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| sesr cope 02107020 FORM TP 2007165 MAY/TUNE 2007 } CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION BIOLOGY UNIT PAPER 02 2h hows Candidates are advised to use the first 18 minutes for reading through this poper carefully. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. This paper corsists of NINE questions, 2. Stetion A consists of THREL questions, Céndidates must atempt ALL. ‘questions in thi section and shovld spend no mare than 30 minutos on this ‘section. Answers to this section MUST br weiten in this question paper. 3. Seotion B consists of SIX questions. Candidates must attempt THREE ‘questionsin this seeion, ONE qusstion fromEACH module. Answers to this ‘Section MUST be writen inthe separate answer booklet provided. 4. ‘The.ase ofeilent non programmable ealelators is allowed ‘Copyright © 2006 Carbean Examinations Council | All xghts reserved. o2i07020rcAPE/2007 Eagle se SECTION A ‘You must attempt ALL THREE questions In this stetion, You should NOT spend more than ‘So minutes on this section, 1. Table I shoves the reauls of food tests conducted on thre solutions. Todine in Test Bluret Benedict's | Potassium Tubes Reagent Solution Iodide x Ble Brcko Brown y Purple Blue ‘Blue block Zz Purple nvkred Brown ‘TABLE I: FOOD TESTS RESULTS FOR SOLUTIONS X, ¥ AND Z () —@_Whatconctasions can you draw about tie contents of the solutions? i) Briefly explain the colour change recorded for Solution X when treated with neers solution. [2 marks] (00 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE i © 3 Suggest how you weuld determine the concentation of the substance in Solution X if given adelitional samples. 14 marks} ‘How would you determine the presence of lipid ina ligid foodstuff, using a testde ‘oased method? [imark} ‘Total 10 marks 4 2. Figure 1 stiows.asained slide prepatation oft ips undergoing mitosis Figure t p/w sisuelsunlimited comlimages/watermarked307/30712,p2 (@) Inthe spacet provided make representative dawings ofthe cells and nuclear contents showing the stages labelled in Figure 1 as A and B. Drawings should be at X3. Hdenify the stages drawn. A dentiey Beaty | 6 marks} GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (©) State the procedures invelved in making a slido prepweation of an onion root tip 10 examine mitosis. f (2 marks) [0 State FOUR locators (ote than the root tip) where mitosis cocurs in plants, [2 marks} ‘Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02107020;CAPE2007 -6- 3. (Figure 2sepresents categories | - ofthe fve-kingdom system of classification ofiving ‘organisms proposed by Margulis and Schwart Figure 2 ‘Complete Table 2 below show which muminer on Figure2 matches EACH kingdom indicated -» TABLE2 Kingdom ‘Number @ | Pans cy | Fang: (iy | Protectisis vy | Animate (1 | Prokaryotes [ 2marks) G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ()—Cestain features are ased to distinguish organismsino kingéoms. For EACH kingdom, ‘sate the features used to discriminate between them: (@®_Prokaryois from te other four kingdoms ‘Feanire (2) AvimalsSrom plants Feature sa Feature 2 ee i) Fangi trom plants Feanate Feawre 2, (Gv) Prototiats from the animal, plant and fungus kingdoms. Feature $$$ [3 marks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE OUND ABEDANT sibs ()—InFigace3.electroamicrographs!-5 showcellsofthe immunesysiem, [x omdertoassis in denitying thom, crete a sot of paired dichotomous keys. Hana Irmphoeste Rabo tympoeyte 7 7 Graazlated mat cll Desgramulted mast cok | 3 7 Figire 3 Adapt from 1 Rot, Essent mmerotoe ‘Blackwell Seiemific Publications 1997, ‘pp 132, 134, 185,156. