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Aerodynamics for Students 10f6 npr >> compressnle ron >> Equations ot Maan >> 0 enn Relstons > wae Propagation >» Fw ough Nazi and Qu > 20 Compress Fm >> Pranaeyer expan >» Sock nrectans 2» Stace ctpasen Terniques or Aeos >> eNod ol Chtaretsees > row Tabessotwate Compressible Flow ‘luds are classitied as ether incompressible or Compressible, incompressible fids de not undergo significant changes in density as ‘hey flown general, lquids are Incompressibi, water being an excelent example In contast,compressibiefulds do undergo ‘measurable densty changes. Gases are generally compressible, a being te most wellknown compressible fuld, Compress of {gases leads to marly interesting features such as Steady state shock waves, uni ave absent or incompressible Mus. Ins secoon a broad invaauction s gven tothe basics of compressible fulé tow gue 11 Cassiteaon of as “Though gases ave compressible, the density changes they undergo at low speeds may not be considerable. Take al for instance. Fig. 1.2 Shaw's tne density changes ploted as a function of Mach Number Densty enange i represented as pp Winere py fs he a deny at 2er0 speed (\e., Zero Mach Number. Mach Number sty cha Intion of Mach Nur For Mach numbers up fo 0.3, density changes ae within about 5% ofp, So fr al practical purposes one can ignore density changes in {fis region and analyse the flow as ncompressibie. Gut as tne Mach Number increases beyond 0.2, changes do become appreciable and ‘at alach Number of, the densty change has readcned 36.5%. Ara Mach Number of the density changes ae as high a5 77% ‘Anotner important diference between incompressible and compressible tows Is due to temperature changes. Foran incompressible ow {emperature Is generally constant Butin a compressisi low significant changes In temperature may occur leading fo an exchange ‘betueen the made of energy, Foran alr tow at a Mach Number of there are two important modes of energy; kine and internal. At his Mach Number, these can teach magnitudes of around 10° Joules. When the Mach 2 Now fs brought ores, ata stagnation poi, all te Kinetic energy (motion) gets ‘converted ini internal energy (emperature), Consequenly te temperature increases ate slaghalion point. When a flow of Mach ‘number 21s ata temperature of 20°C and then brought to rest, the stagnation temperature fs as high as 280° as indicated in Fig. 1.3. 08/11/14 09:20 Aerodynamics for Students Flawe 13 saanaton Temeeraiue, ‘Adirect consequence of these acs is that wen calculating compressible lows, the energy equation has to be considered (tis was not {done for incompressibie flows). Further, o handle the exchange in modes of encrgy then the termodynamics of reflow rust be Understood ‘Thermodynamics isa vast subject covering many topics. In his Section just he basic concepts which are applicable to gasdynamics will be reviewed ‘System, Surroundings and Control Volume Concepts in Thermodynamics are developed wth the help of systems and control volumes. A System is an ent of ted mass. ts ‘boundary isnot fixed ands allowed io vaty depending upon the changes taking place uithint, Considering the system shown below, ‘namely water in a container placed on a neater, the choice ofthe system Is made so aso obtain a simplified soluion. The system could be detined as exer (a jist te water) or (b- water pls container or (© - water, contaner and suronding a) as nF. 14 Everything ‘outside of te system becomes the surroundings. Propertes of ne system are usually measured by nang te changes it makes inthe surfounding. For example, temperature of tne water In system (a fs measured by te re of te mercury column Ina thermometer wich Is not par ofthe system. Sometimes the system and the sutoundings are together called the universe Eau Li Denon ofa Siem ‘Control Volume is employed asa rame of reference as deserbed in the section on Ed Mechanics. The integral Approach to Fuld ‘Dynamics explots contol volumes, whieh can be dened as a window ina flow wih a fixed boundary Mass, momentum and energy can ‘cross this bounday. Density, pressure, temperature, et, become properties ofa given system. Note tha these ae all measurable quanttes. n additon, these Dropertes also characterise a system. To deine the state ofa system (Fig. 1.5) uniquely we need fo spect two properties say (p,7) oF {pp os) ete, where p Tp, sare pressure, temperature, density and specific enizopy respective. 20f6 08/11/14 09:20 Aerodynamics for Students Hue Le Sa ca scien Properties can be Extensive or Intensive. Extensive properties depend onthe mass ofthe system. On the ather hand intensive properties are independent of te mass. Volume .V, Energy, E, Envopy,S, Enthaby, Ware Extensive properes. Corresponding intensive Dropertes are Specic Volume, v, Specie Energy, e, Specie Entopy,s, and Specie Enthapy, hand are obtained by considering ‘extensive properties per unit mass. In other words, als Laws of Thermodynamics “Thermodynamics centers around the following laws. