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Administer , , ,
As a president, I helped the principal administer the school.

I am good at analyzing the situation.

Assign , ,
During the Work and Travel program last year, I was assigned to
supervise my friends.

Attain , , ,
I have attained the highest grade in the Biology exams.

Coordinate ,
I coordinated the school activity.

Develop , ,
I want to develop my country?s economy.

Improve ,
I still have one more semester; I will improve my grade to meet the
school requirements.

Increase , ,
Due to the increasing of the unemployment rate, better education is not
the only solution.

Organize , ,
My student committee organized a meeting between the teachers and

I have an ability to prioritize work.

Arrange , ,
Last year I arranged an informal visit to the Ministry of Commerce

Author , ,
I always wanted to be somebody so someone could author my biography.
Correspond , ,
Your curriculum exactly corresponds with my study plan.

Edit , , , ,
As a president of the school newspaper club, one of my duties was to edit
the school newspaper.

Influence ,
Influenced by Mozart, I produced this piece.

Interpret , , ,
I interpreted the quantum physics textbook to my classmate.

Mediate , ,
In many students? fights, I was appointed to mediate the arguments.

Motivate , , ,
My action was motivated by a desire to make a better community.

Negotiate ,
I have good negotiating skills.

Persuade , , ,
Nothing could persuade me to change my mind.

Classify , , ,
No matter what they say about his work, I classify his music as rock.

Collect , , ,
We were collecting money for the homeless.

Dispatch , , , , ,
I resigned from being a messenger because sometimes I got a call to
dispatch the parcel during my class.

Execute , , ,
I carefully execute the plan.
Inspect , ,
I want to learn how to inspect counterfeit bank notes.

Operate ,
My final project is making a wireless router that can operate underwater.

Prepare , ,
I prepared well for exams.
Process ,
I would like to have this film processed.
Screen , , , ,
I want to join the movie committee to help screening kids? movies.

Specify , ,
I can specify the cause of the problem.

Clarify ,
Allow me to clarify my statement.
Critique ,
I critiqued their paintings.
Diagnose , ,
More than 30,000 women are diagnosed with skin cancer every year.

Extract , , ,
The following table is extracted from my report.

Identify , ,
Because of my personality, my classmates identified me as a happy nerd.

After I interviewed your alumni for my school presentation, I knew that I
had to further my study here.

Investigate , , ,
The course syllabus of Bioethics101 said that the student will investigate
the use of the cloning technology.
Review ,
My book has been published for more than 500,000 copies. I also
reviewed others? books.

Summarize , ,
I summarized the lectures.
Survey ,
I believe in surveying the problem in wide perspective.

Assemble , , ,
I love building furniture. I assembled every bookcase myself.

Calculate , ,
After calculating the living expenses, I am going to ap ply for a loan.

Design , ,
I had designed the future eco-house.

Engineer , , ,
I want to engineer a unique ride for the theme parks.

Fabricate , , ,
I confirm that the information was not fabricated.

Maintain , , , ,
I believe I can maintain good grades while playing sports for the college.

Program ,
I have programmed for 5 years.
Remodel , ,
I noticed that the library has been remodeled.

Solve , , ,
Solving Sudoku puzzles is my favorite hobby.

Train , , ,
I trained three times a week.


Adapt , , ,
The college?s motto can be adapted for everyday use.

Advise , ,
While I was a university student, I usually advised high school students.

Coach , ,
I coached the freshmen in French.

Communicate , , , ,
I can communicate in Japanese, Spanish and Arabic.

Enable , , , ,
This scholarship will enable me to study abroad.

Encourage , , ,
My family encourages me in my studies.

Guide , , ,
My life was guided by the family tradition.

Initiate , , , , ,
I was initiated into the art of video games by my brother at the age of ten.

Instruct , , ,
I was in the school library club instructing people the use of computer

Set goals
I have already set my goal since I was 15.

Allocate , ,
The school allocates funds to improve the gym.

Appraise , , ,
Teachers are asked to appraise their own performance after each cla ss.

