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What is name for organizing element that enable modelers to organize the model's
classifiers into namespaces?
A. Class
B. Object
C. Operations
D. Packages
2. Which of this statement below is not true about characteristic type relationship :
A. When you use association type, certain objects will be related to each other, and these
relationships themselves need to be modeled for clarity
B. When you use bidirectional , both classes are aware of each other and their relationship,
unless you qualify the association as some other type
C. In a uni-directional association, two classes are related, but only one class knows that the
relationship exists.
D. Like standard associations, the bi-directional association includes a role name and a
multiplicity value, but unlike the standard uni-directional association, the bi-directional
association only contains the role name and multiplicity value for the known class
3. What is model diagram in this below that enable giving an instance about static
elements that we used?
A. Sequence diagram
B. Object diagram
C. Class diagram
D. all of the answer is not true
4. Which of following statement is not true about aggregation and composition?
A. Aggregation represents an association between two classes such that class A is a
part of class B and class A can exist independently.
B. Composition represents an association between two classes such that class A
contains class B and also controls the lifetime of class B.
C. Aggregation represent part class's lifecycle is not independent from that of the whole class
D. In an aggregation relationship, the child class instance can outlive its parent class.
5. Which of the following multiplicity relationships specifies that zero or many objects
of a class are related to the objects of another class?
a. Exactly one (1)
b. One or zero (0..1)
c. Many (0..*)
d. One or more (1..*)

Buatlah Class Diagram untuk Kasus di bawah ini:

You need to create a class diagram for an pharmacy information system. This Information
system have an purpose to check requirement of pharmacy for patient. For this, you need to
identify various classes. The patient class consist of patient code, name,address,
birthdate,phone number, medicine that they used. The medicine class consist of medicine code,
name of illness, types of drugs, way to drink this drug, stock, expired date. The type of medicine
class consist of generic medicine, patent medicine, brand medicine. Each of them have
difference price and promo from distributor. The pharmacist class consist of patient code,
patient data, list of medicine. Identify the relationship between classes in this system.

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