problem wasn't listed here, ask for help in the Nexus comments.
6. Mod Author Guide
Since version 3.0, SkyUI provides a Mod Configuration Menu framework that can be
utilized by other mods.
If you're a mod author interested in using it, have a look at the documentation:
7. Credits & Acknowledgements
Besides the SkyUI team itself, there are other people as well who helped signifi
cantly to make this mod a reality.
In the following they are listed by name, including a list of their contribution
Was a core member of the SkyUI team until version 2.1 and as such contri
buted significantly to the project in various areas.
Added lots of new functions to the Skyrim Script Extender, that greatly
helped us during development and enabled new features that
would otherwise be impossible.
Helped improving/advancing the interface extensions plugin by decoding t
he game classes and giving us access to them through SKSE.
Created the 'gibbed interface extensions' SKSE plugin, which makes more
game data available for display in the inventory.
Also allowed us to bundle his container categorization plugin. As of ver
sion 2.1, both these plugins have been included in SKSE

Created our trailer and helps with QA and user support.
Created an amazing set of alternative category icons.
Did most of the work on the NMM installer, created an installation tutor
ial video and promoted SkyUI on his YouTube channel.
Created a BCF (including an installation wizard) for SkyUI to improve th
e installation experience for Wyre Bash users.
Also added an auto-conversion feature to Wyre Bash itself so this BCF is
automatically applied.
Provided configs for very high resolutions used with multi-monitor setup
His mock-up inspired the overall layout of the new inventory.
Implemented new column types for improved sorting.
Created our new primary icon theme for version 3.0.
He also created the Active Effect icons that have been added in version
The creator of MCM for Fallout: New Vegas. Allowed us to use his origina
l logo.
SkyUI is utilizing TweenLite, a high-performance tweening library (
Thanks to Jack Doyle and his team for creating it and allowing us to use
it under their No Charge license.
Thanks to all the testers, who helped a great deal with improving the overall qu
ality of this mod:
ToJKa, HellKnight, xporc, MadCat221, Ismelda, Gribbles, freesta, Cartrod
us, TheCastle,
NewRaven, T-qb, V4N0, Noritep, claudekennilol, dj2005, llfbandit, webrun
ner, 352, Erelde, tejon, Sagittarius22
(in random order)
Thanks to all translators who helped localizing SkyUI to different languages, am
ong them being:
Sagittarius22, LLFBandit, xporc (French)
xlwarrior, aloot (Spanish)
Starfis (Czech)
Rhaegal, aloot (Italian)
patryk110 (Polish)
vova2112 (Russian)
Last but not least, thanks to the whole SKSE team, because without their Script
Extender creating this mod wouldn't have been possible.

8. Contact
For direct contact, send a PM to schlangster at
If you need help, please leave a comment on our Nexus page instead of contacting
me directly.
9. Permissions
Some assets in SkyUI belong to other authors.
You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their ass
You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites unless given permission b
y me to do so.
You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games.
You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files for bu
g fixes and improvements.
You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets
in this file.

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