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By: Mariam Elmoudi

How To Insert a Table Into

Purpose: The purpose for adding a table is if you want to display
your information in table from. You can choose how big or small
you want your table.

1. Open

Microsoft Word
by double
clicking on it.

2. After the

program opens
click on the insert
tab circled above
(third one down
after file, and

3. After clicking on the

insert tab there will be a

toolbar with different
options. Click on the
one that says table
which is the 4th one
down and has a picture
of a table.

4. Once you click on

the icon table a

chart will come up
with options. This is
where you choose the
size of your table.

5. Lets say I want a 7 by

5 table so I put my
cursor at the 7 by 5 cube
and then its gets
highlighted in orange
and shows you what it
looks like on your

6. Once your happy with the

size you click on that cube and

your toolbar changes to a
bunch of different table styles.
Click on whichever one you like
and then you can customize
and add words to your table
however you need it to be.

7. I chose the style

that I wanted by
clicking on it and I
started filling in my
chart with names of
people in my class.

8. You can make

your chart bigger

or smaller by
dragging this
little white
square in the

9. After I am

happy with my
chart, I want to
save it so I can reopen it when I
need to add more

I hope you
learned how to
insert a table
into a word
document and
hope it was
easy enough.

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