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His books went flying across the hallway.

"Nerd!" the boys shouted. Leo sat on the side hugging his knees to his chest. Tears streamed down Leo
face as he was watching his backpack being torn apart. The boys flung the backpack on the floor and
ran away, Leo crawled to pick up his backpack and sprawled to get the books that were scattered
everywhere. Then he stood up and bolted his way towards the library, hoping the bullies wouldn't see
him there.
As he saw the library in the distance, he quickly bolted to the entrance, eager to be in his safe
haven. He threw his backpack onto a chair and dashed toward the books, in the fantasy section, Leo
picked up his favorite book The Dragons Clash. On the cover of the book, there was a black dragon
that had gleaming red eyes. On the first page, all there was a quote that went like this:
The darkness will have his way.
Leo never really got that poem but he thought it sounded interesting. As he opened the first page, it
started raining.
Thunder howled outside. The tree branches scratched the windows. But, he cleared out his
mind and started reading. It was a windy afternoon
Then he noticed his head was pounding.
Leo couldnt concentrate. He was getting really sweaty. He could feel his heart pounding loudly.
First his arms turned completely numb, then his brain shut completely down. Then it was over,
everything was gone.

Hes alive!

Leo fully opened his eyes and the blistering sun stung his pupils. He propped himself up on one arm;
then he looked to the side and what he saw almost made him faint again.
Around him stood several colorful creatures that stared at him with wide marble-like eyes. There
was a creature next to her. The creature, about the same size as a mouse, had tiny horns.
WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU? Leo screamed loudly.
Well that was very rude! the creature buzzed with a disappointing face. Leos jaw dropped
You know, for a stranger who just fell out of the sky, you arent very nice! The creature squealed.
The creature jumped off Leos stomach. Leo twisted his head to see behind him, there stood a cloaked
man. The man was very familiar to Leo. He was holding a vial of neon green liquid.
Uh, may I help you? Leo asked awkwardly.
The cloaked figure walked to Leo, who was still lying flat on the ground, and kneeled down to give him
the vial.
Leo obediently gulped down the liquid. Within seconds, he felt something in his arm click.
The healing juice connected your bones back together, the cloaked man said.
Leo found himself standing up. He fixed his broken square-rimmed glasses and stomped the dirt of his
jeans. The wind blew harshly. Then, he asked where he was.
You are in the mighty land of Thorneon! squeaked a yellow squirrel-like creature.
Thorneon? Hey that name sounds familiar-- Leo was cut off. Then, the horned animal screamed.
In the distance, Leo heard loud stomping.
Run! The cloaked man shouted.
The creatures and Leo ran on the rocky forest path. In the clearing, they saw big lodge made of logs.
Into the cabin, NOW! the man shouted.

They dashed into the cabin and slammed the door with a bam. Leo took a moment to catch his breath
before he asked what the heck just happened.
Those were probably the fledglings, said the man.
Fledglings were half darkness and half forest creature. Fledglings were once nice forest animals, but
then they were captured and injected with darkness. Some fledglings cant even talk. A fledgling is very
weak, but when it transitions into a maven, a full beast of darkness, one maven bite can kill you instantly.
And realization hit Leo like a rock.
Wait, Fledglings, Thorneonhey! This is the Dragons Clash! Oh, and you must be Karko, and these
must be your forest animals and that makes meTiberius! Because in the book, Tiberius fell out of the
That is true, may I ask you what how you know my name? the man said.
Leo tried to explain how he read the book and knew everything already. All the forest creatures looked
confused, but Karko understood. Suddenly, Leo heard thunder boom outside the window.
I must teach you how to defend yourself, Karko said, trying to stay calm.
And after that Karko gave Leo an etchi.
Do you know how to use an etchi? Karko asked hopefully.
Leo took the etchi, and held it at an approximately 55 angle and made swishing patterns in the air like
he remembered in the book. He drew a cat and out of the air fell out a cat like the one he drew. Karko
gave an impressed nod.

Everyday, the weather in Thorneon was the same. Rain and thunderbolts struck from the sky.
Karko knew that it was near. Leo started thinking of why he was the main character, Tiberius, he never
understood why. In the book, Tiberius was described as a strong, courageous, man that could take on a

pack of mavens. But Leo, on the other hand, was a scrawny bookworm who couldnt even do any pullups when they were fitness testing. He asked Karko why he was Tiberius. Karko just laughed.
Braveness is not displayed through appearances, he said.

