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i i ace ae on) esr cope 22107020 MAYHUNE 2008 FORM TP 2008160 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION BIOLOGY UNIT I~ PAPER 02 24 hours Candidates are adsised to use the first 15 minutes for ‘reading through this paper earerlly. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, ‘Thispaper consists of SIX questions Section A. consists of THREE questions. Candidates mast answer ALL 4vestions inthis section. Answers to this soctioa MUST be written in this ‘question paper Section B consists of THREE questions. Candidates must answer ALL, ‘questions in this section. Answers to this section MUST be writen in the separate answer beoklet povided, ‘The we of silent non-prograrmable caeulators is allowed. Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council. All igh reserved 22107020. APE!2008 ie SECTION A. Ansner ALL questionsin this setion. You must write your answers in the spaces provisest on the ‘question paper. L.G@ Carbohydrate molecules may be ised by ether cor f linkages, Figure | shows 2 ghacose molectles joined by an 0-1-4 glycosic Linkage oH, o8 gon =O 8 Ni AN Al My a Z < ufN Ao eae oon Figure 1, Two ghaicose molecnles (Using an o1-6 linkage, tach o third givens molecule fn Fue 1 12 marks) (i) Name ONE example of a carponydate thar is made up of components with BOTH ax ov glyoosidie linkage and an «16 linkage Timark] ii) __ Distinguish berwecen anc slycosidi linkage” and a" linkage” Timark ie) Comment on the citference in function berween a carbohydrate with cx inkages foe anda exzoohydrate with B likapes. T2marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 221070200CAPEI2008 (©) Kern, a proein fai in hair, is made up of «helices, Desccibe the a helix ‘bond in keri | (2marks] Tn contest to keratin, fibro, « protein found in silk ie made up of plete shes. Comment on TWO differences in physical propeties of these proteins ‘Waste your aster in the table below. i | i | { i i Ht te ia | i [2 marks) Git) Figure 2 shows another «wo structural bonds found in proteins, igure2, Strnctural bonds in proteins Weatity tre TWO bora labelled A ane B as shown in Figure 2 A & [2 marks} | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 22107120"CAPE2008 COviline an experimentta determine experimentally he presence catalase inchick peas. Ts marks) ‘Total 1S marks ) Beefy ourtne the role of DNA in genetic iertance. Mepis parks) Gi) Distinguish berween the terms ‘cltomatin’ and “bromosome'. Chromatin (4marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2210702 APE2008 (©) State THREE:reasons why mitosis is inporant in the HTeeycleoF eukaryotic orfanism [Smacks] (©) Figure3 shows wophases of theeary stages o” Meiosis. Inthe labelled boxesprovided = in Figure3, DRAW nee consecutive phases‘o llstiate the MAIN changes tha occur between the Wo phases shown. 0 a Figure 3. Diagrams showing (vo phases in Metasts { | [6 marks} ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 22107020'CAPE/2008 (2) Figure represents incomplete longitudinal section (LS) theough «caret jast prior to terization Figure 4, Incomplete LS through acarpel = (O- Draw on the diagram in Figure 4 9) theovule [2marks] 1b) the path takon by the germinating pollen grain. ( Amark} (3) On Figure 4, label TWO features ofthe embryo 696. [2 marks} (ii) Identity ONE toe for EACH of the festares in (i) shows. i2macks) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 2107 2UCAPEROOS “The pawpaw has wale and female flowers which te hare on diferent pants 2) Stato the term used to desesibe this eearoductive feat. [i mark} | (GH) State ONE disadvantage to the pant in having this featre [mark 7 (© Plants cen also be propagated non-soxually. Suggest TWO mechanisms that ‘ecar NATURALLY in plans o aid NON-SEXUAL propagation, [2marks) (Gi) Slaie ONE advantage of the mechanisms you identified in () (). Timark} (®) Methods exist for the atfics! poopsgation of plants utilizing small amounts of plat materials, Discuss THREE odvantages ofthese methods over the natural methods of nosexul propagation, i = = ee ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ‘2210720/CAPE:2008 SECTION B Answer ALL questions in this section. You must write your answers in the answer booklet provided. 4 @ o £ @ oy According to the endosymbiont theory, mitochondria and chloroplasts are organelles ‘ohish are thought to have evolved from prosaryotos, and which establsted symbiotic ‘mlaticnships with eukaryotic cel. ()_Desesibe TWO features of mitochondria andchloroplststhatsyppon the theory tu hey nye evolve from prokaryotic cll, [2 marks} (it) Define the term “aymbionis (2 marks ‘Giiy Comment on evklence Waar sappors the theory that symbiotic ationship existed between enkaryone cells and chloroplasts und mitcclondeia, Inchude Jn your answer the benefits that BUTH the eukaryorc cells andthe sybient evened. [a marks} (i) Det te terms "seu" and og 12 marks} (i) Use the icotyledoncus rvot to distinguish between the levels of cxganizion oui Hssues and oceans. [ES marks] ‘Totad 1S marks _Accosling tothe biologic species concept, a species represents the lowest taxonomic [oop nbich is capable of being defined with any degree of pretsion. While there are Several ways in which the erm may be defined, most biologists define speciesinretation to their breeding bebaviout, (i) Skate ONE definition of species terms of breeding behaviour. [2 marks) (Gi) Discus the Himittions of defining a “species” terms of breeding {6 anarks) (0 Witnreference io animal populations. uiline the processby which anew species nay arise from a previously existing one {4 marks) Gi) Acwoiling to Darwin and Wallace the mecbanice for epeciation is naroral Selection. Cimment om the bass ofthis mechan [3 marks} “Total 15 marks GO OW TO THE NEXT PAGE 22107020/CAPEI2008 ‘State the fanstions of EACH ofthe fling in oosctesis in humans 8) gonadoscophin releasing hormone 5) luteinising hormone © folie simulation emose (marks) (i) Explain how these hormones function ia rakes as compared females, hormone by oestrogen and progesterone is the basis of one contracepiive method i females. Comment on wiy the same principles CANT be applied to develop « = ‘male hoarmonal contraceptive. [4marks) fo) action to sintaitessdiffereices exist Retween oogenesis nd spermatogenssn, Discuss TWO significant diferences with respsct 9 the timing of vogencsls end speamatogencsis [4marks) (3marks] (©) The inhibition oF the production of luteinising hormone and follicle simulating otal 1S marks END OF TEST 22102020/CAPE/2008

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