Ferrell Memo

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METRO Dwiaht. Fert Chit Executive Ofer {General Manager {hz an Svec Ste 1100, Cinna, OF 45202 (eiajesz 7510, (sia) 6327573 cx) May 26, 2015 ‘tere@go-me com HAND DELIVERED “The Honorable Mayor John Cranley Gity of Cincinnati £201 Plum Street, Room 160 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Dear Mayor Cranley: ‘The Southwast Ohio Regional Transit Authority is nearing the conciusion of negotiations with prospective proposers for the Cincinnati Streetcar operating Contract; the top tum-key and management contract cost scenarios wil be Shared withthe Ciy of Cincinnati and the SORTA Board at the end of the ist ‘week of June, ‘Since the management contract model assumes costs elated to work by SORTA employees who are represented by ATU Local 627, | wanted to bring you up to speed on aur progress in working with the union on costs related to the streetcar work. Time is of the essence; any delay in the operating contractor decision could cause significant implementation delays and cost to the streetcar project. SORTA has been working with ATU leadership since August 2014 to ty to come to terms on how an arrangement could work, in consideration of the Giy's funding for the streetcar. Despite seven meetings, correspondence ‘and several proposals from SORTA, the parties have not Been successful in ‘coming to terms on the scope or the cost related to ATU participation in the management contract approach, {A chronological summary ofthe activites and correspondence with the ATU. is attached, along with specific documents related tothe process. | personally have met with union leadership three times this year: March 43 ‘wih you and your team: March 27 with ATU Local 627, and Ap 20 with A1U {Vocal 627 and thei legal counsel In the March 13 meeting in your office, both sides conceptually agreed that [ATU-represented SORTA employees could serve as streetcar operators and in faciity maintenance under the management contract approach, ‘The point of impasse now involves a small number of vehicle technician jobs. Inthe March 13 meeting with you, it was agreed that no SORTA employees are qualified to maintain electric ral vehicles, nor would there be time prior to star-up to acquire the necessary training ancl experience Letter to The Honorable John Cranley May 26, 2015 Page Two [After the meeting, ATU insisted that these jobs should also be SORTAATU- raprosented employees, which would require a yeto-be-determined training program, Training would have tobe at the expense ofthe City since SORTA ‘does nat pay for strectcar-related expenses. This specialized training does not exist locally at this time. The technicians work on complex mechanical= ‘lectrical systems that run the streetcar, these postions require extensive ‘raining and experlenee to atsure vehilo reliably, passenger safety, and ‘operational safety ‘Our objective is to secure an operations contractor to keep the streetcar project ontime and on-budget. Ifthe mid-summer award of a contract forthe ‘operating contractor is compromised, we run the very real risk of missing key deadlines on City construction and vehicle delvery contracts, which would ‘acl cost lo the project. The consequences of delay should not be under- estimated. ‘The City needs to be aware that SORTA is unable to calculate accurate costs inthe management contract approach, because we do not have an ‘agreement vith ATU Local 627 on which to base labor cosis. Therefore, due to the impasse and unresolved labor cost issues, we are unable to propose & management option at this ime, Before City Council and the SORTA Board receive the tumkey and management mode! cost summaries next wesk, we are committed {0 taking the adallonal step to meet one mare time with ATU leadership to ty to finalze an agreement on union involvement, so that costs for the ‘management contract model can be more tightly defined. 