After the several lessons Karko had given Leo, he was now an expert. Now, Leo knew how to
use an etchi with his eyes closed. As Leo was improving, the sky got was not. Karko also took notice
and trained Leo harder than he ever did because he feared that one-day the darkness would come. Leo,
on the other hand, was completely oblivious. He had forgotten that it was coming until the morning when
he woke up. The sky, as usual, was dark and covered by even darker clouds. Then as Leo went to go
get changed, the ground started to rattle. Leo rushed downstairs to find Karko not there; only his scared
little forest creatures huddled in a corner.
Wheres Karko? Leo asked.
Huey pointed to the open door.
He went out the door and told us to stay here, Huey buzzed with fear. He turned completely
Well come on, we have to help him! Leo screamed.
The small animals looked at each other and nodded in agreement.
But how? they asked in unison.
Leo was stumped; he didnt know what to do. But in the book, Tiberius runs out the door and
runs east towards the thunderstorm. Without thinking, Leo ran out of the cabin and into the storm. He
needed to save the day because he knew the climax was starting.

As Leo and the forest creatures ran towards the east, Leo was soaking wet, but he didnt care.
The only thing that mattered was finding Karko. In the corner of his eye, he saw something black. He
turned. There was Karko, grasped by an elegant dark creature, a dragon. Then Leo realized. In the
book, Tiberius slays the dragonbut something that Leo remembered is that the after slaying the beast,
Tiberius dies.

The dragon stared hardly into Leos eyes. Leo stared back with the same amount of anger. The dragon
slithered towards Leo and Leo swung out his etchi. Behind the dragons stood a vicious pack of mavens.
PUT KARKO DOWN! Leo heard himself scream
You fool! He has every little forest animal I need, after I turn them into mavens, I will rule the world! the
dragon said.
Leo used the etchi to draw a blade and grabbed the sword. He grabbed the sword and held it towards the
dragon. The dragon threw Marko onto the floor and grabbed Leo. Leo used the etchi to draw a knife and
threw it at the dragon; the dragon dodged it and seized Leo by the neck.
What are your last words? The dragon shouted.
Before I die, I want you to remember my name, Leo, and remember that I will not be pushed around no
more, Leo shouted with more fierceness than ever. Without thinking, Leo pulled the blade he recently drew
and stabbed into the dragons claws. The dragon cried in pain as he dropped Leo and hehit the forest
ground with a thump. He looked around and saw Karkos forest animals attempting to fight the mavens. On
the left, he saw Huey get bit by a wolf-like maven. Leo screamed and rushed towards Huey, who now turned
completely black with darkness..
Dont worry about me, go find Karko Huey said before his neon purple eyes lost its color.

Leo obediently dashed towards Karko. Karko was on the ground, his face was filled with gooey black
substance: darkness. Karko then muttered something softly,
Leo, I am happy that you came to Thorneon. I am happy I have known you because no one I have ever met
can even come close to how brave you are. You are not Tiberius; you are Leo. Karko said before closing his
eyes. Leo tried to slap his eyes open but it was no use he was gone. Then, the dragon arose from behind
him. Leo took his etchi and drew not a picture, but a word: Light. From the etchi arose a ghostly yellow
dragon. The yellow dragon slid its way towards the black dragon. Then the yellow dragon exploded. Light
crystals poured out from the dragons chest and it pierced the darkness dragon. The Mavens all shed its
cloak of darkness and morphed back into forest creatures. The dragon shrunk and all that was left of him
was a small, baby grey dragon. Thats all Leo remembered before he passed out.

Leo woke up and found himself in school. The bullies were in front of him and ripping open his backpack.
Leo found himself get really furious. He remembered what Karko told him. He stood up and wiped the tears
from his eyes. He went up to the tallest bully, Jared.
Im sick and tired of you. You probably have been bullied before, but Im telling you this, the cycle stops
now. Your group of phonies and you think you are so much better, but they ARENT.
SO.STOP.ACTING.LIKE.IT. I know you act so cruel because you want to make someone feel bad to make
you have more power. But I wont let you anymore. Not when Im here. Leo shouted.
The bullies looked appalled. Then, they ran away because they knew all of what Leo said was true.

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