50 Gone - Episodes Synopsis (Revisada)

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Episode 2
A star international soccer player, Alexandre, disappears
in Spain. News says he has been seen in a So Paulo slum,
and a kidnapping note is received.
The player's manager, with recommendations from a friend,
looks for Jorge for him to conduct the investigation in
full secrecy, so it does not result in a breach of contract
by the Spanish team.
After all, what would Alexandre do in that slum?
Jorge, along with Qual, starts an investigation.
A kid, Dedeco, leaves home to take a test in a great soccer
team and disappears. Lucia, touched by the mother's
appeals, starts investigating further than she should and
discovers a net of tapping up young boys for prostitution.
Different levels of dreams in two kids crazy about soccer.

Episode 3
Close Encounters!
A woman, named Sara Rei Maior, presents herself at the
police station and says that her husband, Grande Rei Maior,
was kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings.
Qual, fascinated by stories of flying saucers, starts the
investigation and ends up getting involved with a sect that
promises, in exchange of monthly payments, a seat in a
flying saucer that will leave Earth in 2012. Lucia gets in
the case and tries to bring a little light to Qual before
he gets mixed up in this trap.
In the middle of investigation the vanishing man shows
himself at the police station with marks that look like
hickeys, saying he was tested by aliens, forced to have sex
with a female being and then had a chip implanted in him,
in a peculiar part of his body. According to his words,
this would force him, from that moment on, to have the
biggest number of sex partners as possible in order to
discharge the amount energy given by the chip.
Jorge receives the task of finding the father of Celinha,
Jurandir's lover. Ten years have passed and suddenly the
woman decides to find her dad.
During the investigation, Jorge finds that, in fact,
Celinha had a dream where she saw her father gaining a huge
amount of money and, for this reason, decided to look for
him. Celinha ends up falling in love with Jorge.

Jorge remembers Elisa, his ex-wife, an alcoholic like him,
who disappeared in So Paulo.

Episode 4
The Saint and the Heretic!
Maria do Cu is a girl who everyone in the Santa Maria slum
believes to be a saint, for curing neighbors and getting
them jobs by making little miracles.
A certain night she disappears mysteriously.
When her mother, Rita, looks for Jurandir, he sees a great
opportunity to obtain votes and media exposure, since
finding a saint would harness big voting interest.
That's why he chooses Jorge, Lucia and Qual to take care
of the case.
What at first looks like a kidnapping case, gradually is
revealed as a story of love and desire between a "saint"
and a local drug dealer, named Gabrielzinho, who was called
to be cured after being wounded, maybe fatally.
This is a case in which the investigators find out how
profitable were the Saint and her miracles to her own
mother, who lives in a little mansion in the neighborhood,
also keeping a close business relationship with the local
drug dealers.
In this episode, Jurandir meets the TV news crew which has
Mirian Maldonado as a leader, and that will be present in
the entirety of episode 5.

Lucia's father, Alaor, calls her trying to arrange a
meeting but is rejected.

Episode 5
Live and In Living Color!
Jurandir makes a deal with a TV crew, directed by the
journalist Mirian Maldonado, for them to stay a week at the
police station following his work.
The task of guiding the journalists is given to Lucia and
Qual. Jorge is furious for not being chosen only because
Jurandir is interested in opposing him, but whenever he
cans he shows up and tries to open up a space for himself.
Lucia tries to find a missing restaurant waiter, after she
leaves the station. As the case develops Lucia finds that
the missing guy was confused with a thief by the police and
was executed. A dangerous case that can put her career and
the journalists' life in risk.
Jurandir gives Jorge a "rotten" case, as a way of keeping
him away, about a high society man that disappears every
time he drinks more than he should. This one is the fourth
However, as the investigation goes further, Jorge sees that
an entire family may have discovered a very peculiar way of
receiving an inheritance.

Always in a "mockumentary" style, this episode will reveal
a little of how each character reacts in his own unique way
to the presence of cameras and the news crew.

