Annotated Bibliography: W-The-Nsa-Is-Tracking-People-Right-Now/634

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Annotated bibliography

Articles"How the NSA Is Tracking People Right Now." The Washington Post. The
w-the-nsa-is-tracking-people-right-now/634/>. The purpose for using this article was
because I wanted to know how they tracked our cell phones even if we were
moving.This article was is valid because it is still the main method that is used to track
cellular devices. This article talks about how the NSA tracks and locates cellular
devices. It talks about how it is legal and is lawful for National Security. The NSA says
that they do not intentionally collect cell phones in their target range but it is necessary
to find their intended target. The article talks about how the NSAs strategy is very
resourceful because their methods track unusually cell phone activity and movement on
a large scale which helps catch criminals who might commit a crime. The article also
provides how the NSA tracks cell phones. There are many ways but one way is that
because cellular devices use WiFi signals which they can track down to a one block
radius. Another method is using the cell towers to track the exact distance from the
towers which gives a precise location on who they want to track. These methods are
very effective when chasing criminals but many feel like tracking peoples movements
are against their rights and they think there should be more laws preventing this.

"Privacy." Gale Student Resources in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Student Resources
in Context. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.

The purpose for using this article is to understand the privacy that everyone has and
how our lives are becoming less private because of the advancement of technology.
This source tells us about the history of the privacy of American citizens and how it has
changed over the course of the years. This source is still relatively valid because it was
typed in 2014. This article talks about the disagreement over why sometimes national

security overrides personal privacy. 56 percent of people who took a poll accept the
NSAs program to monitor and track cell phones across the country but 53 percent
disagree will the fact that the government can check call logs and internet connections.
This article talks about the laws of our personal privacy and the entire globes personal
privacy. People are worried about not only technology but their personal file and medical
files. Many are concerned about how medical centers can access medical files which
can invade a persons privacy without permission though it is for a good cause for
medical research and such, many disagree that this should be legal. This article also
talks about how though our privacy is not explicitly mentioned in the United States
Constitution, it has been come to be recognized by the US Supreme Court and many
other government organizations to help protect the privacy of the american people. This
article talks about how different opinions are made on the privacy of a person and many
think even though it may save a life, permission should be first given before using
private property.

Primary SourcesGoldsmith, Kevin. "National Security." Telephone interview. 27 Apr. 2015.

I plan on using 9 of the questions that I have come up with and to interview a cyber
security worker who is an expert on cyber security for about 5-15 min of recording time.
I hope that all of my questions will be answered and the purpose is that I will know how
the cyber security workers work and what is their protocol. This source will help me get

better understanding of how these people work and how they protect our nation and
businesses and homes from threats every day. This source is valid because I
interviewed him myself and the information is solid because it is coming from his words.
This source will answer 9 questions that will be answered to find out more details on
how protective our networks are. The source will tell me how they protect us online and
how and why they search our technology to find threats before it is too late.

Book SourcesWoodbury, Marsha C. "National Security." Ethics, Science, Technology, and

Engineering: A Global Resource. Ed. J. Britt Holbrook. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Farmington Hills,
MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2015. 214-217. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 28
Apr. 2015.

This books purpose in my research is knowing the general definition of national security
and its brief history about its past. This source is very helpful because it gives be
history, levels of security, issues with computer and information security,etc. This source
is very valid because it was posted this year in 2015. This book tells you many things
like for example the talk about issues involving the security of computers and

information. On this page it talks about how we are protected but it is not impossible nor
difficult to break through protecting. This book also talks about how security tells its
users that they are protected but many dont believe it until they see it for example like
physical or psychological protecting such as guards guarding a door. If you see a guard
guarding a door you will feel more safe behind the guards protection. If you are told that
you are protected but you do not see any physical protecting, that person will feel
insecure and vulnerable and that applies to all types of protection including cyber
security. This book also talks about its history of national security issues such as during
the Cold War, the government was worried that there would be a nuclear war with the
Soviet Union. This book gives a detailed thought into what people will think of their
safety and how the government and professionals think of the safety of the United

The 9/11 Commission Report. Washington D.C: Replica, 2004. Print.

The purpose of this book is to help me get a better understanding of 9/11 and post 9/11
and what the government did after 9/11. This book is helpful because it helped me get a
good overview of what happend at what time during 9/11 and what the government did
to defend against a future attack. This source is valid because it gave the exact report of
what happened on 9/11 and it also provided exactly what the government did post 9/11.
This source talks about how all of the government departments work together by being
more connected and shared more information with eachother then in the past so they
could fight off future threats to the country. This book also had good details about the
new role the the FBI and Homeland Security took. One new role was that the FBI was
more dedicated towards the criminal justice rather than national security which soon

changed after 9/11. Also Homeland security changed its methods and found that they
should regularly assess different types of threats and progress plans that can counter
the threats so that in the future our country would be more prepared than before. This
book has been a great source of information on 9/11 and post 9/11 and what changes
the government made to protect national security better than it did before.

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