Alejandra González Vela

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Unusual courtship.

This is a story told by my grandmother, Teresita Aurora Chavez Castillo, this

history dates back around the year 1959. In the village of San Agustin, in the state
of Hidalgo.
I must admit that before your grandfather had many boyfriends, but the weirdest
relationship I was many years ago, when I lived in San Augustine (Pachuca) in the
ice cream parlor called "The Emporium", the owner had three sons and a woman.
My two sisters and I were girlfriends of these boys.
When we became brides of them, the first thing we did was go with my mom to tell
her about our new relationship. No walk with them because his grandmother died
my mom crazy-.dijo after a moment surprised by our engagement with the children
of the owner of "Emporio".
Years passed, we ended with them and we moved to Mexico City to attend college
and pursue my career as an educator.
When I got married I found out that my ex-boyfriend's sister had gone mad, and
had been sent to a psychiatric hospital.
In the Easter holidays as every year, we went into town, and I met the owner of
"Emporio" and told me that the guy who was my boyfriend, had also gone crazy
like her sister.
No walk with them because his grandmother died local. I remembered the words of
my mother, so I went with her to tell him what I had learned.
He's said. My mom said interrupting everything I said. After that your aunts and I
remember this as something funny, because my mom always we repeated it, and
never heard, only until they find what they so constantly repeated to us, and from
there realized that moms know why they tell us things.

Alejandra Gonzlez Vela and Teresita Chavez Castillo.

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