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Seetion 1- Multiple choice (15 m; 9. The ahuniant tnesseer iy fom i 8) aqui fern UW the polar ie exp ©) the atmenphere 4) the oceans 10. Hyitrogeotopy meats 4) science of water by) seienice of water in the vanlose zine 2) seieriee of water in the ralueated zone ‘all of the abowe i (9° By Seite retaton the atin ot (7 “A Aecontined aquiter « 4) perched aquifer (— Mspecitic yield « v Uunconfinied aquifer 12, Melting oecues whien water chanyes from a) gas to liquid ) gas to solid A) sali to yas (Ca) Jolid to liquid 13, “The hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer depends on C)nquifer’s specitie yiekl b) aquifers porosity «) aquifer’ thickness none af the above (Pj. Theunit ofthe melt ii aL ta Bix @ none of the above 15, Lateral movement of water inthe vadose Zone alter precipitation event is called: 2) overland ow JV B) runoff co A Seetion 2 - ‘Trucitatse , : Ise (12 marks) FA Waite letter Toe F next to the numer no erosses i aT 16, |The amount of fieshwater store i dl + ae ore 4 the sulesfiace excess that ototed A Takin a 27. Runoff imporzant when there ts high precipitation. "JS. The stream és ning: when the water table i the ne wate evel of en squire that the 19, Phrestophytes are desert adapred plans with Large, shallow a ayer 20, _Evapotranspitation in Onan exceeds precipitation Evaporation ean be estimated using ln pn, Day's law intiats tht the How a wih atonal aor in Ht alll “aquifer"s cress sectional arca, " : Secondary porosity ean be mieasuied by lysiniters ft 124. Infiltration capacity of a suil depends on its initial muistere conterit (OT Gis) Causoren peivavimesian agitanara ses OE sasble Walesa dle ASL oductivity E26, Sieve analysis can be used to estimate sedis” hyiraul 27. Intrinsic permeability depends on Muid’s viscosity and den 4 Scetion 3 - Fill in the blanks in the statements and questions (10 n 72 Bvapotation requires energy elle Latent Heat of_taGnyatin om 7 2o.. Whee pecelptaion exces lnfitzatoercapactiy: ‘eyier| sen) flaw ware 30, The 4 tatu humidity of a given air mass is the number of gems of water per cubie moter of air, — 3, Me rao between the volume of connected voids to the toll volume of ie rk is called Gaesties a 32. The Evaporation xequires encrgy ealled Latent Heat of _Va Oe ¥aizalion _ 33. The unsaturated zone is also called the. ada fe zone, Eee 34, The largest reservoir of unfrozen fresh water is__syourd waa bet ay 35, Bnergyis released when water freeze {Solidi Fy) Give the three names of the aquifer in which water surfuce is found at dhe atmospheric as, ad Ky ea EI Gvicorsbined 37. In the following line write the hydrologic equation: + oVad€ -_— Section 4 (6 marks) Diagrams and question 38 ind ane only. id, a labels sketch the relation between precipitation, overtandNow ‘and infiltration, (4 marks BD vresietal feo. \ ‘, “Ss 7 D> \ aye ayer Pas — Giberm\hbre! = Meipitahon © in PiDi repon See iS © fate < prespitni~ 2 Woh avelad Plow © prccipitavin Sy in Pili re iin Bre og oughes costco 012) Evepotecopmaion= 10 nn i Tmeittie ) @) @oum chicntumipion « The aby a) aqui Freshy, ye b) ths erg : ater ro © Ally Porous but NOt too perm, 8) confined aquifer b) perched aquifer ©) aquitard ~~ @ unconfined aquifer 12. Sublimation occurs when to liquid - ae to solid cy enlid to gas y Section 2 - True/False (12 masks) ae Write letter T or F next to the number - no crosses etc. ‘1 exceeds the amount of groundwater by far. 17. The amount of water stored in the fe | 18. Retumflow is important when there is low precipitation. 19, The stream is gaining when the water table in the neighboring aquifer is higher ‘water level of the stream, Me 20. Phreatophytes are desert adapted plants with large, shallow root systems. Darcy's Law can be written in different forms. Evaporation can be measured by lysimeter. Because they form from accumulated rock and mineral fragments, clastic s ocke often have a relatively high porosity and permeability. wo 24, Evaporation requires energy called Latent Heat of Vaporization Tafiltration capacity is ihe ability ore sotto absore moisture ations is one of possible hydrogeoogist tasks ‘ferent size containers if dens yk ___26, Enforcing environmental regul __ 5527, A same mass of water can be contained in di __28. Intrinsic permeability depends of fuid's viscosity and density. Section 3 - Fill in the blanks in the statements and questions (10 ( Worko) 29, When precipitation exceeds infiltration capacity *avorlaws Now 30, The > humidity of a given air mass is the number of grams of meter of air. ee oa 31, The volume of water that is held by the aquifer due to surface tensi: attraction is called aoe _ According to Darcy's Law the discharge of the groundwater to the cross sectional area through which the flow occurs. 33. Using sorting terminology: a synonym for a uniformly ¢ Pea Pars pee | y f a The unsaturated zone is also called the 35. The largest reservoir of unfrozen fresh water is 36. Energy is released when water (>) \y: weg Won wie pew _ itl in the pritation exeee* vy ofa si planks aration wen air mass ven preci xs in le humid ater that is held by thE me gh 30. J of W ‘The velum: ted Dos traction is cal .e discharge, ys Law thi through / ‘accqrding to, Darcy's Le SL rote but tang evoss sectional area ing terminology: © SROnYE for A 33. ee Dani Sores ‘one is also called the 34, The unsaturated = 35. The largest reservoir of unfrozen fre ion: 36. Energy is released 37, In the following line write the hydrologic ea¥st i Bhewae e 3 Le call ie 38, In the followin: ethods to calculate the BUD of precipitation: po aie Si ig lines list two m Cn a an 44. The fi figure below is a hydi ‘compute tt ydrograph of ql 2 Cran AlShati River with a long summer base flow recession. C runoff year lume of annual Techarge that occurs between runoff year 1 and. 1000 |... 4100 ~~ 4 6 6 10 12); 2NINAiuaa gia) 10 42 2 Runoff Year 1 Runoff Year 2 Baseflow recession of Alhati Rver Oe Oa Vico vce ak SYSaLo r\

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