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The Spidergram (part 3)

What I'm trying to say is ..

Sorry, Ill start again

Starting off
Shall I start?


Do you want to start? / Would you

like to start?

Well, um ..

Shall we start with this one? / Let

s start with ...

Let me see / Let me think.

It's a difficult / tough question ..
It's hard to say, but ...

Moving on
Shall we move on (to ... / this
Lets move on (to) / this one.
What do you think about ... / this

Referring to what you OR your

partner has said
As I / you said before , ...
As 1 / you were saying,

To be honest..
I don't really know what to say,
I've never thought about it before,
but ...

Coming to a decision
OK, so which two do you think are
the most useful/important etc?
OK, shall we choose the two most
useful/important etc

What I mean is ... / I mean ...

OK, so lets choose the two ...

OK, so shall we make a decision?

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