'SORTA's continued focus Is to provide the safest, most efficient and cost tffecive operation of the streetcar on behalf of the City and its ciizens. Pease let us know if you have any questions or would ke to meet, Sincerely, Dwight A. Feral! (CEO and General Manager DAFs ‘tachment cc: SORTA Board APPEND! Summary of Negotiations botween SORTA and ATU. While seeing to achlewe the safest and most ficient operation and maintonance of the streetiar, SORTA has ‘bo fly embraced the potential opportunities for te ATU and ts membersin this endeaver.Itwarrantsemphaszing ‘that SORTA isnot aginst the ATU or any organize labor effort with respect tothe Sueetzar. Quite the opposites true, ‘as weave engeged the ATU through dedkated effet over the pas en months in odo oasis them In securing an ‘arrangement for ou employees and their members. What follows belo isa summary of SORTAseffr's and responses {rom the ATU to date, aos wh ATU wee SOTA fue ATU to gua fap tegeDer crear Hes FDI OE owas | Orta pian ry Maly, fin Dasma a Spo Pt Ga a so torn ry te se “ eter ron SOaTA oA ecg oxo carte sear dons desing ts vo opening ed s2nztu | inanopmert cone! pkey) sggstg longest cet BAe or heat a tans mola naming hon fo lester he emt opto sae THER wae Tre SOA Re aa ins she kw aaa TS ‘hou tes teen ppt exetinte toreanteta dente again Othe sessment ting recess nt potenera pcs. he Unln was Ire tony chong to eB ee sar ru wna on pad in an do te pes | see tat nat bn pont eggs ington wh Araceae cargenatn a wer ‘lceueunsonethecntacorprpea oe rsiedby O40, SORTA credo poe te ion up ‘ett nich ath oad ay popes Sona parce: Sa Dosey, Wa eso a Spo, Pas ether, tn Ro Arupatpns Toy teas, 6 ise, ae Ove Iyaatn stig wth Cate ston oa RU and OHTA rca ace Tae naps | abla recast enpoes ef he cantar. 3/1305 | Sopa prams: eon Dt Ow Fee ary hy [ATU peeps Toy Mk, ATU Represent ‘ting hf A whe uci were cdo a a ering ach oS OSE ‘Spot crane he ble naiterinc orl war ane wang SOTA meshes cearans | won KedseaiMOU refer these teate pants was eto aT Sata arts Dwight ea ar le, Pak tre, erase trans ey, re ets, Ress Owes aga een ‘exeans | Uses oer onthe OU whe os pees ator aguas reprdngpartingeroIne | yg pag “Sheronnne te rettrsOIA to ener a ena perch oper estos aren ‘tng wf ATU wee SORT as Ws ipo aie ATeheT OU we ed Te ‘ringotira Sta emp tobecone qstetspofor maar on ede cathe etd carons | ofthe th maagementconvo re Sova pets Dut er ae ky, ta Boson rank ato Pl ety, io aU pron yi Joe, aco Ovens, sii Meo ‘0 Com ors Sona AUoratat ts prog tino EGU. MUTI | a ge rans | rates alesis ara es " ‘| ‘Heise STA sed inom wget aso ot Sep an een ouvars | Reenetuopinng unewaiesleane cone fe okemsntconecimuescetee® | 1 306 SSS hy tenn aon wosone ee apm ‘GiB Ea comeing ba sede esting a fone lay Nay. aa “Aone allie AU nd ha coun rt bar he MOU ard SORTA an arene PP | Sos ats Oxtiny Wom Deon Fak spst, Pl rete ee ‘Ugo rye oes co7ns | easton Onto AT Presdn ersnen Oe AUS pit theta ogame dpc. TTS AU sues dee ep one wn ee. aimee John Revasio ary Haley, Dwight Feel Frank Spat; Inge Shambray, Reco Owe. 372772018 433 PM Subject Steccar MOU, 327-15 ‘Attachments: MOU, ATU 627 AND SORTA 3-27-15 pal Tho, Please eve hatched daft MOU, ich efector corer fom elroy Tanks John C. Ravasio, Bsq., SPH SORTA/Metto Labor Relations and Employment Law Me. , 513-484-9623 (cll) files:/Uses/FSpatar/AppDate/LocalTemp/XPGrp Wise/5S1S864AMETRO DOMHO.... 28/2015 [MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ‘This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into this __ day of March 2015, between Amalgamated Transit Union Lacel 627 (ATU) and the Southwest Ohio Region “Transit Autborty (SORTA) (collectively, the Pris). WHEREAS, pursuant to SORTA's Opemtions and Maintenanoo Infergovemmenal Agsetneat with the City of Cinsinnai, SORTA jo conducting a conpoiine procurement (REP No for services fo operate a mainai tho City of Cinsinnai' Srstear projec; and WHEREAS, one of the possible approaches for the operation ofthe Citys Siteter services in the procurement isto select « management eonrtor,uiizing SORTA employees to perform cata specified work. ‘THEREFORE, the ATU and SORTA agree to the following understanding with ertin conditions expressly stated: 1. tf the management contract approch i selected inthe procurement, operator, facity nantonanco ad