Genreessay Christopherpinheiro

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The Legendary Hero

Many centuries ago, there lived a legend. This legend foretold of a boy, who
set off on a quest to end evil and save the land of Perthro. He would need to face
monsters of unseen strengths. He would need to meet and make many new friends
to help him on his way. He would need to find the sword of legends, to finally
conquer this evil. And not only was this boy courageous and mighty, but he also
was called Raivio. This is his story.
This all began in the small cottage, where the young boy awoke from a
terrifying nightmare, where he saw dark figures emerge from everywhere. The
walls, the floors, everywhere this darkness arose, and Raivio could only sit there
watching. He watched as his sister was sucked into the void. And as he awoke he
screamed her name Nivora! And as he looked to find her. It had seemed that his
nightmare had become a reality, for she was gone.
Raivio wondered of her whereabouts but knew of only one thing he could do.
He would need to find the town elder and ask of what this horrifying dream could
mean. So he darted out of his bed, gathered his belongings and set out to the
elders home. When he arrived, it was still the dead of night, so he needed to keep
quiet. He found the elder to be slumped over, crying. Raivio then asked What
happened, Lurkia?
Lurkia responded with a sniffly grunt My daughter, she is missing.
My sister has also disappeared. What do you think this could mean? Raivio
Only one thing, the great sorcerer Sephilis has indeed returned.
What do you mean?
I mean of the wizard who once sought ought all power within the land of
Perthro, If it hadnt had been for the great goddesses power, Perthro might have
been destroyed and lost forever. I believe he is trying to end the three
descendants,my daughter, your sister, and the princess, for good. Raivio! You must
try to stop them! You are the only one who can!
Why me? Raivio queried.
Raivio, you might not understand now, but your family is very special.You
are the first male to have descended from a goddess. Lurkia explained.
But what about you, your daughter is a descendant as well, doesnt that
make you a descendant as well? Raivio knew for sure this couldnt possibly be true.
He couldnt be the one to stop all of this madness! Could he?
I am merely
to a descendant. You, my boy, have been brought from
a descendant. So it is up to you. you must first find the sword of legend hidden
deep within Woodfall. But be warned, there lives a pesky nuisance named Skull

Kid. He has been known to deceive many. And if you are truly worthy, you should
be able to draw the blade. Once you have the blade, come to me, Ill tell you what is
next on your journey. You will need this. Lurkia handed Raivio a sword. This will
help you rid of anything that stands in your way.
Raivio nodded and left. He then set off into the vast land that was known as
Perthro. There were many things Raivio had on his mind. Who was this Sephilis?
Where is his sister? These were only a few of the things passing through his mind as
he set off through this land. It was vast. Green as far as the eye could see. There
was a fresh smell of hay whisking its way through the air. The grass brushing
against Raivios legs felt as if tiny fluffballs were trying to give him a hug.
As he approached Woodfall, he could see the many trees lying ahead. As he
entered this huge mass of trees, he could see nothing but the bark of these giants
lying ahead of him. He was greeted by a small creature. His appearance seemed to
oddly represent a scarecrow. Raivio assumed this to be the mischievous Skull Kid.
He seemed to want something.
Hello! My name is Skull Kid! said the little creature.
Hello, Im Raivio! Im in search for the sword of legends!
Oh, I know exactly where that is! Follow me! He then led Raivio deep into
the forest, but Raivio couldnt keep up eventually he had lost his way, and knew not
of his place in these woods. He had fell for Skull Kids trick! But he heard a faint
voice in the distance calling for him. Raivio, where are you?
He followed the voice to this annoying little brat. He then stood up tall, and
spook in a darkened voice. To prove you are truly worthy you must defeat me in a
Raivio replied, laughing Against you? But you are far too small!
Youll regret those words. And he would, for Skull kids head began to twist
and turn until it eventually popped off and stayed in the air, lifeless. A dark shadow
left his body and arose into a huge phantom. This ghost sent chills through Raivio
and he then drew his sword. He began to chase Raivio. and Raivio would dodge. He
could see no means of winning and no spots of weakness, then he thought of what
could be controlling this phantom. Raivio could slash at this shadow, but his blade
would swipe straight through as if he hit nothing. But this ghoul could swipe and
slap Raivio all he wanted. Thats when he looked up to see his head following the
phantoms every movement. Thats when Raivio threw his sword towards the Skull
Kids head, and slashed it straight through. It hit the floor, and with it, the ghouls
You have truly proven yourself worthy Raivio. Follow me. As the Skull Kids
body rose Raivio followed to a glowing light. Raivio then spotted it. The sword of
legends. He arose towards the platform and drew this mighty blade from the stone,