As a treasurer, I audited the account of the class.

Balance ,
I will change my lifestyle so the expenses could balance my budget.

Budget ,
My scholarship came from the fund that has been budgeted from the
school committee.

Forecast , , ,
The popularity of this major is forecast to increase.

Market , , ,
Their products are very cleverly marketed.

Plan , , ,
I am planning to visit my sister in Egypt next year.

Project , , , ,
Government spending is projected to rise by 10% in 2 years.

Research , , ,
Last year I was here researching my new novel.

Act , ,
?Don?t act without thinking? is my motto.

Create , ,
I created the main characters based on my family.

Direct , ,
I directed the school plays.

Establish , , ,
I established the charity club with my best friends.

Found , , ,
My school was founded in 1955.
Illustrate ,
I illustrated the yearbook with funny pictures.

Introduce , , , ,
I was introduced to computer science by my brother.

Invent , ,
Within 5 years, I will invent the world?s cheapest solar car.

My goal is to perform live in Kodak Theatre.

Shape , ,
My childhood was shaped by a loving relationship with my grandparents.

Assess , ,
I dislike the college that assesses a student?s ability based on grades.

Assist ,
I do not believe that academic record will assist me in my work.

Counsel ,
My father was being counseled for depression.

Demonstrate ,
I demonstrated how to use the new software to my juniors.

Expedite , ,
With all the knowledge I will gain from here, I can expedite economic
reforms in my country.

I was educated from both school and church.

Facilitate ,
I like the fact that all schools here were located in the same campus to
facilitate the sharing of resources.

Familiarize ,
I love exercises because they help familiarize with the technical terms.

Refer , , ,
America is often referred as a melting pot. So are you.
Represent ,
I represented my school.

do, have, get make




cu-tep reading


abduct (v)

= kidnap

abrasive (adj.)

= rubbing away , tending to grind down

abridge (v.)

= shorten ,limit

abrupt (adj.)

= happening or ending unexpectedly

absolute (adj.)

= irrevocable ,

absorbed (adj.)

= engrossed ,

abstain (v.)

= refrain , withhold from participation ,

abundant (adj.)

= plentiful

accede (v.)

= comply with , consent to ,

accelerate (v.)

= move faster


accessible (adj.)

= easy to approach , obtainable ,

accessory (n.)
= additional object, useful but not essential thing

( )
acclaim (n.)

= loud approval , applause ,

accommodate (v.)

= furnish something as a kindness of favor ,

accompany (v.)

= go with someone as a companion

accomplice (n.)

= co-conspirator , partner-in-crime

accomplish (v.)

= achieve

accurate (adj.)

= correct, exact ,

accuse (v.)

= blame for wrongdoing

achievement (n.)

= accomplishment

acquaintance (n.)

= someone you know a little, who is not a close

acquire (v.)

= get as ones own

acrid (adj.)

= sharp , bitter , foul smelling ,


acute (adj.)
= quick to notice things and able to think clearly and
adapt (v.)

= modify

adept (adj.)

= skilled , practiced

adequate (adj.)

= sufficient

adjacent (adj.)

= next to or near something else

adjoining (adj.)

= neighboring

adjust (v.)

= change or regulate so as to improve


admire (v.)

= look at something with pleasure

adopt (v.)

= take on ,

adore (v.)
them ,

= love someone very much and feel very proud of

adulterate (v.)

= corrupt , debase , or make impure

adversary (n.)

= an enemy , foe

adverse (adj.)

= negative ,

advocate (n.)

= supporter , defender

affair (n.)

= matter

affect (v.)

= act upon ,

affiliate (v.)
= connect or associate with , accept as a member

affix (v.)

= attach or add on , fasten , ,

affluence (n.)

= abundance , wealth , prosperity , ,

afford (v.)

= be able to pay for something

agitate (v.)

= stir up , disturb ,

aid (v.)

= help , support

alacrity (n.)

= quickness and eagerness

alert (adj.)

= be aware of ,

alleviate (v.)

= lessen or make easier


alliance (n.)

