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Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all let us pray and praise to Allah SWT because of his bless and mercy, we can
come together without any obstacle here with healthy condition on this day we can get
together in a graduation ceremony of high school students and vocational school
SMA/SMK NU Kaplongan for academic years 2014/2015.
Second, let us greet and pray to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who had brought
us to the path of light and left the darkness in this life.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before we come to the main session, let us start this by reading al
Fatihah, so that today's event went smoothly. Al Fatihah...
Recitation of holy quran and sholawat badar
Step on to the next agenda, recitation oh holy quran that will be
recite by mr. .... Time is yours.
Recitation of sholawat badar
Singing national anthem Indonesia Raya and LP Maarif hymn










Maarif hymn by the choir.

All the guests and the audiences, please stand!

All the guest and the audiences, please have a seat!
Lets keep on the next agenda, speeches. The first speech form our
chief organizer of graduation along the foundation of Darul Maarif
Kaplongan Indramayu, which will be delivered by Mr. Amri


M.Pd.I. Time is yours .

The second speech form Head of SMA and SMK which will be represented by
Mr. Tobroni, M.Pd.,M.Si. time is yours.
The third speech from our chairman of the foundation of Darul Maarif Kaplongan
Indramayu, which will be delivered by our honorable Mr. Dedi Wahidi, time and
place are yours.
The next agenda is Praying, which will be delivered by KH...... Time is yours.
Thus a series of events we have been through together, on behalf of the
committee in charge we say sorry if there is any mistake or else, and thank you
for your presence to attend.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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