and held it high. He could feel its power coursing through his veins. He knew he
was ready to take on anything.
He then returned to the village and tried to meet with the elder, but when he
had arrived to the elders house, the house had been ransacked! There was a small
note posted against the wall.
The note read Raivio, Ive hidden myself in order to hide from the castle
guards, if you wish to find me, you may have to
a little
Read a little? What could this possibly mean? Raivio thought about, looked
around the house for clues, but the house was so cluttered with bookshelves!
There must be something hidden behind one! He pushed against the bookshelf to
find Lurkia crouched inside. You found me, Raivio! Thank goodness! The castle
soldiers had tried to capture me and stop you for good, but I knew they were
coming, and I was prepared.
So what I am to do next Lurkia?
Lurkia responded Raivio you must next find your sister, my daughter and
the princess. I hear of new monsters appearing around the three temples of the
goddesses. Maybe you should look there. So Raivio then wandered off towards the
Odolwa desert, in search of the fire goddess temple. The only thing Raivio could
see was sand, for there was sand blowing everywhere! Then Raivio could see
movement through the desert and a tall wooden tower.
This must be the temple of fire. Raivio declared. He entered to find a shrine.
There was also a small torch to keep the place lit. Raivio then decided to take this
torch and lit the shrine. By doing so the floor beneath him arose into a tower. He
climbed to the top to find what seemed to be a maiden trapped in a crystal. He
then touched this crystal and was transported to an infinite world, and the maiden
was standing right in front of him. She called to him, and he followed. Something of
this place gave an eerie feeling. When the maiden stopped, she explained herself.
Raivio, my name is Riverna. I am the daughter of Lurkia, I cannot escape this crystal
until you free me from the horrible monster, Skruta
Where is this monster, Riverna?
Stab the floor beneath you, and you shall be shown. So Raivio, trusting
Riverna, drove his blade into the floor. And with that, a ring of fire grew around
Raivio. Then slowly a knight of fire arose from the ground.
I am Skruta, and if you wish to save this maiden, you must defeat me in a
Raivio unwillingly rose up his blade and exclaimed I accept your challenge.
Skruta drew his blade, and it was made of pure fire! They then came clashing
towards each other, with their swords screeching, ready for battle. There swords
collided with each other, on and on. until Raivio weakened the great Knight. He had

hit him upon his shoulder, and he fell to his knees. The knight then exclaimed with
honor, End me, for you have proven yourself, the true hero.
No, I am not one that kills, Raivio responded nobly.
Then I shall end this myself, He then took his blade and ended his life.
Raivio was then brought back to the wooden tower. The crystal then shattered, and
emerged Rivera.
Thank you for saving me, in return I shall grant you the ability to summon
fire upon your blade. You will also need this. She handed him a pendant. This is
the pendant of fire. It will allow you to break through the barrier of the castle once
you collect the other two. I believe the other girls are in possession of these
pendants. You must find them and defeat Sephilis, for the land of Perthro depends
on you.
Raivio was then brought to the entrance of the temple. He decided to head
off for the Great Lake in search of the underwater temple. The only problem was
Raivio could not breathe under water! He would need help with this. When he
reached this big, crystal clear lake, he saw the well-known fish species, the Rutos!
Rutos were known for their scales and their ability to let you breathe underwater.
So all Raivio needed to do was find someone to lend him a scale. Raivio asked
almost every Ruto, but no one was generous enough to give him a scale. Except for
one. The Princess Zora! He walked towards her throne and pleaded for her to give
him a scale. Please dear princess, I am in need of a scale. If I do not receive it then
the land of Perthro will no longer exist!
And why does this involve me? she asked.
My Lady, should the land of Perthro be destroyed so will your kingdom!
Fine, take my scale! She tossed him one of her gracious and pure scales,
and Raivio headed off for the lake. He dove into it, and took a big breath. The scale
had worked! Raivio dived deeper until he saw a small light. When he reached the
light, it was none other than the water temple! He could see the lights reflecting off
of the crystal. He swam towards it, and saw Nivora! He kicked as hard as he could to
reach her and touched the crystal. Once again he had entered a strange world, but
this time, it was a small island in the middle of the sea.
Big brother! She embraced Raivio, I was so scared! I never thought I would
see you again.
Its great to see you too, but I need to defeat the monster here, dont I?
Nope, you need to do nothing! Heres the pendant! Bye! She tried to insist
him on leaving. Raivio knew something wasnt right. He then turned and stabbed
his sister, she then liquified into a small puddle of water. He traveled through the
island in search for his sister. But he couldnt find her. He then turned to the
pendant, if it was the real one. Then he noticed a dark void on the inside of the