= association ,

allocate (v.)

= set aside , designate , assign ,

allowance (n.)

= an amount of money given at certain times

allude (v.)

= refer indirectly to something

ally (n.)

= a nation or person joined with another for a special

alter (v.)

= make change in

amateur (adj., n.)

= nonprofessional ,

ambiguous (adj.)

= having a double meaning ,

amend (v.)

= add to or change (a proposal or law)

ample (adj.)

= enough , abundant , spacious , ,

analogy (n.)

= comparison

ancestor (n.)

= a member of your family who lived a long time ago

anecdote (n.)

= a short account of happenings


anguish (n.)

= a feeling of great physical or emotional pain

anonymous (adj.)

= nameless , unidentified

antecedents (n.)

= hostility , opposition ,

antecedents (n.)

= the people in ones family who lived a long time ago ,

antipathy (n.)

= a strong dislike or repugnance

antonym (n.)

= word of opposite meanings

apologize (n.)

= express regret for a mistake which one accepts

apparent (adj.)

= evident

appeal (v.)

= have an attraction , make a request for help ,

applause (n.)

= a clapping in approval

application (n.)
= use , written request for jobs or a place for study in a

university ,
appoint (v.)

= name , choose

apposite (adj.)

= suitable , apt , relevant ,

approach (v.)

= near

arable (adj.)

= suitable (as land) for plowing

arduous (adj.)

= laborious , difficult , strenuous

arid (adj.)

= extremely dry , parched , barren , unimaginative

aromatic (adj.)

= having a smell which is sweet or spicy

arrogant (adj.)

= acting superior to others , conceited ,

artificial (adj.)

= synthetic

ascend (v.)

= go up , mount , rise

aseptic (adj.)

= germ free

aspiration (n.)

= ambition

assent (v.)

= agree , accept , consent ,

assess (v.)

= estimate the value of

assist (v.)

= help

assumption (n.)

= something taken for granted

attempt (n., v.)

= an effort to do something , try to do ,

attitude (n.)

= the opinions and feelings that you usually have about

augment (v.)

= increase or add to , make larger


authentic (adj.)

= real , genuine , trustworthy , ,

autocrat (n.)

= an absolute ruler

available (adj.)

= able to be obtained or used ,

awful (adj.)

= horrible ,

barely (adj.)

= hardly

bargain (n.)

= something offered at a low price

barren (adj.)

= lifeless

barrier (n.)

= anything that blocks or makes an action difficult

bear (v.)

= endure

behave (v.)

= act or function in a certain way


behavior (n.)

= conduct

bellow (v.)

= give a loud roar ,

beneficial (adj.)

= advantageous

benevolent (adj.)

= kind , generous ,

betray (v.)

= turn against , be false to

bluff (v.)

= mislead by a false display of confidence ,

boast (v.)

= praise oneself or ones possession

bond (n.)

= link

boundary (n.)

= limit

breathtaking (adj.)

= stunning

brevity (n.)

= briefness , shortness

brief (adj.)

= short

brittle (adj.)

= breakable ,

burst (v.)

= break or cause to break ,

calamity (n.)

= disaster

calm (ad.)

= quiet , peaceful ,

carton (n.)

= a box that is used for holding things.

casual (adj.)

= informal ,

categorize (v.)

= classify

caution (v. , n.)

= warn, carefulness ,

ceremonious (adj.)

= very formal or proper

certain (adj.)

= confident and sure , without any doubts ,

cessation (n.)

= ceasing , a stopping

challenge (v.)

= test the skills or abilities of someone or something,

chaos (n.)

= confusion

chasm (n.)

= abyss, very deep crack ,

chief (adj.)

= major ,

choke (v.)
= cannot breathe properly because something is blocking
your windpipe ,

chore (n.)

= task

chronic (adj.)

= always present or recurring ()

chronicle (v.)

= record (

circulate (v.)

= distribute ,

circumspect (adj.)

= considering all circumstances ,

cite (v.)

= refer to ,

cling (v.)

