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Genetic Algorithms:

The use of genetic algorithms is a growing application of artificial intelligence. Genetic algorithm
software uses Darwinian (survival of the fittest), randomizing, and other mathematical functions to
simulate an evolutionary process that can yield increasingly better solutions to a problem. Genetic
algorithms were first used to simulate millions of years in biological, geological, and ecosystem
evolution in just a few minutes on a computer. Now genetic algorithm software is being used to
model a variety of scientific, technical, and business processes.
Genetic algorithms are especially useful for situations in which thousands of solutions are possible
and must be evaluated to produce an optimal solution. Genetic algorithm software uses sets of
mathematical process rules (algorithms) that specify how combinations of process components or
steps are to be formed.
Neural networks:
Neural networks are computing systems modelled on the human brain's mesh-like network of interconnected
processing elements, called neurons. Of course, neural networks are much simpler than the human brain
(estimated to have more than 100 billion neuron brain cells). Like the brain, however, such networks can
process many pieces of information simultaneously and can learn to recognize patterns and programs
themselves to solve related problems on their own.
Neural networks can be implemented on microcomputers and other computer systems via software packages
which simulate the activities of a neural network of many processing elements. Specialized neural network
coprocessor circuit boards are also available. Special-purpose neural net microprocessor chips are used in some
application areas.
Uses include:
1. Military weapons systems
2. Voice recognition
3. Check signature verification
4. Manufacturing quality control
5. Image processing
6. Credit risk assessment
7. Investment forecasting
Neural Nets at Infoseek:
Infoseek has developed a targeted marketing service that more closely targets advertising on its Internet search
engine to users interests by keeping track of every search that a user makes. The service uses neural network
technology to observe all the searches users run every time they visit the InfoSeek search engine. The neural net
software then calculates a single numeric value, or vector, that describes users interests. InfoSeek uses that
information to match users to the online ads it sells to advertisers on its Web search pages.

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