I Stem Lesson Plan: Title: Our 4 of July - : Time Frame: Standards

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Title: Our 4th of July ___

Time Frame:
20 minutes
Grade Level(s):

CCRA.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital
media and visual displays of data to express
information and enhance understanding of
SL.K.5 Add drawings or other visual
displays to descriptions as desired to provide
additional detail.

After the lesson, students will be able to identify and name a flag and its colors.
Background Information:
For the background information students will be asked to describe a holiday with help
from me and I will describe for them a holiday. Students will be introduced to the idea of a
flag and name the different colors it can have.
Video, wood sticks, paper for flags, glue, colored rice.
At the beginning of the class, the class will be asked to describe for me a holiday.
This will be a chance for students to participate and share their ideas. Following, I will
describe for them what a holiday is like and what happens during a holiday.
After the introduction of the background information and the sharing of ideas, students
will watch a 5 minutes video which gives an explanation of how the Fourth of July is
celebrated like and why it is important.
Once the students are done watching the video, they will be asked to come to their group
table and talk with their teacher about their understanding of a holiday. This should take
less than 3 minutes.
After sharing, students will be given the material and the instructions (modeling) on how
to create a paper flag with colored rice, distinctive of the American Flag.
Strategies or Activities for Differentiating Instruction:
For this lesson plan UD (Universal Design) will be implemented. The video shown will be
a replacement of a reading assignment in order to meet the special instruction for a student
with mild LD.
Students will share in a small group in order to use more of an oral assessment; this
activity will be replacing a worksheet.
The hands on activity will be in order to grab their attention, favor kinesthetic learners, and


Title: Our 4th of July ___
meet the instruction of our student with mild LD.
Formative Assessment:
Students will be able to demonstrate their formative assessment during the small group
share time. By exchanging information and agreeing on conclusions, students will be able
to identify and understand a holiday of a culture.
Summative Assessment:
By the end of the class, students should be able to understand the meaning of a holiday and
a flag.
How did we make it? What is a flag? Why is it important for us?
Reference and Resources:
Video, wood sticks, paper for flags, glue, colored rice.
By: Martha Bernabe

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