= stick , adhere , remain faithful , ,

cluster (n.)

= clump ,

coalition (n.)
to form a

= a temporary union of different political parties that agree

government together
coarse (adj.)
coerce (v.)
to do ,

= vulgar , rough ,
= force somebody to do something that they do not want

cognitive (adj.)
= possessing the power to think or meditate , capable of
coherent (adj.)

= sticking together , logically connected

coincidence (n.)
= a circumstance so agreeing with another ,

collaborate (v.)

= work together , cooperate

collapse (n. , v.)

= fall

colonist (n.)

= settler

combat (v.)

= counteract ,

commence (v.)

= start

commiserate (v.)

= fell or express pity or sympathy for

commodity (n.)

= product

communal (adj.)

= shared or common ownership

compact (v.)

= compress ,

compatible (adj.)

= in agreement with , harmonious ,

compensation (n.)

= restitution

compete (v.)

= strive against another or other to win something

competence (n.)

= the ability and skill to do what is needed

competitor (n.)

= a rival

complement (n.)

= something that is added to something else

compliant (adj.)

= complying , obeying , yielding

complicate (v.)

= make complex , difficult , or hard to deal with

compliment (v.)

= praise ,

comply (v.)

= do what you have to do or are asked to do ,

component (n.)

= element

compose (v.)

= write ,

comprehensive (adj.) = all-inclusive , complete , thorough , ,

compromise (v.)

= settle by mutual adjustment

conceal (v.)

= hide something carefully

concede (v.)
= acknowledge , admin , surrender , abandon ones
position , ,

concentration (n.)

= accumulation

concise (adj.)

= in few words , brief , condensed

concurrent (adj.)

= happening at ;the same time , in agreement

confer (v.)

= give someone a title or degree as a reward ,

confess (v.)

= acknowledge or disclose ones misdeed or sin

confidence (n.)

= the state of trust in or reliance upon another

confiscate (v.)
order ,

= seize , take possession of (private property( by official

consequential (adj.) = following as an effect , important

considerably (adv.)

= a great deal , well ,

consistently (adv.)

= regularly ,

constantly (adv.)

= continually ,

constrain (v.)

= force , compel , restrain ,

contaminate (v.)

= pollute ,

contemporary (adj.) = living or happening at the same time , modern

contempt (n.)

= scorn , disrespect ,

contiguous (adj.)

= next to something or near something

contravene (v.)

= act contrary to, oppose or contradict ,

conventional (adj.)

= traditional , common , routine , ,

correlate (v.)

= bring into mutual relation

corroborate (v.)

= confirm the validity

courage (n.)

= bravery

coward (n.)

= a person who has no courage

craft (n.)

= skill

crawl (v.)

= move slowly on hands and knees

curious (adj.)

= eager to find out about something

curtail (v.)

= shorten , reduce ,

custom (n.)
= something that the members of a group usually
do ,
damage (n.)

= harm or injury that causes loss

dearth (n.)

= scarcity , shortage ,

decade (n.)

= a period of ten years

decay (v.)

= rot

deceive (v.)

= trick someone by behaving in a dishonest way

declare (v.)

= make know officially ,

defense (n.)

= an act of defending

deliberate (v.)

= consider carefully ,weigh in the mind

delight (n.)

= great pleasure

delusion (n.)

= a false belief or opinion

demonstrate (v.)

= prove indubitably ,

denounce (v.)

= speak out against , condemn

dense (adj.)

= thick


= portray , describe

deplete (v.)

= reduce , empty , exhaust , ,

depreciate (v.)

= lessen the worth of

depression (n.)


= a felling of sadness that makes you think there is no

desert (adj.)

= arid ,

desire (n.)

= a wish that is expressed

despair (n.)

= utter hopelessness and despondency

dessert (n.)

= a sweet food or fruit served last at lunch or

determinate (adj.)

= strictly controlled or limited

determine (v.)

= form a firm intention to do something

diffuse (adj.)

= spread out ,verbose , not focused ,

disappear (v.)

