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Instruction List

During the Asexuality Awareness week, the Asexuality Awareness books would be set out, and
during the Aromanticism Awareness week, the Aromanticism Awareness books would be set out.
However, if you want, you can just set out all the books (with the posters) for all three weeks (the
two weeks and the week in between). During the year, outside of the Awareness weeks, the books
will be available for checkout in the main library. Each book will contain a small slip of paper
informing the reader about asexuality and aromanticism and that this book is part of an
overarching project.
Below are the dates for the Asexuality and Aromanticism weeks, and the list of books, along with
which subject they correspond to.

October 26 November 1 Asexuality Awareness Week
November 10 November 17 Aromanticism Awareness Week

Asexuality Awareness Books:

Boston Marriages: Romantic but Asexual Relationships Among Contemporary Lesbians by
Esther Rothblum
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker
Banner of the Damned by Sherwood Smith
Quicksilver by RJ Anderson
Heart of Aces
Sherlock Holmes

Aromanticism Awareness Books:

Sydney West by Rebecca McKinsey
Singled Out: How Singles are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily
Ever After by Bella DePaulo

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