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Equalizing mental and physical health

Timothys Law was a mental health

act passed in New York state in 2007
Named after 12 year old Timothy
OClair who committed suicide by
hanging in 2001
Parents felt that his death was due
to inadequate health care and could
have been prevented

Has a different set of criteria for adults

and children
Assures that Adults (18+) will receive
30 day inpatient and 20 day outpatient
Psychiatric copay will be no more than
that of any other specialist (i.e.

Applies to children when:

They experience serious suicidal symptoms
Life-threatening destructive behavior (such
as self harm or eating disorders-anorexia/bulimia)
Serious psychotic symptoms such as
Are at a substantial risk at being removed
from the home

Schizophrenia/Psychotic disorder (2.4)

Major Depression (14.8)
Bipolar Disorder (5.7)
Delusional Disorders
Panic Disorder (6)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (2.2)
Bulimia (2-3% of women)
Anorexia (.5-1% of women)

There are three basic views concerning

Timothy's Law

The law, being the first of its kind in NY, has helped
countless people get help and has saved an
undeterminable number of lives
Despite good intentions Timothys law in many ways
hurts more than it helps, and at the very least needs to
be vastly improved upon
Mental illness is receiving far too much money and
emphasis, society should be focusing their ideas,
money and strategy toward illnesses that can be cured
instead of treated coped with and dealt with

The DSM-IV currently acknowledges nearly

400 disorders
Timothys law covers 8
Eating disorders such as Anorexia and
Bulimia are covered while Obesity is not
Children are given treatment depending on
what one considers great significant
serious or life threatening

57,000,000 Americans suffer from a diagnosable

mental illness each year
The leading cause of disability in America is
Major Depression, in fact of the 10 leading
causes of disability half are mental illnesses-only 4 are covered by Timothys Law
There are 15.4 million Americans suffering from
substance abuse including 4.6 million teenagers

Approximately 30,000 Americans

commit suicide each year
90% of them suffer from a diagnosable
mental disorder
5,000 teens commit suicide per year-it is the 3rd leading cause of death for
kids 15-24
Suicide is now the 6th leading cause of
death for children ages 5-15

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