Name: Roberto Giovani Hernández Quijano

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Name: Roberto Giovani

Hernndez Quijano

Teacher: Simon Elas Lpez


Matter: English

Theme: Simple Present

Activity 3

Date: wednesday, January, 20,


El verbo Be en ingles se usa como verbo y auxiliar

1 Qu significa Be? Significa ser y estar

2 Qu es un verbo? Son las acciones que uno realiza
3 Qu es una auxiliar? Un auxiliar es una palabra que nos indica en que
tiempo est la oracin y que tipo de oracin es. Es decir presente, pasado o
futura y si es afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa.
Observa la siguiente conjugacin y basndote en esta realiza el ejercicio que se
te pide:
I am
You are
He is

At school
At the stadium

I am

At the library


At the cinema

She is

She is

It is

It is

We are
They are

A teacher
An architect

Playing soccer

He is


Studying math

A secretary
An excellent

Observa la siguiente descripcin ytmala como gua para realizar la tuya

My name is Rodrigo I live in Mexico city I have two brothers and I have one
sister My brothers are Mario and Ruben and my sister is Rocio. Mario is an
architect and Ruben is a student in CBTA. My father is Antonio he is a
mechanic. My mother is Teresa and she is a hose wife. My sister is not at school
she is a nurse at a hospital

My name is Giovani , I have 15 years old and live in the state of mexico , I have
a sister named yoselin , she is 19 years old and studying at university , she
wants to be an engineer in systems computing, my dad called roberto the is 42
years old and owns a company , my dad is fun and intelegente . my mom
called teresa , is 45 years old and she is a housewife , she is very demanding
with me and my sister . My family is very close and try out on weekends for fun
and de-stress

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