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The climate of the British Isles

What is it like?

• Know what the climate of the British Isle is like

• Know what an air mass is

• Understand the influence that different air masses have on the weather of the
British Isles

Starter: Watch the ‘Weather in the UK’ movie from – is this how
you think about the UK weather?

Task 1: Read pages your textbook detailing the variables in insolation and transfer of
energy, taking notes below:

Basic climatic characteristics –

Temperature –

Precipitation –

Wind –
Task 2: Read the following information about air masses, highlighting/underlining
key points and concepts. This information is adapted from a Met Office Education
Service leaflet.
Task 3: Complet the activities included in the case study below (‘Case Study 9.1
Exploring Variability’ from ‘Natural Systems and Human Responses by R Prosser).
Plenary: Play airmasses pictionary on the white board.!!


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