Phase2-Editsonnarrativeessay2014c J Pinheiro

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True Suffering

Pain. Thats all I ever feel. Thats all I ever felt. Thats all I ever will feel. Ive never loved,
only lost. Ive wanted, but never received. Its the kind of pain that makes you feel unwanted, not
needed. Ive had it bad from the beginning. I was abandoned as a kid. My parents said they
would come back. So I plopped there, and waited. I been here for 19 years, and not once have I
seen them. Thats where I realized the true meaning of pain. Id lost all hope. So has this
godforsaken town. Thats where I learned that this town needed somebody. A savior. Thats
where I come in. Im like a hero here. This place needs me, and I need it. Its what keeps my
sanity intact.
Everyday, I clean these streets. Not the heaps of trash lying there helplessly. The crime
that goes on here. Mobs, gangs, you name it. Ive seen it all. And not once have I ever failed to
stop them. Yet, I never feel satisfaction. Deep down I know my parents are out there. But I just
cant put my finger on it. Where are they? Suddenly, the ringing of metal being dropped hit, like
a tin can. A noxious gas tin can, and in an instance I was knocked out. Unconscious. I was
awoken abruptly with skin numbing ice water. Where am I? The room was pitch black. So dark
you couldnt see anything but what your mind wants you too. Suddenly,
a burning light
hits my
eyes. And a dark menacing voice echoes through this empty room Ive been waiting, Mr.
The rough tone of his voice made my
body shake.
I screamed Who are you!?, for it was the only thing I wanted to know.
The dark voice exclaimed You will know me very well, Mr. Savior, but for now. Just know
me as a pal or a friend. Now this frightened me.
What do you want? I yelled, hoping to get some clue on who this man was.
Its not what I want, its what I want
to do. You see, my mob has been dropping down
the charts lately, money wise. Now if Im wrong, you used to be an amazing thief. I want you to
steal something for me. he explained.
I dont do that anymore. I learned its wrong what I did. I exclaimed.

Oh, I wasnt
you, I was telling you. For you see, when you were unconscious, the
boys and I gave you a little present.I felt as if someone took a live electrical wire and shoved it
straight into my neck. I lashed out in pain.
What did you do to me? I screeched.
Shocking, isnt it? We gave you a small chip in your neck. whenever I press this button
here youre shocked. the man
. Also, Ive never been in this room, we also installed
an earpiece in your ear, so you can hear my lovely voice wherever you go.
I screamed at the top of my lungs Youre sick!
Not sick, mental. Theres a huge difference. Now I want you to find me the Purlean gem.
Thats insane!
Not for you it isnt. Now get going before those packs of C4s go off. The lights flashed
on and I was surrounded by box on box of C4s, all with 1 minute before detonation. The ropes
holding me were cut loose.So I ran.
I could hear the beeping of every second wasted, just waiting to blow me to pieces. I
could see a door in the distance The sweet outdoors. The beeping got louder and much faster, I
could count the numbers in my head. 3,2,1 Wait, what? The earpiece rang and a muffled
laughter could be heard. You really think I would blow you up? Pathetic. If I really wanted to, I
would have done it while you were knocked out! Now, what are you waiting for? Go! I would
have to plan in order to find this pal of mine. First I would have to track the signal from the
earpiece. But in order to do that he would have to Well, what are you waiting for? he yelled.
N-n-nothing sir, Ill get going as soon as possible. I stated, with chills down my spine.
But now I can track it, all I needed was his voice. Now this may take a while.
I may as well try to steal the Purlean gem, in the case that I fail. I
barely knew the area, so
I began studying it. I learned everything all
flaws of
the building. Like the
small hollow area
that a
tiny three inch hole
could be drilled
the building.
fit a drone. Thats it! I
steal it with a drone! A high pitch screech went off, and yet again the dark voice exclaimed, So
long will this take?
I would say about a week. I told the man.

A week?! No no no no no! I wanted it by the end of the tommorow! DONT MAKE ME SHOCK
YOU! he screamed.
Alright! Alright! But please dont shock me! I pleaded.
Fine, now hurry!
the man screamed impatiently
So I managed to find a drone online and they said It wasnt too far, so they managed to
get it shipped in 3 hours. Now all I had to do was plan. I didnt take too long since I already knew
what to do. All I needed was time to prepare. And I would leave by 3 in the morning. So, this is the
plan. Ive managed to hook up some spray to the drone for any lasers that get in my way. The
drone will fly in, scoop the gem in its small pouch. The gem only has a diameter of 3 inches and
the drones
. So, the gem should fit. So I flew the drone in, and sprayed everywhere. There were
multiple lasers, but not too tricky to maneuver through. I saw the gem and snatched it, and did
the same maneuvers through, but it was harder with all the extra weight. Then the drone flew
through the hole and into my hands. I got it!
Suddenly, my phone went off, and it finished tracking. Hes hiding
on 34 Snippet way
That address, it seems so familiar, reminds me of my,
The pain started
to come back all the
memories I shared with my parents.
Then the flashback. I was cold,
alone. It was rainy. I waited for days, then just took off. I pondered the thought
But why there?
Maybe hes trying to tell me something. Could he be .? No. Oh my god, I have to get there as
soon as possible!
I bolted to my exact address, with the gem in hand. And bursted through the
door. There he was. Just standing there, looking me straight in the eyes. Dad? I cried. Oh, um
hey. Oh man
look at the time! Gotta run! And in an instance, he bolted up the stairs. Wait,
Dad! I yelled.
He bolted up the stairs to the third floor and I gave chase.
Til that moment where
the window was open. and all I saw were his fingertips.
Help! Please! Somebody, anybody! Oh thank goodness son! Please help! he screamed.
Wow, look who came crawling back. You know that bench was fairly comfortable. You
know how long Ive waited for this? 19 years, 19 long years, Dad! So I wonder, save the person
who abandoned you or watch him fall.
Please, your mothers gone. Im all you have left! Please, Im your father! he pleaded.
What happened to Mom?! I bursted,
She left, looking for you. he whispered

She could still be alive! You dont know that.

Yes, but Im just at
reach! Please, Im your father!
I leaned over, looked him straight in the eyes and said I have no father. And he fell. It
felt as I had watched him glide down, to a quick thud. He was gone and along with it, the pain. I
felt a new pain now. The kind you feel when you fail, but get back up and keep on trying. I knew
he was gone, but she was still out there, somewhere. Ill search and keep going. And it shouldnt
be hard, with my new gem. Speaking of my gem, Im now wanted. Id better lay low for awhile, and
continue my search, because I know my mom is out there somewhere. I just need to find her.

By: Christopher Pinheiro

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