= go away , vanish ,

discipline (n.)

= the practice of making people obey rules

disclose (v.)

= reveal

discord (v.)

= disagreement , lack of harmony

discriminate (v.)

= distinguish , demonstrate bias ,

dishonest (adj.)

= crooked

dismiss (v.)

= refuse to accept that something might be true

disparate (adj.)

= unequal , dissimilar , different ,

display (v.)

= show

dispute (v.)

= argue about , debate

disrupt (v.)

= interrupt something and make it stop

dissolve (v.)
distinct (adj.)

= well-defined

distinguish (v.)

= differentiate

dominated (adj.)

= prevailed over

donate (v.)

= bestow as a gift , especially for a worthy cause

drawback (n.)

= disadvantage

drought (n.)

= prolonged lack of rain

dubious (adj.)

= uncertain about an outcome or conclusion ,

durable (adj.)

= long-lasting ,

dwell (v.)

= reside

eccentric (adj.)

= odd , peculiar , strange ,

effective (adj.)

= working well , beginning to be used

efficient (adj.)


= having and exercising the power to produce effects or

elaborate (adj.)

= complex

element (n.)

= component

eligible (adj.)

= qualified for selection

eliminate (v.)

= completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or

emerge (v.)

= come into prominence

eminent (adj.)

= easy to see or notice

emphasis (n.)

= importance ,

endorse (v.)

= support , approve of , recommend ,

endure (v.)

= survive

enhance (v.)

= improve , compliment , make more attractive ,

enlargement (n.)

= the condition of being enlarged

enormous (adj.)

= gigantic ,

enrich (v.)
= improve the quality of something , especially by adding
things to it ,

entire (adj.)
equipment (n.)

= whole
= things , tools or machines needed for a purpose or

establish (v.)

= bring into existence , create

estimate (v.)

= calculate ,

ethnic (adj.)
= pertaining to races or peoples and their origin


evaluation (n.)

= assessment

evidence (n.)

= material or facts that prove something ;

evoke (v.)

= call forth , provoke ,

exceed (v.)

= surpass ,

exhaust (v.)

= empty by draining off; the; contents ,

exotic (adj.)

= unusual , striking , foreign , ,

expand (v.)

= increase in range or scope

expedite (v.)

= hasten the action of

explicit (adj.)

= specific , definite ,

explode (v.)

= burst

extinct (adj.)

= vanished

extinguish (v.)

= make a fire or light stop burning

extraordinary (adj.)

= outstanding ,

familiar (adj.)

= common ,

fatal (adj.)

= causing death

faucet (n.)

= device for controlling the outflow of a liquid , a tap

feasible (adj.)

= reasonable , practical ,

feast (n.)

= a fancy meal or banquet

feign (v.)

= pretend

fidelity (n.)

= loyalty , accuracy

finite (adj.)

= limited ,

flammable (adj.)

= having tendency to burst into flames

flee (v.)

= run away

flexibility (n.)
= easily bent without breaking , adaptable , docile ,


fluctuate (v.)

= change

fluent (adj.)
= having a ready or easy flow of words or
forbidden (adj.)
forecast (v.)

= unlawful ,
= predict

foremost (adj.)

= leading , principle ,

forgive (v.)

= pardon , excuse , remove guilt

formerly (adv.)

= previously

forsake (v.)

= abandon

foster (v.)

= promote , encourage , bring up , rear ,

fowl (n.)

= poultry

fragile (adj.)

= delicate , breakable , ,

fragment (n.)

= piece

fragrance (n.)

= a sweet or pleasant odor

framework (n.)

= structure ,

frigid (adj.)

= cold

frugality (n.)

= thrift ; economical use or expenditure

fugitive (n.)

= outlaw

fume (n.)

= vapor ,

fundamental (adj.)

= basic , necessary

fusion (n.)

= union , coalition ,

garment (n.)

= article of clothing

gauche (adj.)

= awkward , lacking social grace

generic (adj.)

= common , general , universal

genesis (n.)