Episode 6
Antnio Carlos, but you can call me Sheila!
A beautiful black woman appears at the police station
causing an uproar. She looks for Jorge, who, as he sees her
from afar, runs away like from the devil.
Jorge asks Qual to assist the woman. With enthusiasm,
Qual takes off his wedding ring and goes. The big surprise
comes when, filling the form, he discovers that the pretty
black woman's name is in fact Antnio Carlos, Sheila being
only a code name. We find, then, that she is Jorge's
neighbor and have feelings for him. Qual is taken by love
at first sight.
Parallel to this love triangle, Sheila seeks help to find
two friends of her, who disappeared after a few street
Lucia starts investigating and discovers a pattern: many
other transvestites are disappearing in the streets of So
Because of the polemic aspect of the case, Jurandir is very
irritated, having to choose between helping gay people and
taking over his moralist gratitude for the disappearance of
the transvestites.

Jorge finds his brother-in-law, Elisa's brother, Pablo,
drunk in downtown So Paulo. He takes the boy home.
Helena accepts meeting her father, Alaor.
Qual invites Sheila for a date and she refuses.

Episode 7
Festival of Flesh!
Carnival standby service at the Missing Persons Police
Station. To Jorge, this is hell on Earth. In Lucia's case,
this is the first time she does this kind of standby.
Along with New Year's Eve, this is the time of year when
most people disappear.
Each day of Carnival Sheila passes at the station to show a
new costume to Jorge, who gets mad at her, while Qual
falls more and more in love.
Jorge does whatever he can to run away from all the cases,
handing them to others of the crew. In his opinion,
everyone reappears on Wednesday or Thursday, as the
Carnival ends.
Pablo says he has information about Elisa, Jorge's ex-wife.
A missing priest leaves his parish in a chaos. In ten years
it never lost a Sunday celebration. Lucia and Qual
investigate and discover that the priest had a great
passion for samba, carnival and... black women.
Jurandir manages to participate in the presentation of six
samba schools, for election's sake. Each time he reappears

in the station he wears a different costume. Qual invites
Sheila for a date again and she accepts.
Jorge arrives at home to find out that his brother-in-law
has robbed him.

Episode 8
The man's son!
The Governor's son, Danilo, 21 years old, disappears very
strangely. Girlfriend, friends and parents don't have the
slightest idea of where he could have gone to.
At home they find only a note, asking for them not be
worried, saying he will be fine.
The entire police station is mobilized to find out what
could have happened with the boy.
Throughout the investigation, they discover that, in fact,
nobody really knows Danilo in a deep way, only knowing him
as a boy who likes to study, interested in religion and
dedicated to his family. He is even one of the youth
leaders in his dad's party.
A big clue comes from Sheila. She comes to the station to
try to seduce her neighbor Jorge once again, and gets to
see by chance the boy's picture, recognizing him as a wellknown male prostitute from the Frei Caneca Street.
Jorge changes the scenario and starts investigating in an
area where Danilo is known as "Angel Kid".

Lucia and her father have dinner and fight. Alaor demands
Lucia to forgive him.
Jorge believes he saw Elisa somewhere downtown.

Episode 9
Fiel Vanishes!
A van, which was going to Rio de Janeiro for a soccer game
with 15 fans from the Corinthians supporters group Gavies
da Fiel, disappears before arriving at the stadium.
Jorge, who is always thought to be a Corinthians fan but is
in fact a heavy Palmeiras supporter, is upset for being
given the responsibility for this case.
Throughout investigation, Jorge and Lucia discover that the
disappearance which at first sight looked like an episode
of war among both teams' supporters groups is a bit more
The fans in the van were not part of the organized
supporters groups, all of them having clean police records
and being from a wealthier social class of So Paulo.
The signs point to a collective kidnapping or a case of
vengeance against one of the fans.
To find this out and go deeper into the case, Jorge gets
through Gabrielzinho, a drug dealer, a net of information
which was beyond his reach, visiting many So Paulo slums
where the dealer has contacts.
Now Jorge owns a favor to Gabrielzinho.

