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University of Kansas Department of Special Education 1

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title
Subject Area
Lesson Title
Length of Lesson
Audience Description

IEP Goals (where


Food and Cooking Studies Unit
Vocational Studies/ Health
How to choose a recipe
45 minutes
Number of students: 5 students
Race: White and African American
English Language Proficiency: yes
Gender: Male and Female
Exceptionalities: ASD, CP, OHI, ID
Cultural Considerations: None
Other information: Students have weak fine motor skills so too much writing makes their hands
None explicitly apply here.
Students will learn how to compare and contrast recipes using three areas of reflection and three
recipes in order to make an informed decision on whether or not to choose to cook the food.

Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text
as the basis for the answers.
Assessment (formative
and/or summative)

Formative assessment will be used. Students will demonstrate their understanding of

the process of how to choose a recipe based on the comparing and contrasting of three

recipes by choosing the recipe, i.e. circling or marking, which recipe our class should
choose to cook for our weekly project. (The one that is marked yes in all three areas.)
Resources (texts,
technology, materials,
Incorporation of other
subject areas

Recipe comparing chart, three recipes, pencils, chalk and chalk board (possibly)
Reading, critical thinking

(anticipatory set,
thinking device, advance
organizer, lesson

# of minutes: 2 minutes
Teacher will ask: How many of you eat? (We all do!)
What kinds of food should we being eating each day? (Several kinds of fruits, grains,
vegetables, protein and dairy foods.)
Teacher will explain, Today we are going to learn about planning a healthy good tasting meal!

UDL Engagement:
For purposeful, motivated learners, stimulate
interest and motivation for learning.
Lesson activities
(content, methods,
procedures, formative

All our students love food and one in
particular wants to be a chief in the future
# of minute: 40 minutes

Teacher will explain, When we plan a meal we think about several things. We think about,
first, if we like the food! Then, we think about if we have or can get what we need to make the

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 3

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
food. And, we think about how hard it is to make the food. If we dont like the food, we cant
get the ingredients, and it is too hard to make, then we shouldnt make it.
Teacher will pass out three recipes and a chart as shown below for each student to work
together to complete comparing and contrasting three different recipes for foods that our class
could use for the weeks cooking project.

Do I like the food?

Do I have
everything that is
required to make
this recipe or can I
get it at the local
grocery store?
Can I make the

Recipe #1


Recipe #2


Recipe #3








Taking volunteers to read, the class will read through each recipe together. After each recipe,
students will mark their charts accordingly, independently before moving on to the next recipe.
Working together to understand each question and what is meant by each question, teacher
will ask the class, Raise your hand if you think the food in recipe #1 sounds like something
you would like to eat. If you hand is up circle yes, If you hand is down circle no and so on
for each question and each recipe.



UDL representation:
The chart and three different recipes

The chart clearly reminds the students what

the three areas of a successful recipe for
our class would be

UDL engagement:
Working independently as well as working
as a whole group students will compare and
contrast three food recipes

We will read through the recipes one at a

time taking turns to read. Students will then
be instructed to make their charts
accordingly. This is because some of our
students are better readers than others.
Also, a few of our students have short
attention spans. This will help them to stay
focused and to successfully complete the

UDL action & expression:

Students will use their charts to choose
which recipe our class should choose for our
weekly project

A few of our students struggle with writing.

This chart will allow all students the same
opportunity to express the same basic
# of minutes: 3 minutes

Students will be reminded of the three basic areas in which to choose a recipe.

University of Kansas Department of Special Education 5

SPED 775 Lesson Plan Template
To assess students understanding of the recipes and the choosing of a recipe, students will
then, based on their understanding of what they have learned from the chart and recipe
research, be asked to choose, by circling, which recipe option our class should cook/make as our
healthy food/snack.
Students will announce which recipe would be the best recipe for our class weekly project.

UDL principle & description (at least 1):

Learners are critically reflecting on what and how they learned.

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