jira workers forthe Citys Stoetear project would be employed by SORTA, I the Contractor determine itt be necessary, the patios agree thatthe fly ‘maintenance and janitorial positions could be partcime emplayoes and have ther job dios ‘combined into a snale postion, This doesnot conta a preference in iring on my other type ‘of hiring right for the curent SORTA werkforce or the ATU. The applicable teams sd conditions of employment for these limited pastons would be subject to coletive bargaining sl agreement by SORTA and the ATU. “The numer of enployeos in the above posions wll bedetennined bythe Contartor 2, If dhe management contact approach js selected in the procurement, all other Swoetear peconnd, including Steciar vehicle msatsiner, maintenance of way nnd tstion ‘power werkers, and clerk personnel and dutes would be the responsibilty af nd employed by the management contactor in its sole discretion. “The aumnber of employees inthe above postions wll bo determined by the Contactor. ‘To prepare SORTA stall fora sucoosor management contrat, the parties wil sock the City’s approval to fund a taining program for the papas of preparing SORTA Maintenance Depacimert meshanis to minainStetoa vehicles Such taining will provide the Knowlg, skis, and allies to meet the Stectoar ‘ehisle munafatirer'® maintenance spoctientions wn roquivmnene to sepa and mits the streetcar. "The taining could slw include tition reimbursement for the edictiond! eguirements ofthe pasion. 3. Under this ulestanding, the patos retain dt sttion 13(0) sighs, engumens snd defests, 4. An addendum f0 the REP No. __ ill be issued by SORTA, clarifying this ‘management contract approach fr the prospective preposers in the procurement 5. This MOU does not constitute an assurance that the management contract proach willbe selected in th procurement. Nothing inthis MOU ingeits SORTA’s sblty to ‘elect «fall turnkey operation sed msintenace contact which would employ all such personne and no rights are crest by tis MOU ifthe tumbey approach is elected “This conttates the fl xtert ofthe understanding of the Paris Dwight Feel ‘Toye Chief Executive Offer PresdentBusiness Agent SORTA ATU Local 627 Frank Spataro Twas Streetear MOU, 3-27-15 ys - ‘Troy Miller Dvright Ferrell , Danyl Haley , Gary Johnson ATU 627 3-25-15 6 PM Clean MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING docx: ATU 627 3-25-15 6 PM Revised MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING pl Dovight, ‘We revised please give us your thoughts. Tam tuly concemed with time since this was sent so lateto Twoy Troy L Miler Presiden/Business Agent 1385 Tennesse Ave Gincinnai, OH 45229 Office (310-721-2133 Fax (513) 721-4089 ‘woympres627@igail.com ‘wwwu627 one Please excuse any mistakes sent from my phone, Begin forwarded message ‘From: Joseph S Pass Date: March 27, 2015 a 6:01:53 PMEDT ‘To: Trey Miller Subject: Streetear MOU,3-27-15, ‘Teor Attached is PDF of the changes found in ted, as well as the clean Word Version ofthat same documeat, Please read through it and let ne know ifyou have any questions. G0 leaving the office in a few minutes, so call me on my cll. ‘Thanks, Joo Toseph 8. Pass, Esquire SIubetiter, Pass & Inte, P.C, 219 Fert Pit Bl. Pitsburg, PA 15222 Ph: 412-281! Direct Dik: 412-802-2649, fileC:/ser/PSpataro/AmnDate neal Temw/XPGrWisalSS1SCICTMETRO DOMHO... 38/2015 t r Page 2 of2 a: 412-281-1985 Cel412-7805293 e-mail: js@ipllav.com ‘CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This eal neal fer the we of te bala or ety we [tadiesea you arent th endo ent a ea you re ey to th ny To: John Ravesio Date: 4032015 11:42AM. Subject: ATU 627/SORTA-Streetcar MOU Redraft cc: ‘Troy Miller , Jessica Chu Attachments: MOU ATU 627 AND SORTA 4-21-15 @)dosx; ATTOOOO! htm Joba. ‘As we diseused yesterday, please find attached the union's revised version of the MOU that Metro ‘originally drafted this past Monday. Ifyou have any question, please letme know. Joe “Joseph 8. Pass, squire Subelver, Pass & Inti’ PC 219 Fort Pit Blvd Pitshureh, Pa 15222 Ph: 412-781-3850 file:IC:Users/IRavasio/ AppData/-ocl/Temp/XPGrpWise!S538D