Annotated Bibliography

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Bradford, Alina. Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects. Livescience, Mar. 04, 2015. Web. May 20, 2015.

Linked on the Overview page, this website provides the definition held by most environmentalists of
deforestation. By showing the readers the most common definition that is accepted by a majority of
conservationist and scientists, the reader is therefore forged among a group of people who are keenly
aware of the devastation that is being inflicted upon the forest. In addition, this website opens the
website with a tactile piece of data that put the constant amount of forest that is being cleared into
perspective as it is compared to the land mass of a country.

Carlowicz, Michael. Earth Observatory. NASA, Jan. 9, 2012. Web. May 20, 2015.
This web page was utilized on the Forest page of this weebly in order to accentuate how much of the
Earths forests is decimated as well as how much carbon is emitted by humans each day. This
website, an extension of NASAs services made this weebly more credible as the weebly is now able
to showcase an intimate knowledge of approximately how much of the Earths surface can still be
described as forested - this knowledge is crucial to the claim that humans are having a direct impact
of the decimation of the forests across the globe.

Deforestation. National Geographic, May 2010. Web. May 18, 2015.

Facts from this web page are located on the Agriculture page as their inclusion elaborated on all the
effects that deforestation has on the plants and animals species due its interruption of the constant
climate in the forested regions. In addition, this web page provided information about the division of
the plants and animal species in the world considering that as the website states, around seventy
percent of all animals as well as plant species live in forested areas.

Industrial Agriculture. Union of Concerned Scientists, Feb. 2014. Web. May 20, 2015.
In order to completely prove the point of how detrimental the large scale farming industry is to the
environment, the Agriculture page needed the accurate definition to ensure that all the readers are on
the same page. This website is therefore where the definition of industrial agriculture came from
as the website akin to many others, is aimed at gaining awareness of how harmful these
organizations of large scale industrial farmers are.

Rainforests. New World Encyclopedia, Aug. 29, 2008. Web. May 23, 2015.
This website is linked on the Forests page as it highlights the usages of Forests across the planet. It
allowed the weebly to include a quote that forests are charged with maintain biodiversity, a task that
outside of forests, the oceans/rivers are afforded and thus this quote gives the page a higher level of

Taylor, James. What is Deforestation? Online Video Clip. YouTube. YouTube, Dec. 3, 2012. May 16,

This video can be found on the Overview page as it gives a general introduction to the topic of
deforestation. It gives the reader/watcher an insight into the ways each person is connected to
deforestation. It also touches upon the need for everyone to combine their efforts and take a stand
against this issue and make a change to the world that we live in.

United States Census Bureau. 2010. Web. May 14, 2015.

Linked on the Human Reasoning page, this site gave current statistics on the worlds population as
well as the rate at which more children are born in the United States. This therefore furthers the idea
that deforestation in the name of agriculture will always be a problem as more people are always
being born. By utilizing a source that comes directly from the government, there is a sense of high
regard and reliability in the information being relayed.

U.S. Forests Facts and Historical Trends. USDA, Sep. 2001. Web. May 18, 2015.
Utilized on the Forests page, this site - just as its name sake showcases, was used to identify the
historic trends in the United States in regards to the decreasing of forests. This added a level of
personal relations as this short section of the project focuses in on the country in which a majority of
the readers will reside. It also makes the point more dramatic as the statics are accompanied by
pictures that double as a visual representation of the blurb below it as well as a clear indicator of
which direction the amount of forests in the U.S. is heading towards.

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