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Peer Review Worksheet: Research Proposal Project

Reviewer Names:
Title of Proposal Being Reviewed:
Reviewers: Please answer the following questions as completely as
Writers: Please scan a copy of this worksheet and submit a digital copy
along with your final proposal project
1. Who is the audience for this proposal?

2. Does the language (word choice, tone, construction) appear to be tailored to

the audience? If yes, how? If no, what should the writers do to improve their

3. Is the need to implement the proposal justified? If yes, how? If no, what could
the writers do to justify their proposal?

4. What is the problem being addressed?

5. Is the problem clearly presented? If yes, how? If no, how could the writers
clarify the purpose?

Project Plan and Description

6. Does the project plan address the purpose of the proposal?

7. Is the research justified? (Does what the group proposes to do make sense?)
If yes, how? If no, how could the writers improve their justifications?

8. What would make the plan more practical or more effective?

9. Do the qualifications presented here convince you that the writers could do
the work they propose?

10.If yes, how? If no, what should be added or changed?

11.Does this proposal clearly present a budget (or some form of compensation)
for doing research if the proposal is accepted?

12.If yes, is it reasonable? If no, what should be added or changed?

General Comments: What is your overall impression of this proposal? What could
the writers do to improve their proposal?

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