= beginning

gesture (n.)
= a movement or action of the; hands or face , expressive

of some idea or emotion

gigantic (adj.)

= very big or huge ,

giggle (v.)

= laugh

glimmer (v.)

= shine erratically , twinkle

glimpse (v.)

= see in a very short time

glittering (adj.)

= dismal ,

glorious (adj.)

= very beautiful and impressive

gorgeous (adj.)

= beautiful

grace (n.)

= divine influence , goodwill , charm ,

gradual (adj.)

= step by step , slow ,

grief (n.)

= sorrow

grin (v.)

= smile broadly

guilt (n.)

= an awareness of having done wrong

hamper (v.)

= interfere with , hinder ,

handicapped (adj.)

= disabled in some way

haphazard (:adj.)

= random, happening in an unplanned manner

harbor (n. , v.)

= a place of safety or shelter, give shelter or
protect ,

hardy (adj.)
= sturdy , robust , able to stand inclement
weather , ,
harmful (adj.)

= damaging

harmonious (adj.)

= having proportionate and orderly parts

harness (v.)

= control

harsh (adj.)

= rough , cruel , stern ,


hastily (adj.)

= quickly ,

haul (v.)

= pull or carry with effort ,

hazardous (adj.)

= dangerous

headstrong (adj.)
own way

= willful , stubborn , unyielding , determined to have ones

hectic (adj.)

= chaotic ,

herd (n.)

= group ,

heritage (n.)

= tradition ,

hesitate (v.)

= hold back especially when in doubt ,

hibernate (v.)

= sleep throughout the winter

hierarchy (n.)
= a system of persons or things arranged according to

hinder (v.)

= obstruct

hindmost (adj.)

= furthest behind , farthest to the rear


hindrance (n.)

= block , obstacle ,

hollow (adj.)

= with hole ,

homesteader (n.)

= settler

honor (n.)
= special respect , high regard ;, mark of

excellence ,
horror (n.)

= an intense , painful feeling of repugnance and fear

hospitality (n.)
= the practice of receiving and entertaining strangers with
humanity (n.)

= mankind

humility (n.)

= lack of pride , modesty

hybrid (n.)

= anything of mixed origin

ignite (v.)

= catch fire

ignore (v.)

= pay no attention ,

illegal (adj.)

= unlawful

illegible (adj.)

= difficult or impossible to read ,

illiterate (adj.)

= having little or no book-learning

illusion (n.)

= an unreal image presented to the senses

illustrate (v.)

= represent ,

imitate (n.)

= copy

immediate (adj.)

= without delay , very near in time or place ,

immerse (v.)

= absorb , put under the surface of


immigrant (n.)

= settler

imminent (adj.)

= impending , near at hand ,

immune (adj.)
= exempt from or protected against something

impact (n.)

= effect

impair (v.)

= damage , weaken

impale (v.)

= pierce (with a sharp point)

impartial (adj.)

= evenhanded

impede (v.)

= hinder

imperil (v.)

= endanger

implement (v. , n.)

= carry into effect , something used in a given

activity ,

implicit (adj.)

= understood but not plainly stated, without doubt

imply (v.)

= suggest that something is true withoutsaying this

improper (adj.)

= not appropriate , unsuitable

inaccurate (adj.)

= not exactly according to the facts

inadequate (adj.)

= insufficient

inanimate (adj.)

= be dull or spiritless , not animated , not endowed with

incident (n. , adj..)

= a happening in general , especially one of little

incipient (adj.)

= being , in an early stage


inclined (adj.)

= tending to do , be disposed ,

incompatible (adj.)

= disagreeing , disharmonious ,

incompetence (n.)

= failing to meet necessary requirements

inconsistent (adj.)

= contradictory

increment (n.)

= increase

indigence (n.)

= the condition of being poor

indifferent (adj.)

= unconcerned

individual (n.)
= a person considered separately from their society or
community ,
inept (adj.)

= unsuited , inappropriate , lacking skill , incompetent

inert (adj.)

= inactive ,

inexpensive (adj.)

