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That means account determination is not proper.

First in Item Data - Condition Tab.

select JIVP or JSSC.
To do that double click on the condition type & take note of Tax code & Account Key.
Say, tax code is A1 & Account key is MW1
Then use Tcode OB40.
Check MW1 transaction.
Account determination for the noted Tax code should be there.
Further, check GL acc 16614211, whether check whether in G/L account tax category is
maintain as ">" - Output Tax Account or " * " - All tax types allowed under control data tab.

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Re: Account Determination Analysis: Condition Types not Appearing

Adithya Shekhar Feb 1, 2012 5:19 PM (in response to Jyoti Prakash)

Hi JP,
When I go to OB40, JN7 Account Key for VAT, shows only the GL account. As you said, it is not
showing as along with tax code.
Instead of A4 16614211. it only shows 16614211
Not able to find exactly from where the problem is arising.
Thanks and Regards
Edited by: Adi1976 on Feb 1, 2012 5:18 PM

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Correct AnswerRe: Account Determination Analysis: Condition Types

not Appearing

Jyoti Prakash Feb 1, 2012 6:02 PM (in response to Adithya Shekhar)

Strange! Earlier you said
Error in account determination: table T030K key BPIN MWS; Message No. Message no. FF709
Then problem is not with Account Key JN7.
As OB40 setting seems okay.
You need to check pricing procedure to look for condition type assigned with Account key
And I believe for the same condition type tax code assignment is missing.
Thus, maintain the condition record(VK11) for that condition type with properly.
it is not showing as along with tax code
Say, same transaction JN7 you want different GL Account (based on plant).
So, tax code can be used to differentiate the same.
To do that, in OB40, in your TAX ACCOUNT KEY, double click you account key.

Then system will take you to Automatic Posting - Rule screen for the account key (if the rule
is not maintained), maintain your rule according to your business requirement.
I assume that for your business scenario, only GL account in OB40 will do.

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