AC2METRO_DOMH... 5/22/2015 [MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ‘his Merman of Unestnding (MOU) i ested no he __ dy of Meh 215 vos gael Tit Unie oa 7 (ATU) end the Boon Ot Rape ‘rma Atha SORTA) (aleve aes ‘WHEREAS, pusuat wo SORTA’: Opts ml Maniacs nrg Ape i th Cif Cacia, SORTA Banting eamgete rosremet (RFP No) Fea cpa eed alan i Cy of Cas Ses pe a. WHEREAS, on fh paul prone rh pion fhe Cys Ba sesh | te grr I fle 8 Hinnagunen Ceetace, sing SORTA caper ee en peso Wer ‘THEREFORE, te ATU and SORTA 4pee & Be flowing endesning wit cin eon expres st Thao WHEREAS slams rns eras It oth in ty 1 fhe mgm po te ite poe pa ‘uty ates tl el we eS eae ped eal sept St Aline tea irae Liat cele oe eae ee {nel tl pin ne poe sees ot a a bl ‘onion tna geet ome on ps ingore ar ‘Titi ii St ond wine 0 Tens ei fe cis of ep er eyes, wn al fo ewe Aten seeing mc OY wl Ta ‘amber efenployes ste bor: oso wile dearsied yh Cnt, 2. ee mye contact apron iwc in the protrenen, Sect parotid Stet emir, mastemne of wy md tn wer water, td sla erro! sd dis wold be te pny wl cpl oy {Gt Megane Cea ntsle ietin. The nar af eae in fhe be sn lbs determin by the Cntr Tb ATL i na ae il fli a ork. ‘nc cs at eS sso eles ste Aimee i ipczonatalic a SORTA cul, wih tenses ey ‘hetiacllatie ens seen SOTA sie AT Th test SORTA amples ds cae ise ie ‘nll isto os of Sear while tans. Hove, ste ae | antoentiaemop ete aH, TA howl pion aks fbeviscone spied en aid. “To megue SORTA sora api gr citi he ses ‘hepatitis Gy aprevae Rn tng prog dl be ld, tke eee Seal Ge par of pring SORTA ater Dene ale techn oi Sedo vee "The na loss ada fe est Oki den, Tt ce SS Sich ting wil rove he knoe, sill, md bie to met he Stet ‘hile maces mses spelen aod eqencs 1 pian tan sry il ta oan sl SOTA ene tc ee vin anit em tate ef isc bse sen “The ning condo aclode en reset the ern resem he ies. | 2. Unter hi uadomndig, th etn ir ation 16h, gens rts ‘thE Koil ly SOR ating hime amcapeos heresy pa noe 134 te MOU doesnot cone am sane ht the manage eatact soa tbe led et resemer.Nehing i MOU ager SORTA’ bly ‘lt «fil take eprn sod meiconce Coot hic meee al eh ‘evmel and nog weer by Kis MOU he mie ppc elec, = ‘This costes hl eet of te eden of hPa Bit Feve rope Chet et Of Prodan Agee Sowra’ ‘fu Loa a7 John Ravasio - ATU 627/SORTA-Streetear MOU Redatt From: Joseph $ Pass ‘To: "Troy L. Miller" , "lohn Ravasio' > lesepnS ase 4/2/2015 114 AM >>> Jon ‘as we sass yesterday, plese find attached the union's revised version ofthe MOU that Metro ginal rated th pat Monday. H you have any questions, pls etme now, Joe Sozeph 5. eon Caquite Sabai Pass nl PC 219 Font i Bh, 15322 612.283: 3850 Fa 412-261-1885 (cel 12780-5298 fite/C:User!SRavasio/A ppData/Local/Temp/XPOrpWise SS40BDF9METRO_DOMHQ... $/22/2015 John Ravasio - Streetear Mechanic Training Frank pataro troynpress27e@gmsileom Sys 1231 PM. sretcar Mechanic Trang ary Hale, John Ravasio: Pal Grether wentst Rank Spotl Try. ‘A follow-up to cu conversation tis morning please send me at your erlest convenience your proposed training program for strotar mechanics regarding requied expe Thonks Frank {ile:/C:/Users/MRavasio!AppDatwLocal/Temp/XPGrpWise/SS4BSB3AMETRO_DOMH.... 5/22/2015 John Ravasio- ATU 621ISORTA-Streetear Mechanle Training Joseph S Pass John Ravasio S/18/2015 10:09 AM ATU 627/SORTA. Streetcar Mechanic Training : “Troy L. Miller" Attachments: 5-18-15 Maintenance Training, Agresment Outline ocx. Jobo. ‘Asa follow up o our phone call this morning, attached is raft proposalulline relative othe streetcar maintenanee (raining program. Pleas let me know if you have uy questions. Thanks. Joseph 8. Pas, Esquire Jubelite, Pass & Inti, P.C. 219 Fost Pit Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Cal: 412.780.5293 ‘email: sp@ipilaw.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This ells nended sly fr hus of hendrix eit to wbich ts alcesed. Hye we othe need espiet of hs mal. yo aay ote tha ty Geena, debut, ‘Sipping or ston tke nln tbe sores fad atch thea ety prohibited anda be ‘mi Iryoutave clved this oman ater, plese nd th seer mally end perma dalle te egal {dy cops Ta yu, file: /C:/UsersRavaslo/AppData/Local/Temp/XPGrpWise/5SS9BATIMETRO_DOMHQ... 