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘2107207 AP E2007 -10- SECTION B ‘You must answer THRER questions in this section. Antwor ONE question EACH from ‘Medules 1,2 and 3. You MUST write your answers in the separate answer booklet provided, 4 @ © © 5 @ o © ‘monuLE 1 Anower EITHER Question 4 OR Question "Explaln whats meant by the term ena stmctne of protein’. {2 marks) ) Draw a large labelled ciagson to seat the stuctare of the haemoglobin noted (i) Stet main function of heroglbin and explain how the sutra tote fineton gen, 1 Snacks] Discus the factors which affect enzyme sci 110 marks} ‘otal 20 marks Describe the structure of the membrane of «typical cel, and identity is component parte aed thei biochemical nate [ S mares] ‘The cole ofthe membrane sto control the movement of substances. Clarity how this is dane fer EACH of the following: © Entry useful minerals, such as poxssium Absorption of large molecules by endocytosis (il) Entry ofnon- ionic molecules such as sucrose (iv) Prevention ofentry of toxic molecules sch as copper crlead [8 marks] ‘When sips of potato tissue are immerssdin distilled water for two hous, they increase length and become turgid, Relate this outcome to the exact causes and prosestes ‘cing inthe cells ofthe tissue [ 6 marks) "Total 20 marke © @ | o 02107020cAPE2007 ots MODULE 2 Answer EITHER Question 6 OR Question 7. (©) Describe the structure ofthe BINA molec i) Outline how the structure oF RNA differs fom that of DNA. (10 marks) Discuss how change: inthe nucleotide saquence of DNA can result in changes inthe structure and functioning of erythrocytes in sickle cell anaemia 110 marks} ‘Total 20 marke Give a deaited, labelled drawing of a section of the placenta co show the felative positions of the umbilical cont and blood vessels, the vil, uterine ‘wall, maternal blood spaces and matecaal blood vessels (inclusion of embeyo sot reouired). (i) In the umbilial cord use arrows to show the direction of blood flow and indicate which blood is oxygenated cr deoxygenaia. 110 marks} Discuss EACH ofthe folowing: The function of the emaion (i) “Pha eects of the foenns on the mother ‘The lfestyle requirements ofthe motes For healthy foetal devclopment 110 marks} ‘Total 20 marks 60 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE “ia MODULES Answer EITHER Questlon 8 OR Question 9. Figure 4 is pedigree chart showing the inheritance of hemophilia in several ofthe Royal amilies of Europe () 6) Explain the nature of inhertance ofthe allt for huemophiis {i)__-Explan why none of Queen Victoria's female offsprings were haemophiliacs. Gil) Drawa genetic degram 1 show the inheritance ofthe boemophiliallele inthe children of Leapold Duke of Albany. Gv) Bxplsin ie Inhestance of tbe human ABO blood group, [14 marie) (©) Ina-cross between two types of pea pants, one heterarygous forthe round yeflow seed conntion, ar the other, pure breoding With wrinkled green seeds, the following | offspings were recorded: 108 102 105 10 Round yellow peas ‘Roand green peas ‘Wrinkled yellow peas ‘Wrinkle grea peas, Clarity the sequential stepsto be taken when using the Chi-square test to determine the significance of the resals “The forma for conducting Chi-square in X*~ xfer 1 marke] ‘Total 20 marke GO ON TO THE NEXT. PAGE 2107020 APEAN07 a8 o) © @ (© Detine reer “environment andexplaiathe influence of ONE physical factor and ONE Nits favor, onthe enviroament (i) Define the term “evoluton’, and explain the difference between the terms “allopatric” aad "sympatric {marks} Give FOUR reasons for the importance of maintaining biodiversity on earth, T4marks} ‘Discass EACH of the following terme: (Stabilizing selection Gi) Divectional selection Inciude in your anewer the effets of environmental pressure on ONE mamed exampie nach case to lustate the operation ofthese two methods of natural selection. [8 marks) oslections clotely associstod with speciation.” Commentonthssatement, “Disrupt ( 2marks ‘Total 20 marks END OF TEST The Counctthas made every efor tosrace copyrightholders. Howererifany have Been inadertendly ‘onerioaked, orany material has been ncorreciy acknowledged, CXC willbe pleased wo corrects at the earliest opportunity.

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