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Hamiltons 8th Grade English Class,

Del Mar Middle School
105 Avenida Miraflores, Tiburon, CA 94920

November 18, 2014

Mr. David Yates
Warner Brothers Productions
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, California 91522

Dear Mr. Yates;

I would like to compliment you on your amazing ability to create and produce films.
I have watched many of your movies, and can honestly say that a lot of those movies
make my favorites list. A couple movies I have especially enjoyed are none other
that the Harry Potter movies.

I thought these movies were especially well done. I read all of the books, and saw all
of the movies; and thought that you did a great job of keeping the movies true to the
books. I liked how the characters and plotline stayed consistent, and there were no
big changed made. I know this is what a lot of people look for in movies based off of
books, and you definitely didnt disappoint anyone.

I read a book recently that I thought was very good, and would fit right in to your
movie collection. I am the Messenger by Markas Zusak was a truly inspiring novel. A
19-year-old cab driver starts receiving messages written on playing cards in the
mail after he accidentally stops a bank robbery. These messages are cryptic, and
lead him to make changes in strangers lives. He realizes that he has been chosen,
and gains self-confidence and self-worth through helping others. He is confused
about one thing however; who is sending him the messages?

As I said before, this was a great book, and has the potential to be an even better
movie. Markas Zusak already has a large fan base, meaning certain success for the
movie. The action and inspiration in I am the Messenger would attract even more
fans, ones that havent even read the book. It also has a memorable plot, and fans
would love the feel-good mood and positive morals. The book also has suspense and
action as well as a great message about making a change in the community and
other peoples lives. This book has all the elements of a wonderful movie. I strongly
suggest looking into I am the Messenger because I think your studio could make it a
great movie.

Fried, Grace

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 10:06:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time


In conclusion, I love the work that your studio produces. I loved Harry Potter
because it had great actors, a great plot, and it stayed true to the original series. If
you followed the same steps in creating a movie for I am the Messenger, it would be
a great film. Not to mention the fact that it would bring joy to all of the people that
read the book, and be appealing to many more.


Grace F.

Fried, Grace

Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 10:06:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time


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