11LED Computer Programming Software Instructions

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11LED Computer programming software instructions


digits system software free installation

WIN 7 system 32-bit digits can directly for using

XP system needs to install the XP system framework

First, unzip

file,then choose

,open and double click

Finally, open the system

, operate as per the instruction.

after complete the installation.

Software Interface:

Double click the file LED.EXE(

belowed photo:

),enter the software as per the

1.Edit Text:
Click to enter the words
, enter the words
you want Ex. ABCDEFG or the companys logo, as belowed picture:

Click the finished editing key when you finished.

Left-click the selected pattern, if you need revise as shown below:

2.Import the picture:

Click to import the image

belowed interface:

, enter the

Then click
, import one
generate your required pattern.As below:



Also you can manually edit the picture,click

,as below:

Save the picture when you finished editing, then click

,you can use your edited picture.

will form your required pattern.

5. You can save a pattern separately ,click

6.You can open a picture separately, click

7.If need to revise or delete


a picture, right-click the

selected picture, as below:

Interface key introduction

1.open the file from the upper left corner

You can save the picture or save as.

2.choose your language from the upper left corner

product can edit both the image and words, click

when complete.
You can drage any picture to replace the current
picture to hold 1 second of left mouse in the picture no.
Insert the USB after open the software.
Pay attention the state of USB
Pull out the USB after download
Please contact your dealers if any confusion.

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