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics “This laws helps deine Tomperature states. Two systems whieh ae in thermal equim with adhd system are themselves in ‘thermal equim ‘men in thermal equibrium, means that the two systems are atthe same temperature. nthe Fig 1.6, system A and B are Independenty In equim wit system ©: I folows that A and & ae themseives in thermal equllbium and they ave atthe same temperature. 3 0f6 08/11/14 09:20 Aerodynamics for Students A0f6 First Law of Thermodynamics “Thetis aw of Thermodynamics isa statement ofthe principe of conservation of energy Is simply stated as “Energy ofa system and ‘surroundings is conserved.” Consider a system. If an arpount of heat per unk mass, da, is added into the system and the work done by te systemis dw per uni mass, then there isa change in internal energy oft system, du given by, au ‘where wis intemal Energy per unt mass or Speci Internal Energy ‘Using the folowing denon for Speette Entnapy gives {he statement forthe ist law can alsa be writen as an = dq + wap In the above equation only ane form of energy, intemal, has been included. Other forms such asthe kinetic energy have been ignored, Of ‘course, t's possible lo extend the anaysis 0 account fora the forms of energy ‘Second Law of Thermodynamics “The fst aw sa statement that energy 's conserved during a process. It doesnot "worry about te direction of he process whereas the tear Law des. Te Second Law o Thermatynanes dete he drecton ofa process, Ths requtes an aera POPE, entropy. HigueL7Second Law af Themadnamics “There are many ways a state the second law In tis Section, the version used is relevant tothe study of gasdyanmies. Consider a Reversible Process. Suppose a system at sate A undergoes changes, eq by an adkton of heat Q, and attains state B. ‘hie doing so the surtoundings change tom A’ to BLet us gy to bring the state ofthe system back to A by removing an amount of heat ‘equal to Qn doing soit we can bring te surroundings ais back o state A’ then the process Is said be reversible. Tiss possibie only Lnder ideal conditons. In ary real process tere I ion or ater lasses which dlssipate energy. In reali, lis ot poslbe a exactly bring te system back to state Aaa atte same ime, surroundings back to A ‘Assuming te process tobe reversible, the Second fav defines entropy Such that ie [rt lnere sts Speette Erizopy. For small changes, tne above equations ten as Tis = dq Generasing the equation, we have 08/11/14 09:20 Aerodynamics for Students 5 0f6 * dg where an sign is used for reversible processes and > is used for reversibe processes “Thus with any natural process, entropy ofthe system and universe increases. nthe event the process is reversible entropy remains constant Such a process is called an Isentrople process. Porfect Gas Law [Apertect gas obeys the following au, provided itis only subject to isenzople processes, p= pRT mere Ris the Gas constant For a given gas, e's gven by where Ris known as the Universal Gas Constant and has the same value for all gases. is numerical value Is 8813.5 Ikg-mol K. Ms the molecular weight ofthe gas The folowing table gives te value ofthe gas constant along with other important constants) or some ofthe ‘gases, [cas [Motecular Weight|Gas constant, R|cp | sak (aK ee] la leaa7 fza7.0 i004 [ia lammonla [17.03 ‘ae0 2 laose [13 largon isa04 [2083 ls19 [1.67 [canon dionde|aa 208.9 [eas [23 THewm [4.003 lzor7 [5200 [1.67 IHyarogen__[2on6 lanza a2so]i.¢ [owen [se [2508 lous [4 Consequences of First Law for a Perfect Gas Fora pertect gas incemal energy and enthalpy are functions of temperature alone. Hence, usuq) henry ‘specitc Heat ota gas depends upon now heat Is adted- at constant pressure of at constant volume. We nave two spectc heats, ep, ‘speciic eat at constant pressure and cy, specie heat at constant vlume.Itcan he shown tha, - (® ee &= lar), * = \ar), “The ratio of specie neats, 7 = cy/¢y, 1s nacta measure of the number o degrees of teedom dha the gas molecule possesses. Substituting gives, ae |ACalortealy Perfect Gas is one for which ep and cy are constans. Accordingly, waa) = 47, A= KT) = GT Consequences of Second Law for a Perfect Gas From the Fist Law of Thermodynamics dh = dg + vdp 08/11/14 09:20 Aerodynamics for Students "Now assuming a pertect gas and nence reversible processes, gves a ag = o at— Rr ® a= % a Th) _ (m2 T) ~ \p. ‘Atamliar form ot equation for an isentropic Now is 7 ‘constant moyenne) 20082015 Seana as ‘BAe 2 is dor Creo mare D0026A 6 of6 08/11/14 09:20

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