= low-priced

infamous (adj.)

= having a bad reputation , notorious

infer (v.)

= form an opinion , conclude


infertile (adj.)

= not fertile , barren


inflation (n.)

= a continuing rise in prices while the value of money goes

influence (n.)

= impact

inhale (v.)

= breathe in

inhibit (v.)

= restrain , prohibit , retard or prevent , ,

initial (adj.)

= first

innovation (n.?)

= novelty ,

insane (adj.)

= mentally sick

insight (n.)

= thorough understanding ,

inspect (v.)
about it

= examine something carefully in order to find out more

insult (v.)
= say something that makes another person angry or

intangible (adj.)

interfere (v.)

= incapable of being touched , immaterial ,

= hinder ,

intermittent (adj.)

= periodic , occasional ,

interrupt (v.)

= stop while in progress ,

intervene (v.)

= come between , interfere ,

invent (v.)

= create ,

invoke (v.)

= ask for , call upon

involve (v.)

= entail

irate (adj.)

= angry ,

irrational (adj.)

= not logical

irrelevant (adj.)

= not applicable , unrelated

jeopardy (n.)

= danger , peril

judicious (adj.)

, ,

= showing good judgment, sensible, prudent

juncture (n.)

= critical point

jurisdiction (n.)

= the power to make legal decisions

justly (adv.)

= rightfully

knead (v.)

= mix , massage ,

knowledge (n.)

= that which is known , learning or understanding

launch (v.)

= start to carry out


lavish (adj.)

= liberal , wasteful , abundant , profuse ,

legal (adj.)

= pertaining to law or lawyers

leisure (n.)

= spare time

limber (adj.)

= flexible , pliant

literacy (n.)


= the state or condition of knowing how to read and

lithe (adj.)

= easily bent , pliable , supple ,

livid (adj.)

= discolored as if bruised , extremely angry ,furious

lofty (adj.)

= very high

lubricant (n.)

= something which lessens friction

lucid (adj.)

= shiny , clear minded ,

lucrative (adj.)

= profitable

luminous (adj.)
= emitting light , shining , also enlightened or
, ,
luster (n.)

= shine , gloss (of a polished surface) ,

majority (n.)

= the greater number , more than half

malefactor (n.)

= an evil person ,

malfeasance (n.)
= wrongdoing , misconduct (by a public official)
malleable (adj.)

= easy to shape or bend , pliable

mammoth (adj.)

= gigantic

mandatory (adj.)

= obligatory , compulsory , of a mandate ,

manifest (v.)

= show clearly , appear

manipulate (v.)
= operate with ones hands, control or play upon artfully

,maneuver ,
mankind (n.)

= humans

manufacturer (n.)

= a person engaged in manufacturing as a

marred (adj.)


= damaged , disfigured

marvelous (adj.)

= extremely good , impressive ,

mature (adj.)

= adult ,

mayor (n.)

= the chief government official of a city or

meager (adj.)

= scanty , inadequate ,

meander (adj.)

= winding , wandering aimlessly


migrant (adj.)

= changing its habitat , wandering


mimicry (n.)

= imitation

minatory (adj.)

= menacing , threatening ,

miniature (adj.)

= very tiny

minute (adj.)

= tiny ,

miracle (n.)

= marvel

mirage (n.)
= unreal reflection, optical illusion
misadventure (n.)

= mischance , ill luck ,

miser (n.)

= penny pincher , stingy person

miserable (v.)

= not happy

misplace (v.)

= put in the wrong place

mission (n.)

= an assignment to be taken on

mistaken (adj.)
mitigate (v.)

= wrong
= alleviate , lessen , soothe

mock (v.)

= imitate in a way that insults ,

moderation (n.)

= quality of being limited , not extreme

modify (v.)

= change

modulate (v.)

= regulate or adjust , vary the pitch


moist (adj.)

= damp

molten (adj.)

= melted

monarchy (n.)

= government under a single ruler

mores (n.)
= conventions , moral standards , moral

customs ,
multiply (v.)

