Ws 3-13-15complete

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CNS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15


Here can be seen the breakdown of the worlds 5.8 billion

religious peoples, as well as the 1.1 billion unaffiliated.
There are 2.2 billion Christians representing 31.5% of the
worlds population. Muslims make up 23.2% of the worlds
population at 1.6 billion, with 1 billion Hindus representing
15%. Buddhists make up 7.1% at roughly 500 million, with
only a slightly smaller number, at 400 million, practicing
traditional religions, which constitute 5.9% of the
population. Jews make up just 0.2% of the population, with
around 14 million members. An estimated 58 million belong
to other religions, a group representing less than 1% of the
population. The religiously unaffiliated make up 16.3% of
the population at 1.1 billion, roughly equal to the number of
Catholics worldwide.

The Asia-Pacific region is a

population hub for many of the
worlds major religious groups. 99%
of both Hindus and Buddhists call
this region home, as well as 90% of
those practicing traditional religions,
89% practicing some other religious
faith, 76% of the religiously
unaffiliated (with over 700 million in
China alone), as well as 62% of the
worlds Muslims. Christians are
distributed fairly evenly around the
globe, substantially lacking in only
the Middle East and North Africa.
The worlds Jewish peoples are split
fairly evenly between North America
and the Middle East, namely Israel.

73% of the global population live in countries in which they

belong to the religious majority, with only 27% existing as
the religious minority. Members of the worlds four largest
religious groups tend to live in countries in which they are
part of the majority, with Hindus and Christians
disproportionately living as majority members. Jews and
Buddhists live mostly in the minority, with members of folk

CNS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15

and other religions being represented to an even lesser extent.

The average ages for Muslims and Hindus

worldwide are 23 and 26 respectively, both
below the global median age of 28, evidence
of the fast pace of growth of these two
religions, concentrated largely in developing
countries. The average age increases as the
level of development does, with cultural
influences as well. The Jewish population is
the oldest, followed by Buddhists, reflective
of Chinas One Child Policy.

Reflective of the colonial influence of

Europeans in previous centuries, Christianity
is now distributed in great numbers all
around the globe, with the current smallest
number living in the Middle Eastern region,
surprising given its status as the religions

Islam is a quickly growing religion, due

largely in part to its high concentration in
the quickly-growing population of the AsiaPacific region. Spreading from the Middle
East to Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa as the
result of early trade routes, in these places
it still sees the greatest numbers and

CNS World Studies Hybrid 2014-15


6. Also Watch the VICE News Report about Religion, Diamonds and Conflict in the Central
African Republic. Warning some graphic content. From the perspective of a UN diplomat,
prepare a letter that addresses both sides to persuade them to put an end to the conflict and
use the free market and the legal system to determine the mining rights. Post the letter to
your weebly website before Tuesday, 3/17.

Dear President Samba-Panza,

In the interest of your country and the people living within it, it can be clearly seen that
the rights to your nations natural resources must be delegated fairly, with equal interest
given to government funding and the quality of life of the people of the Central African
Republic. The current conflict which wracks your nation stands directly in the path of the
continued development that your nation must see in order to find security for your
citizens and establish a strong system of government.
Neither the Seleka nor the Anti-Balika should be granted full control of your nations
mines, as full control on either side would undoubtedly breed oppression and future
conflict. While Christian and Muslim could once work side-by-side, today that is simply not
the case. Thus, the United Nations recommends that mines be operated solely by the
group who controlled the mine prior to the 2013 overthrow of the government, initially
under the supervision of UN peace forces, and entirely under the control of your nations
new government, who from the mines will once again receive revenue.
While an end to the conflict is by no means a simple task to accomplish, we believe that,
at least for the time being, officially separating the two warring groups with respect to
previous land rights, while giving no preferential treatment to either group, and taking a
fair cut of revenue to ensure continued development by the government and increased
quality of life, while leaving enough to the people for adequate sustenance, the conflict
will die out over lack of motivation to fight. In the future, a more permanent solution will
be sought, but we believe that these measures will bring about a more peaceful CAR in
the near future.
Mitchell A Carlson
United Nations

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