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Nada Reffat


Although this month was mainly established to celebrate and honor the
work of African Americans, it signifies unity and recognition cutting across racial
and geographical barriers. Celebrating Black History Months Honors the Historic
Leaders of the Black Community, creates awareness for all people, and it helps
overcome negative stereotyping.
Heroes like Medgar Evers, Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and many
more deserve the honor for their suffering and sacrifice for the sake of equal
rights. Having black history month gives us a moment to pause and remember
their achievements and celebrate them. It also creates awareness for all races
and people by giving us an opportunity to learn more about racial differences and
past events people may know little about. Since we learn more about the
different races specifically this month it also helps us overcome negative
stereotypes. This month gives us an opportunity to look at everyone equally,
even though we should always look at each other equally this month shows it
with a greater respect. Also many people take their rights for granted not knowing
and/or thinking about how people before them had their lives taken away from
them fighting for their own rights. Overall Black History month spreads nothing
but remembrance and teaches us nothing nut lessons.
Celebrating Black History Month will always be important for many different
reasons. Although people may think a month is too long to celebrate, there will
always be more positive than negative that comes along with celebrating it.

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