22/2015 ATU LOCAL 627 AND SORTA \SIREBTCAR MAINTENANCE TRAINING AGREEMENT QUTLINE ‘The following is intended as an opening proposafouline to tiggor discussions regarding the ining Program contemplated by the ATU 627 and SORTA as the new Cinna Stok Car system nests completion, The desire ofthe parties isto work though various proposals and ‘have an Agroement on the Training Program in place end flly implemented by the 1 the ‘Cincnmatt Steet Car system becomes operuional L I Street Car Vehicle Mechanies Training Program eis the intent of the partes to establish @ new Strect Car Vehicle Mechanics Traiaing Program. The patties intend thet Cininna State College willbe the provider ofthe new ‘Training Program and will become incorporated into the parties’ collective bargaining agreement. If, for any eason, the Cincinnati State College Teining Program isnot fly implemented ors no longer in effec, the partes will jointly solet another nocredted and certified educational entity that wil serve a the provider of taining. ‘Training under the new Program will be made available to current SORTA A, B, and © Rate mechanies on the basis of seiacty and will provide the employees with the ‘opportunity to gain the skills necessary 10 mest minimum roquzemonts on the ‘maintenance jobs to be performed at the Cincinnati Street Car. Upon successfil ‘completion ofthe Training Program, as jobs become open ot by the end at te 5 year contract whichever comes fis, qualified employees will move to the stret oat positions ‘ona seniority basis. While the details concerning the rates of pay must stil be adresse through bargaining it is understood thatthe employen(®) who move to the strectat system shall be paid rate io less than that which they then eam on SORTA’ fixed route ‘The puts farther agree tha in onder for such a Training Program fo be sucess, the ‘current jobs at SORTA. need to be plaod in job puts as soon as the needed jobs wt the ‘Street Cat are identified. Job specific taining shall be developed by mutual agreement of {he parties that will allow employees curently in SORTA maintenance positions to progress to the Street Cir Vehicle Maintenance positions by being awarled « more salle position and continue through the Training Program itil completed. Specific ‘committees willbe established fo work out the detail ofthe job paths and related training nncessary for progression though the ob pas. Job Requirements ‘With he implementation ofthe new Training Program, SORTA/City of Cincinnati asthe «ease may be, will be enabling employees to moet tho minimum roquitemeats ofthe Stock Car Vehicle Maintenance jobs and shall provide ongoing taining, opportunites to ‘exaployees to enable them 16 move through thei chosen career paths, Opon maintenance mM. wy, jobs a the Street Car sytem shall be filled internally, on the basis of seniority, provided the minimum job requirments xe sotistid, Movement ‘Once an employes from the fixed route system elexts to move from fixed route the street oar and, provided she is otherwise qualified, that employee shall rman in the sect eat eyeiom for misma of twenty four G1) months. Provided howover, that within the firs sixty (60) days of moving from fixed route to stnectnr,the employee shall be permitted a onetime opportunity to cota tothe fixed route witht penalty or loss of seniority If the employee elects to exercise this option within the fst sixty (60) days of ‘ioving othe set car system, she will not be eligible to retum tothe stoet car system for a petiod of wo (2) years thereafter, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the paris. Testing Under the new Training Program, employess will bo roquited to saooessflly complete ‘he tsining which may include precticel andor weitten tests, These tests wil be made available at the expense ofthe SORTA/City of Cincinnati, as the ease may be. the parties reserve thelr right (0 add, delete or amend sny Training Program asthe details nature aud seope of the streetcar system become better known.

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