Qual leaves his wife and moves to Sheila's place.

Episode 10
An aunt of Lucia, Dona Nair, looks for her niece saying
that her 20-year-old daughter has disappeared.
Lucia starts, from that moment on, to see and live a
parallel between her life and the life of her cousin,
sharing a past of sexual abuse by their fathers.
At the same time, a one-year-old baby is left abandoned at
Jorge's door, with a note: "I'll go back to get him in a
Jorge starts a search to find the baby's parents, but as
days go by he develops affection for the child, who he
nicknames as "Little Gift".
Everyone who sees the child says she has Jorge's face, and
he starts believing in the possibility of the kid being his
own in fact.
Jorge starts questioning whether the baby has a connection
with Elisa, his ex-wife.
Lucia calls her father and invites him to her house.


Episode 11
Lucas, a cousin of Qual from Rio de Janeiro, appears at
the station with an odd case: a lady from So Paulo with
whom he has a virtual relationship for more than one year,
disappears from the online world without leaving traces.
She suddenly vanishes from Orkut, Facebook, MSN Messenger
without signalizing a reason for the disappearance.
Jorge, after the insistence of Lucia, investigates the
lady's disappearance without telling others. He does that
more as a way to oppose Jurandir, who wants to impede the
investigation saying that Qual's cousin is irresponsible.
As the investigation develops, Lucia finds out through the
online pictures that the lady is the international top
model Jules Francine, who is living a season in So Paulo.
Jules swears she doesn't know Lucas, doesn't have an Orkut
profile and don't surf a lot on the Internet at all.
Jorge ends up finding that who in fact was in touch with
Lucas as being Jules was a married man, named Flvio, who
found himself in love with Qual's cousin. And the worst:
he is unmasked by his own wife, who thinks he has an affair
with the model Jules.
Alaor, Lucia's father, agrees to give political support to

Pablo, Jorge's brother-in-law, reappears saying that Elisa,
whom he knew where was, now disappeared in fact.
Sheila and Qual fight after she discovers that he is
saving money to pay her a sex change surgery. Sheila wants
to be accepted the way she is.

Episode 12
Jorge is kidnapped!
Taken to the violent neighborhood of Jardim Angela, he
reencounters Gabrielzinho, the drug dealer, who has a
demand: Jorge must find the dealer's little brother, the
16-year-old Kevinho, who is connected with some rich boys
from So Paulo's south zone.
This way they will be even, with no debts to each other.
Jorge takes the case to the station and starts
investigating with Lucia's help.
Kevinho was dealing drugs to the boys and saw there an
opportunity to enter the gang of rich kids and be at their
parties, raves and date a rich girl named Camila.
While Jorge investigates two rich boys, Matheus and
Rodrigo, Lucia investigates Camila.
Soon they discover that Kevinho is not the first one to
disappear after becoming their friends.

Episode 13
Back home!
Lucia investigates the disappearance of her father's
housemaid's daughter, the 11-year-old Daiane. Every sign
points out for her father as the responsible for it.
Jurandir is against the investigation, fearing he may lose
his recent political ally.
Jorge starts out an investigation about Elisa and
practically abandons the station. He returns to the
underworld that he knew so well many years ago, full of
drugs, alcohol and night outs.
Qual does whatever he can to recover Sheila's love, and
she gets back in the old street business as a way of
opposing him.
Jorge, helped by Sergio, finds out that Elisa was murdered
for having debts with the crack dealers.
Lucia discovers, not wanting to believe it, that her father
killed the housemaid's daughter, and she is the one to make
the arrest, under the cold and choleric look of Jurandir.
Sheila accepts Qual back at home.
Jorge gets back to his place with a package in hands. He
opens it. It is a bottle of whisky.

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