pendant. He took his sword and broke the pendant upon the floor, he then
watched as the water rose from the ground, and started to form into this figure, like
a knight. Once it stopped its transformation it spoke to Raivio.
I am Skrata, the guardian of this temple. Should you want this pendant you
must defeat me in a duel. He held out the pendant,and it was then placed directly
in his center and drew his blade. Raivio took the sword of legends out as well. And
they attacked, Raivio went for the first hit but his blade went straight through
Skrata, without any harm being dealt to him. He was then struck by his mighty
sword, and Raivio hit the floor. Raivio needed to find a way to finalize Skrata. He
then thought of knocking away his blade. He attacked but when he tried to hit
Skrata, his sword passed straight through him. He then figured it out. He held up
the pendant of fire, and the blade then lit up on fire. He swung at Skrata, and this
time, the blade created steam, and Skrata seemed to become slightly smaller.
Raivio knew this was his opportunity to end him, and gain the pendant, so he
swung his sword back and forth through Skrata, until he was very small. Raivio
reached inside of him and grabbed the pendant, and with that Skrata turned into a
small puddle of water. Then he saw his sister running towards him. Raivio hoped
this was his actual sister. But this time he could tell she was real, for she nearly
jumped in his arms I was scared and thought that you would leave me here.
No why would I do that Nivora? But i need to go, theres an entire world
depending on me!
Wait, I need to give you the ability of ice!
Raivios sword grew colder as he rose it high. He then left the dungeon and
headed towards the final temple, the temple of air. As he walked into this temple, a
slight breeze blew upon him.That slight breeze suddenly turned into an uproar as
he walked closer to the shrine, and he was lifted, when the air finally floated him to
the top, all he could distinguish was this vast sea of clouds. He tried to step upon
the clouds, and they held his weight, so he began on his journey. Little did Raivio
know, he was being watched. Behind his back, a creature with 50 eyes was trekking
slowly behind him. But whenever Raivio would turn around, this beast would
disappear within the clouds.
Show yourself you coward! Raivio exerted in anger. That was when the
beast made its wrong move, for it tried to pounce on Raivio, but he was too fast.
Raivio quickly turned, and launched ice from his sword. He hit one of the beasts
many eyes, and it hit the floor and exploded. This gave Raivio an idea. He
continuously shot shards of ice at this thing, and he was slowly dying. Once the final
eye was left, it seemed to enlarge, and it seemed to have tripled in size! Raivio shot,
but they seemed to have no effect on it. He then thought of fire, and shot fireballs.

The huge eye began to wilt as the fire hit him. It eventually shrank and finally burst
with a large gust of wind, and where the beast had laid was the final pendant.
He then heard a voice calling his name.
Raivio, it is I, Princess Hilda, and I have been stowed away in the castle by
the wizard Sephilis. Now that you have collected all the pendants, you can break the
barrier guarding the castle and defeat Sephilis. The land of Perthro is counting on
And with that Raivio was ready. He left the temple, and headed toward the
castle. The barrier stood in front of him, and he raised his sword, and fired a beam
of light. He walked towards the huge castle in front of him and entered. And in the
kings throne sat Sephilis. He was a tall man, with a slight tint of blue to his skin. He
had a very skinny and straight posture. And he spoke with a rumble under his voice.
Ah, you must be Raivio, the little troublemaker whos been spoiling my fun!
Well I wont let you. His body began to grow, and he was no longer a wizard. He
had transformed into a huge, dark robed brute. He then said with death in his eyes.
You may have come all this way to defeat me, but that time will be worthless.
Prepare to die! He charged toward Raivio, with sword in hand and swung. Raivios
sword clashed against Sephilis. Sparks were flying. They continued until Raivio took
a step back and fired light at Sephilis. He fell to his knees. Raivio jumped into the air
and drove his sword deep in between his eyes. Our heroes journey had ended.

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