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Cole Cavanaugh

Ms. Krause
Position Paper
Cell phones have drastically changed the way people live and
see the world. Two weeks ago at Coachella I realized how many people
had their cell phones out recording the songs when they should have
been enjoying the songs. They were more concerned with being able
to watch it after on their phones than they were with watching it in the
first place. Cell phones pose as a major distraction to the wonders of
the world and to students all across the world and their ability to learn.
Cell phones also pose as a major distraction to drivers and their ability
to concentrate on the road.

Cell phones are a major interference to the wonders of the world.

A lot of the time when people go to concerts or witness historic
monuments they are more worried about taking pictures and videos
than they are with just enjoying the show. When people are on their
phone they often go into their own reality. This is known as the cell
phone zone. Its the first few minutes of the cell phone zone that
seems to be the most engrossing. Cell phones allow people to think of
themselves as important because social networks with a global reach
recognize them. People get sucked into their phones and become
unresponsive to the world around them.

Cell phones are also a major distraction to students and their

ability to learn. Most students cant multitask so when they are texting
or doing something else on their phone while taking notes they arent
taking in all the content to their full extent. In a study called the
Kuznekoff and Titsworth study, they found that students who use cell
phones in class write less and do worse on tests. Ive noticed that
some schools are putting some kind of service jammers in their classes
making in impossible to send text messages and use certain apps that
are popular to students. Also if a teacher must constantly monitor
whos doing what, then he or she is getting just as distracted as the
students they are trying to teach.

Cell phones are also a very dangerous hazarded for drivers.

According the National Safety Council, multitasking is a myth. Cell
phone conversations whether they are hands free or not are just as
dangerous. Your brain switches between tasks making it impossible to
focus one hundred percent on two different things. Drivers can be
looking through the windshield and not see half of whats in front of
them. It is nearly impossible to follow a T.V show while speaking on
the phone, so what makes people think they can do it while driving.

In conclusion people need to live in the moment and be present

no matter how we live or see the world. I enjoyed going to Coachella
and even though it is great to have a few pictures and videos, I
realized that the most important thing is to enjoy the memories being
created. Students will learn more in school and more lives will be
saved on the road if people learn to part from their cellular devises.
Your life and others are not worth it. Enjoy living your life in the

Annotated Bibliographys
Ratmond Gozzi, jr. The Cell Phone Zone. Institute of General
Semantics: 2008. Print
The Jstor article offers quality information regarding cell phones
distracting people from the world around them. It explains the key
reasons to why people get sucked into their phones and become
unresponsive their surrounding. The article talks about how when
people are on their phones they go into their own reality known as the
cell phone zone.
The author is trying to make the world aware of the on going
problem of cell phones distracting people from the world around them.
Rather than just summarizing the problem of the cell phone zone, the
article also provides examples of how to deal with the problem.

This article helped my paper by providing me with the

information that I needed. It provides examples that are supported by
facts in a disruptive manner. Students should find this article very

Maryellen Weimer. The age of Distraction.

Magna, 2014
The Age of Distraction article explains the affects that cell
phones have on students. It states that most kids cant multitask and
when texting and trying to take notes the students are often not taking
in all the information to their full extent. A study also proved that
students who use cell phones in class write less and do worse in tests.
The author is trying to make people more aware of how cell
phones distract students. He aims to motivate people to put down
their phones and learn something.

The Article provided me with the information and proof about

how cell phones distract students in class. It addresses the problem
behind cell phones and how they can prevent students from not taking
in the information that they need to succeed.

National Safety Council. How Cell Phones Distract

The National Safety Council provides important facts on how
driving and talking on your cell phone is an irresponsible act. It
explains how the brain works when talking and driving, and explains
that it is impossible to multitask. The article also states that cell phone
conversations weather your hands free or not are just as dangerous.
The author is attempting to educate the readers on the dangers
of talking on a cell phone while driving. He or she describes how

multitasking is a myth and explains how the brain reacts while

This source contains quality information and provided me with
the facts I needed to write my essay. It is a government controlled
website containing the most credible information available.

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