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1. Write the correct word according to the image, the first letter
is given.

G_ _ _ _ _

B_ _ _ _ _ _ _

S_ _ _ _ M_ _ _ _ _



M_ _ _ _ _

H_ _ _ _ _ _ _

B_ _ S_ _ _

C_ _ _ _ _ _ _

R_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

P_ _ _

S_ _ _ _ _


B_ _ _ _ _

C_ _ _ _ _

Places by Grettel Mariana Sangabriel Garca is licensed under a Creative Commons ReconocimientoNoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.

2. Complete the next cross word according the description

2. A place where people who are very ill or injured are treated by doctors and
4. A place where collections of things of artistic, scientific or historic interest are
set out for display.
5. A building in which films/movies are shown.
8. A building in which the members of a fire department and the equipment used to
put out fires are located.
10. A building that is used for Christian religious services.

1. A building where cars are repaired.
3. A shop that sells meat.
6. A place where money is lent or exchanged, or put for safety.
7. A place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and musical
recordings) are available for people to use or borrow.
9. A place for teaching especially children.

Places by Grettel Mariana Sangabriel Garca is licensed under a Creative Commons ReconocimientoNoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.

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