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Hi Blagica.

(this is Arben from Elnor company)

First of all i wish you to be ok.
I Want to ask something to you about the "Elnor" bank account
We hope that in the coming weeks we will have a transfer of money from abroad,
(Elnor account will be beneficiary account).This amount is going to be around
300,000.00 Euros in relation to this,transfer of money, I want to ask sth
1.. How are the transfers fees in this case, when fees are going to be paid by ??
a.sender account
b.beneficary account
2.Do we get any % of interes rate(Monthly interes) for unused funds on this
account ?
a.How is the yearly interes rate in % regarding above ?
b.If we dont get any interes rate from actual account.!!
Can we open a savings account where we can keep our funds and in the mean
time we can use those fonds unlimited ....?
3.How is the interest rate if we open a savings account ? Do we have to pay 10%
(Persnolen Danok na Dohot) P.D.D Tax.
Can you send to me Terms of references for diferent type of bank account that
you have.

Thanks you for the support,and if you are busy today,you can reply me any other

Thanks again

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