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Course Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Art and Design ( Graphic Design) 60 credits
Student Name:



Internal Assignment:


Core Unit

Credit Value: 20

Handout date:
Submission Deadline:
Submitted on time: Yes/No

Assignment title: Restaurant Identity

Assignment No: 3
Unit 3
Ideas and concepts are the core of all creative art and design thinking. Innovation, and imagination in the
vocational world of art and design are essential for practitioners to create successful artwork, designs and
Professionals use a wide range of skills to generate and develop their ideas. This project addresses the
importance of creative thinking, the various stages involved in the design process and alternative
approaches to idea generation. Ideas and concepts are the core of all creative art and design. This unit
aims to broaden and deepen your understanding of what constitutes creative thinking. Through a series of
exercises you will be introduced to lateral and vertical thinking, brainstorming and a greater understanding
of your own and contemporary practitioners thought processes.
Unit 4
Learners will study how practitioners use primarily visual imagery to communicate ideas, messages and
meaning, and then applying findings to their own ideas.
The Assignment Logo + Menu
A new restaurant will be launched and you are asked to create the branding of the restaurant. Your task is
to design a professional:
a. Logo
b. Menu
Design a menu that visually communicates the style/atmosphere/food type of the restaurant. The completed
menu should include:

Name of restaurant, logo, address / location(s).

Sections of menu Salads, Burgers & Sandwiches, Smoothies &

Shakes, Desserts
Each section must have at least four items, but can have

Each item must have a brief description and a price.

Size: The menu can be of any shape or size but think about the practicalities of printing! Menu
must be functional, and must be legible.

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this unit a learner should:
Unit 3 Ideas and Concepts in Art & Design
1. Understand how ideas and concepts inform art and design work
2. Know how to generate ideas
3. Be able to generate and refine ideas in response to given briefs
4. Be able to communicate and present ideas and outcomes to different audiences.
Unit 4 Communication in Art & Design
1. Understand how media, materials and processes are used in others work to convey ideas and
2. Be able to develop visual language

Know how art and design is used to communicate ideas and meaning

4. Be able to communicate by using the language of art and design

Tutor: Dee Valkering

IV: Lisa Hamblett


Grading Criteria

Tasks LO1- Understand how ideas and concepts inform art and design work
a. Create a Mindmap in which you identify different ways artists generate ideas.

Unit 3

b. Look at different artists' work and investigate how they generate ideas.

Unit 3

Please refer to Task 2 on course website and complete the activities.

Unit 4

c. Investigate how designers create a logo from scratch - from concept to final
outcome. Present this in a slideshow

Unit 3
Unit 4

Watch slideshow on semiotics 'How symbols and signs can be used to influence Unit 4
consumer behaviour' (see my course website)
Research existing logo's and identify their hidden messages
Does a logo communicate a particular meaning or feeling? How?
Does a logo include a (hidden) symbol or message?
Does a logo use particular colours to communicate a
Does a logo include particular shapes used to convey a mood/emotion?
Task 4 - Planning
Prepare and write a clear and thorough project proposal & brief outlining what you are

aiming to produce and why.

Explain how you intend to meet your goals and how you will undertake research which
will influence your idea development. Discuss with your tutor for approval. Refer to the
Project brief handout.

Task 2
Research existing logo and menu designs for vegan/veggie restaurants/cafes or food
How do they communicate the theme of vegetarian/vegan food?

Unit 3
P1 M1
Unit 4
P1 M1 P3

What kind of media, materials and processes have they used to enhance the
message to be communicated to the target audience?
compare and contrasts examples
Task 6 Brainstorming for ideas with words (mindmap)
Thinks outside the box apply lateral thinking techniques (please refer to the course
website in the section 'Lateral Thinking'
You start with a word then create a spider like diagram with associated words, these

Unit 3
Unit 4
P1 P2

words can be as loosely or closely associated as you want to the original word. You
can create mind maps with paper and pencil or use mind mapping software.
Play word games - Try using what you might call 'essence words' to get your ideas
down words that encapsulate the spirit, personality and message you want to put
across, even if they seem crazy. A day or two later you might find that something
resonates with what's on your mind.
Task 7 Create a moodboard to explore visuals related to your theme/restaurant
A mood board is typically a combination of images, fonts, colours, and textures that
define the style/atmosphere of the cafe.
Include PRIMARY AND SECONDARY resources.
Useful link:
Task 9 Thumbnail sketches
Complete several sheets of sketchy designs (thumbnails) for your corporate
design/logo/menu ideas.
Show consideration of colour, style, use of fonts and layout in your thumbnails
Develop your logo ideas further using the SCAMPER TECHNIQUE

What style of illustration might you use and what do you want it to convey?
What colours will you use and why?
Consider where text might be arranged?
What Font will you use and why?

Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2
Unit 4
Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2
Unit 4
D1 P2 M2

What format will the designs follow (menu; gatefold, tri-fold etc, corporate id; A4, B5,
portrait, landscape etc)
What textures will you use? Remember to link it back to your original direct observation
and thumbnails.
Pretty and delicate or simple and bold? sophisticated or naive style of work
What surfaces/textures or backgrounds will you use?

Task 10
1.Identify at least 2 thumbnails that you will then explore in more detail
(further design development)

Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2

2.Choose your best design for final development stage.

Unit 4
D1 P2 M2

Task 11 Digital Implementation to explore idea further exploring

Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2


Unit 4
P2 M2
Task 12 Final design production:

Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2

Create a design sheet for your final design(s)

Produce the final design using Photoshop/InDesign/Illustrator techniques to
produce a digital print-ready piece of artwork

Unit 4
P2 M2

Print and mock up your final design(s)

Task 13 - Evaluation
You must evaluate this project in-depth. You must think about where you started and
how your work has developed. Analyse all strengths and weaknesses within the body
of work.
How did you communicate an intended meaning to a specified audience?

Essentials skills evidence covered within this project:



Assessment Evidence
1. Worksheets from creative thinking exercises.
2. Research.
3. Sketchbook + annotations


Unit 3

Unit 4

4. Moodboard
5. Restaurant Logo
6. Restaurant Menu
7. Evaluation

Assessment for Unit 3 Ideas & Concepts in Art & Design

In order to achieve a pass your work
must satisfy these criteria:

Tutors comments:

Criteria met: yes

or no

P1 Compare ideas and concepts in

art and design work

Creative thinking exercises,

Analysis of arts work.

P2 Investigate ideas-generating

Creative thinking exercises.


P3 Generate and refine ideas in

response to given briefs

Develop ideas to produce outcomes

P4 Communicate and present ideas

and outcomes to different audiences.

Presentation of ideas to lecturers and


In order to achieve a merit your work

must satisfy these criteria plus the
pass criteria:

Tutors comments:

M1 Use the results of purposeful

research and investigation to inform
own ideas and concepts,
demonstrating coherent direction in
originating and developing ideas.

In depth research of your chosen

restaurant. Showing deep
understanding in the form of

M2 Demonstrate a considered
approach to producing purposeful
ideas and solutions in response to
briefs, presenting work coherently
and effectively.

Show inspiration from your research

through to your idea generation and
final design.

In order to achieve a distinction your

work must satisfy these criteria plus
the pass and merit criteria:

Tutors comments:

D1 Independently analyse and

interpret research to generate
personal ideas and concepts,
applying sophisticated thinking in
generating, modifying and
synthesising original ideas

Independently and fluently analyse and

interpret research through the written
word /annotation / evaluation.
Evidence your understanding of
creative thinking to generate and
develop exciting and groundbreaking

D2 Demonstrate an individual and

perceptive approach to producing
and communicating innovative and
engaging work using sophisticated
presentation methods.

Show clear evidence of highly

articulate communication skills through
independently planned, engaging

Criteria met: yes

or no

Criteria met: yes

or no

Assessment Unit 4 Communication in Art & Design

In order to achieve a pass your

Tutors comments:

Criteria met:

work must satisfy these criteria:

P1 Explain how media and
materials are used in others work
to convey ideas and meaning
P2 Create own visual language by
working with materials and media
and processes.
P3 Describe ways in which visual
language is used to communicate
ideas and meaning.
P4 Communicate an intended
meaning to a specified audience
using the language of art & design.
In order to achieve a merit your
work must satisfy these criteria
plus the pass criteria:
M1 Evaluate how media, materials
and processes are used diversely
to convey ideas and meaning,
drawing on own experiments to
make effective comparisons.
M2 Communicate an intended
meaning clearly to a specified
audience through refined use of the
language of art and design.

yes or no
Annotate appropriate research to
gain and understand how media,
materials and techniques are used in
others work to convey ideas and
Use different methods, materials and
media, primarily linked to Graphic
Evaluate how effectively an idea, a
meaning, a message or a piece of
information has been communicated
Develop your final pieces, which
must be clearly based on an original
idea from your research.

Tutors comments:
Demonstrate through annotation that
you have developed your
understandings of how others work
uses visual language to convey
meaning and messages through a
broad range of source material
Plan, construct and comment on
experiments with a broad range of
methods, materials and media.

In order to achieve a distinction

your work must satisfy these
criteria plus the pass and merit

Tutors comments:

D1 Communicate an intended
meaning cogently to a specified
audience through imaginative use
of the language of art and design.

Sophisticated and purposeful final


General tutor feedback:

Areas for development:

Criteria met:
yes or no

Criteria met:
yes or no

Student feedback:

Final Grade:

Tutor signature:


Student Signature:


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