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Massachusetts Environmental Police NARRATIVE FOR SERGEANT JERRY SHAMPANG Ref: 15-56-AR mmonwealth of sel on the waters ofthe Commonweal) 1a On 05/23/2015 at about 2015, I, Sgt. Shampang observed a ve e Massachusetts bearing Mass, motor boat registration MS2025AR, a white fiberglass boat wie ora a ad ane white feranle aboard, operating on the Connecticut River in a northerly direction, } ns Py 8 eee ee imaets Bavisoernental Police (MEP) boat at the Sportsman's Marina in Hadley. ! 9° Vessel with Lt. Terry Davis and EPO John Tranghese also of the MEP, We were conducting ® ieee bar patrol of the Connecticut River to address motorboat violations but were currently stationary att Marina docks. MEP sel operating erratically 1S2025AR. I witnessed the ves: the river channel. The ‘With the use of binoculars I monitored the boat bearing Mi and in on unsafe manor, the vessel was up on plane and zig-2agging back and forth across oy the docks at the Sportsman's Marina, the boat slowed perator throttled ‘vessel did this three times. As the vessel approached settled lower in the water. The motor boat arrived just up abruptly causing the bow of the boat to jut out of the water, The operator then backed off the throttle and the Caer ta the water this was witnessed happening three separate times. Each time the operator did this wakes produced rocked the docks and other vessels tied off to the docks ereating a hazardous condition which could cause damage to those vessels. Beside the operator there were two passengers On his boat, a white male and Auvhite female, The operator, who later identified himself as PARADIS, Steven R., then brought the vessel to his dock space on the outer edge of the docking area and began to tie it off to the docks. PARADIS? identity was » later confirmed with RMV records. north of the southernmost dock end, the o| ing to the vessel bearing MS2025AR to conduct @ ' [informed Lt, Davis and EPO J. Tranghese that I was goi boating safety inspection and to talk to the operator about the observations that I had made prior to him tying off to the dock. The operator had exited his vessel on the north side and was at the end (toward the river channel) of the dock there, he was facing away from me as I approached. When I got to him I found he was urinating off the ‘end of the dock into the river. Rte 9, the Coolidge Bridge, was immediately to our north with heavy holiday traffic, [yelled to the operator, Mr. PARADIS, and he tumed toward me unsteadily as he was pulling his shorts up. I could see that his eyes were glassy and blood shot. While I talked to him I could detect an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from him. | Itold Mr. PARADIS that I was going to conduct a safety inspection of his motor boat and requested he show me | three Personal Flotation Devices (PFD). Lt. Davis was now walking to our location. [had Mr. PARADIS go back ‘onto his vessel to retrieve the PFDs, I then went to the other side of his vessel to allow Lt. Davis to access the dock and to see what was taken out of the boat and placed on the dock. The other white male occupant of the boat was now on the dock that I was on. He had set some items down on a large cooler at the end of the dock. I asked the white male to open the cooler, he complied. Inside the cooler were several unopened beer cans, several empty { | beer cans and a clear bottle of Citroen that was about 1/4 full, When I tumed around Lt, Davis told me that PARADIS had produced three PFDs. I wanted PARADIS to put one on and had him do so because I did not want him negotiating the docks without one on as he was unsteady on his feet, When PARADIS bad the PFD on I told patch to run. Mr. him to produce his registration and I called in his vessels displayed numbers to my PARADIS searched for his registration paperwork in a compartment on the dash bard of 1, He located some papers and looked at them and then stated that his registration must not be ithe bpat. He hefiled the papers he had to the white female while he talked to me, She looked at the paperwprk alae id this Looks e doek? The white like the registration and handed the papers to the white male that was standing negt to ip.9n the male then handed me the papers which were indeed the registration and proof of Sales taxcpdjtfevhs/L.wvas looking revidis owner and at the paperwork my dispatch called me to report that the displayed numbers were from the pt conducted. PARADIS was allowed to remove the PFD at this time. I asked PARADIS if there was enything that Would prevent him from conducting the field sobriety tests; he replied that his left leg was injaced that be could ‘pot do tests that required the use of his left leg. I asked if he could use his bands and arms to perform field sobriety tests, be indicated that he could. I conducted tests that did not require the use of his lees. As Mr. PARADIS could not do Standardized Field Sobriety Test for a road side test I used a modified version of the Boating Field Sobciety Test and read instructions from a card I carry while on boat patrols. [recorded the field sobricty test results as the tests were conducted. Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus was conducted. PARADIS does not wear corrective lenses. PARADIS failed on both | eyes lack of smooth pursuit, distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation and onsct of nystagraus | prior to 45 degree angie. Six clues were detected. | Finger to Nose resulted in 10 clues were detected. He hesitated on three tries, used the wrong hand once, did not | use his fingertip four times, and did act return his hand to side on two times. | Palm Pat resulted in two clues were detected, one chopped pat and did not increase speed. | At this point I believed Mr. PARADIS was Operating a Motor Boat on the Waters of the Commonwealth while | Uinder the Influence of Liquor based oa my observations of his operation and the results of the field sobriety test | conducted but I wanted to offer him the opportunity to blow into a Portable Breath Test (PBT). EPO Dave | Kimmer was summoned to our location at the Sportsman's Marina with his PBT. When offered the opportunity to | blow into the PBT Mr. PARADIS refused. At this time I placed Mz. PARADIS under arrest for Operating a | Vessel Whille Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor while on the waterways of the Commonwealth. | PARADIS was read his Miranda Rights and asked if he understood his rights with Lt. Davis, EPO Kinner and | EPO J. Tranghese witnessing. Mr. PARADIS stated that he understood his rights. PARADIS was searched and | handcuffs were double locked as per policy end procedure. | | Hadley Police were requested to come to the scene to provide transport of Mr. PARADIS, ir Poli a | Gen Eat St in Hadley. Hadley PD warmed up their Breath Alechol Test machi z Sees Sn |S the Hadley Police Station PARADIS was relieved of his hand cuffs and sat ina boolive ress ny S10. Once | was being photographed and recorded. advised he | requested that Hadley PD Sgt. Kue conduct the testing from beginning to és : re eee eam ete Sona ea om Doctor, a to ‘i y a a ' Test and the Notice to Persons HOLDING a chu NARRATIVE FOR SERGEANT JERRY SHAMPANG Rot: 15-56-aR 5 it to the d ape Driver's License, Mz PARADIS checked the NO box when asked, "Do you conscat t¢ cee ce Cnemical test that this officer requested to determine your blood aleohol concentration?” Mr, RADI 'e form as did Sgt. Kuc. This was conducted on 05/23/2015 at 2104 hours. Belchertown Court appearance on Tu ring the arrest and processing did iesday Clerk Nagle was contacted by the Hadley PD to arrange for set up the 05/26/2015 and ‘expedite PARADIS' bail arrangements. At no point dur PARADIS, request medical attention. He was bailed out at about 2115 hours. Set. Kuc wrote a supplemental navrative, signed it and dated it and supplied it to me, Sgt. Shampang, ee a Kuc supplied the printed Completion Record from their Breath Alcohol Test machine printer complete with Notice of Suspension indicating the comect 120 day suspension associated with a COOB/s8 BAT refusal the | Operator's Right to a Hearing and the Time, Date and Place of RMV Hearing. All of these forms were cannes into this report in the Attachments by EPO Kinner. ‘The key to Mr. PARADIS' boat was taken at the Hadley PD. It was given to me by the white female that had been. ‘@ passenger on PARADIS' vessel. She is entered as a witness, ‘On 05/24/2015 I drove to the RM supplied address of Mr. PARADIS to return his vessel key, a call was made prior to making the trip which went to voicemail, a message was left to call the MEP dispatch at 800-632-8075 to advise of availability. No call came in and no body answered the door at the residence when I arrived there at about 1400. Based on my observations and field sobriety tests I determined Mr. PARADIS to be under the influence of liquor and operating a motor boat on the waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, PARADIS was arrested for this. PARADIS was also charged with unsafe operation of the motor boat and displaying the wrong registration numbers. re 5/23/05, treceieed a call eaqaesting Wat | nespand te Spector's Mrina locaned im Madey to asst er Emuironmentai Police OGcers: acrivedd om scome amd moticed 2 whine anal lates idieostified a Wr Shampang had conducted 2 Fieid Sobriety Test (FST) om Mr. PARADIS and ven | proceeded to retrieve the PST (Deager Aiaest S520} from my cruiser andl proceeded PARADG, be wars om 2 cull shone with 2 detective and asked me to talk with amd tad bik to hang wp the phone, Once he did Snewen PARADIS of Fast Longmeadow, Seepeant ngiiredt if had a portable breathalyzer tester go Mr Steven PARADIS’ locatlon. Ine. tte Nien twill “When | opecached Mr. — . not tale to other police departments at this present Game he was milling to blow into the PET. | explained what the test was for and he asked again wat this was for, Again | told him the reason for the test, When he - asked again, | told Sergeant Shamgang that be refesed to Mow inte the PST. Sesgrant Sharspang placed Mir. PARADIS under arrest and the bansivetts were double locked. Mir, PARADIS was read bis Miranda Rights and asked be understood his rights. Mir. PARADIS stated that he understood Ns rights and had stated ‘this in front of Lt. Davis, EPO J Tramghese and snysaif, Hadley Police were requested to the scene to provide transport of Mir. PARADIS Back to their police station, At the Hadley Police Degartment, the breathalyzer alcahal test machine (Drager Alcotest SIO) was warmed up, Sergeant Shampang toned Mec. PARADIS for Sfteea (15) minutes. During this Tine, Nir, PARADIS was relieved of his handcuffs and sat in a booking room and was advised he wes being photographed and recorded. as did Set. Kuc. This wes conducted on 05/23/2015 at approximately 2108 hours. Clerk Nagle was contacted by the Hadley PD to arrange for set up of the Seichertown Court appearance on Tuesday 05/25/2015 and expedite PARADIS’ ball arrangements. | Filea WAY 26 2015 Pence

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