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Justin Liu
English 1
30 April 2015
Securing the Nation
National security has been vital to every country and is closely guarded everyday by the
majority of governments. The concept of national security was developed during World War 2,
when countries started paying closer attention to their own national security. Many countries will
do anything to prevent attacks on their nation and sometimes will take innocent lives to do so.
Governments should limit integration methods and should have closer supervision on agencies
that have been seen to be violent and brutal on prisoners.
Governments have been notoriously known to torture or to act maleficently when
protecting national security and many agencies go out of control when they should follow
protocol. There are many Human rights organizations that have sent letters to demand these
terrible methods to be investigated and stopped. In a letter sent to the Attorney General Holder
on December 9th 2014, the Humans Rights Organization stated that significant information
points to the commission of serious federal crimes. Many people want the government to step in
and assign special prosecutors to investigate such crimes including torture, homicide, conspiracy,
and many other motives. The executive director of Human Rights Watch said, The senate
torture report shows that CIA officials knew their methods were illegal and tried hard to cover
them up(Roth). People want the Attorney General or the President to start an investigation to

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stop crimes like these.
There are multiple places that torture and waterboarding takes place, including
Guantanamo Bay, where many war criminals and alleged criminals are put. Over half of the
population in Guantanamo Bay are all from overseas countries. Many times when the
government addresses the problem to the public they are aware of the problem but do not want to
risk national security. Senator Saxby Chambliss and many other government officials say that it
is a matter of national security. Senator Saxby said It will present serious consequences for U.S.
national security(Saxby). The government says they developed significant intelligence that
helped us identify and capture important al-Qaeda terrorists, disrupt their ongoing plotting, and
take down Osama Bin Laden.
People now think that the threat is eliminated, and that the government should start to
disassemble facilities like Guantanamo Bay prison where brutal interrogations have been known
to take place. Our government should start to properly monitor interrogations closely to ensure
the public and people around the world that the United States are following proper protocol and
getting proper evidence and justice in a legal way. Six members of Congress have claimed that
the Director of the CIA has admitted that ever since 2001, the CIA had deceived Congress,
including lying to Congress. Even in issues of national security, the use of torture is unacceptable
and should never be used.
If torture becomes accepted, even in extreme instances, then no one will draw a line. The
repeated use of torture might gain popularity and effectiveness and governments might start to

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accept that torture should be legal and is great way to interrogate someone. If this happens then
we are not human, because everyone deserves their basic human rights. People think the
government should think on how a person committing torture would be different from someone
being tortured and they should act on preventing such methods. National security should be
protected at all means possible but within the walls of the law. Protocol and rules should be the
first on the government's minds. The people should have the right to know the truth in all
situations or else the constitution that our founding fathers created would be pointless. Laws and
rules are meant to be followed and despite protecting national security, those who cross the line
when doing so should be called on and put to justice.

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