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Juno, outraged that Latinus has received Aeneas so warmly

as well as given his daughter Lavinia to him in marriage,

summons the fury Allecto.
Haec ubi dicta dedit, terras horrenda petivit;
luctificam Allecto dirarum ab sede dearum
infernisque ciet tenebris, cui tristia bella
iraeque insidiaeque et crimina noxia cordi.
odit et ipse pater Pluton, odere sorores
Tartareae monstrum: tot sese vertit in ora,
tam saevae facies, tot pullulat atra colubris.
Virgil, Aeneid VII.23-29
cieo, ciere, civi, citum stir, summon, call
colubra, -ae (female) serpent, snake
luctificus a um baleful, doleful
pullulo, pullulare, pullulavi, pullulatus sprout, shoot, come forth

(a) Which noun does luctificam describe?

(b) Account for the tense of ciet.
(c) Explain the use of odere.
(d) What is the number of facies?
(e) Explain the case of colubris.
(f) Translate the passage into clear English.


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