= reproduce ,

muse (v.)

= think or speak meditatively

myriad (n.)

= a large number

mystery (n.)

= something that is fully not understood or is kept

nebulous (adj.)

= unclear or vague

neglect (v.)

= fail to give proper care or attention to ,

negligent (adj.)

= taking too little care ,

negligible (adj.)

= insignificant

neutral (adj.)

= impartial , unbiased ,

noisome (adj.)

= harmful to health , having a foul odor

notion (n.)

= a thought or idea

notorious (adj.)

= infamous , having an unfavorable connotation

obedient (adj.)

= tending to obey

objective (adj.)

= open-minded , impartial ,

obligatory (adj.)
= mandatory , necessary , legally or morally binding

, ,
obliterate (v.)

= destroy completely

obscure (adj.)

= not easily understood , dark ,

obsolete (adj.)

= outmoded

obstinate (adj.)

= stubborn , refusing to change

obtrude (v.)

= thrust forward , eject

occasion (n.)

= an important event or celebration

occupation (n.)

= job

occupy (v.)

= inhabit ,

occur (v.)

= happen

odious (adj.)


= hateful , disgusting ,
= a smell or aroma

offspring (n.)

= product ,

ominous (adj.)

= threatening

omniscient (adj.)

= having knowledge of all things

omnivorous (adj.)
= eating both plant and animal as food , devouring

optimism (n.)
= the view that everything in nature and the history of
mankind is ordered for the best
opulence (n.)

= wealth , fortune

ordeal (n.)

= difficult experience ,

ornate (adj.)

orthodox (adj.)

= elaborate , lavish , decorated , ,

= traditional , accepted ,

outcome (n.) = result ,

outset (n.)

= start

outskirts (n.)

= fringes , outer borders (as of a city)

outspoken (adj.)

= distinguished

outwit (v.)
= outsmart , defeat by behaving more cleverly
overstate (v.)

= exaggerate

palatial (adj.)

= of a palace , magnificent , ,

palliate (v.)

= mitigate , alleviate , ease ,

panoramic (adj.)
= denoting an unobstructed and comprehensive view

parable (n.)

= short simple story teaching a moral

paradigm (n.)

= pattern ;, model , example ,

paradox (n.)
= a tenet seemingly contradictory or false , but actually


paraphrase (v.)
= restate a passage in ones own words while retaining
thought of author

pariah (n.)

= social outcast

parity (n.)
= state of being the same in power, value, or rank
partial (adj.)
= incomplete , favoring one side over another , having a
liking for something ,
particular (adj.)

= specific ,

passive (adj.)

= submissive , unassertive ,

pasture (n.)

= plants eaten by grazing animals

patriot (n.)

= people who loves , supports and defends their

patron (n.)

= regular customer , person who gives support

paucity (n.)

= scarcity ,

payroll (n.)

= a list of employees and the wages due to each

peculiar (adj.)

= strange , not ordinary ,

peek (v.)

= look at something without anyone knowing

peevish (adj.)

= bad-tempered , irritable , or tending to complain

pensive (adj.)

= reflective , contemplative ,

perceptive (adj.)

= full of insight , aware ,

percussion (n.)

= striking one object against another ,

perfume (n.)

= scent

peripheral (adj.)

= marginal , outer , ,

perish (v.)

= be destroyed , decay

permanent (adj.)

= durable , long-lasting

permeable (adj.)

= porous , allowing to pass through

permeate (v.)

= spread into every part of ,

permission (n.)

= consent

perpetual (adj.)

= constant ,

, ,

perquisite (n.)
= perks , something that one gets from his work in
addition to his wages such as free ;meals or a car

persist (v.)

persuade (v.)

= continue steadfast against opposition

= belong as a part , have reference


perusal (n.)

= careful reading

pervasive (adj.)

= spreading throughout

pessimism (n.)

= seeing only the gloomy side , hopelessness

petty (adj.)

= unimportant , of subordinate standing

phenomenon (n.)

= any unusual occurrence ,

philosophy (n.)

= ideology

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