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New MySQL MSI Installer really different with MySQL in this tutorial, so here I found a

video on how to install MySQL on Windows 7. If you have already installed a local server
with this MySQL, here is how to backup all your databases. Open Command Prompt and
enter the following line:
mysqldump -u root -p[password] -h [host] --all-databases > dump-name.sql

As an example, if my MySQL password is 12345 and I want to backup all MySQL

databases and save the output sql/dump file into D drive named "mysqldump.sql" So I can
type something like the line below into the Command line:
mysqldump -u root -p12345 -h localhost --all-databases > d:/mysqldump.sql

With MySQL Workbench it is easy to import sql/dump file as you can see in the video. If
you don't want to install MySQL Workbench, here is how to import sql/dump from the
command line:
mysql -u root -p < d:/mysqldump.sql

After you created

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