Week 3

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Ed 4760

Week 3: Learning and

Technology Policy

Learning and Technology

Framework, What is it?

framework is a roadmapa set of

principles, policy directions, outcomes and
actions that are intended to guide
government and school authorities in
visioning, planning and decision-making
related to technology (pg.11)
A guide to help the govt and schools
achieve the vision of Inspiring Education
through innovative and effective use of
technology (pg. 11) .

Key Elements

of Inspiring Education = longterm outcome for the framework

Learning principles
5 policy directions with descriptions,
research, outcomes and actions

Inspiring Education Vision


by the 3 Es of education

Engaged Thinker- Collaborate to create

new knowledge
Ethical Citizen- Do the right thing because
it is right
Entrepreneurial Spirit- Create new

Learning Principles



Flexible Approach
Sustainable and
Efficient Use of
Innovation to
Promote and
Strive for

Responsibility and
Equitable Access

5 Policies from the Framework


Student-Centered Learning
2. Research and Innovation
3. Professional Learning
4. Leadership
5. Access, Infrastructure and Digital
Learning Environments

Framework Policies

1. Student-Centered Learning

Technology is used to support student-centered,

personalized, authentic learning for all students
(pg 16).

2. Research and Innovation

Teachers, administrators and other

education professionals read, review,
participate in, share and apply research and
evidence-based practices to sustain and
advance innovation in education (pg 16).

Framework Policies

Professional Learning
Teachers, administrators and other
education professionals develop, maintain
and apply the knowledge, skills and
attributes that enable them to use
technology effectively, efficiently and
innovatively in support of learning and
teaching(pg 16).

Framework Policies

Education leaders establish policy and
governance structures, cultivate
innovation and build capacity within the
system to leverage technology in support
of student-centered learning and system
efficiencies (pg 16).

Framework Policies

Access, Infrastructure and Digital

Learning Environments

All students, teachers, administrators and

other education professionals have access
to appropriate devices, reliable
infrastructure , high-speed networks and
digital learning environments (pg 16).

Biggest Challenge for Me to


The biggest challenge for me is going to

be understanding the technologies to the
point of being able to effectively teach
students how to use them without
sacrificing time teaching the outcomes. I
understand basic technological
applications, but it will require time and
effort to learn how to effectively use
technologies myself, and then teach the
outcomes using them.

Biggest Challenge For

Education System?
To me I would think the biggest challenge would be
to keep all of the teachers up to par with the newest
technologies and effective ways to use it in teaching.
Every teacher has a different level of understanding
and different experiences with technology. Many
teachers are not on board with using technology, and
many would be but they really dont know how to use
it. Another part to this challenge is the fact that often
times the devices dont work properly and waste a lot
of time. This also deters teachers from wanting to
learn how to use technology in their classrooms.



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