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# Configuration file

# block
block {
I:"Activator Blaze Rail"=3359
I:"Amaranth Button"=3338
I:"Amaranth Fence Gate"=3351
I:"Amaranth Pressure Plate"=3311
I:"Amaranth Stairs"=3298
I:"Amaranth Trapdoor"=3324
I:"Blaze Hopper"=3363
I:"Blaze Rail"=3356
I:"Bloodwood Block"=3263
I:"Bloodwood Button"=3334
I:"Bloodwood Door"=3268
I:"Bloodwood Fence Gate"=3347
I:"Bloodwood Pressure Plate"=3308
I:"Bloodwood Stairs"=3295
I:"Bloodwood Trapdoor"=3321
I:"Blue Glowshroom"=3273
I:"Cloud Block"=3253
I:"Crafting Table"=3283
I:"Darkwood Button"=3341
I:"Darkwood Fence Gate"=3354
I:"Darkwood Leaves"=3272
I:"Darkwood Log"=3271
I:"Darkwood Pressure Plate"=3315
I:"Darkwood Stairs"=3302
I:"Darkwood Trapdoor"=3328
I:"Detector Blaze Rail"=3358
I:"Eucalyptus Door"=3264
I:"Eucalyputus Button"=3330
I:"Eucalyputus Fence Gate"=3343
I:"Eucalyputus Pressure Plate"=3304
I:"Eucalyputus Stairs"=3291
I:"Eucalyputus Trapdoor"=3317
I:"Flora Leaves"=3259
I:"Fusewood Button"=3342
I:"Fusewood Fence Gate"=3355
I:"Fusewood Pressure Plate"=3316
I:"Fusewood Stairs"=3303
I:"Fusewood Trapdoor"=3329
I:"Ghostwood Button"=3332
I:"Ghostwood Door"=3267
I:"Ghostwood Fence Gate"=3345
I:"Ghostwood Pressure Plate"=3306
I:"Ghostwood Stairs"=3293
I:"Ghostwood Trapdoor"=3319
I:"Glowing Mushroom"=3270
I:"Green Glowshroom"=3274
I:"Hopseed Button"=3335
I:"Hopseed Door"=3265

I:"Hopseed Fence Gate"=3348

I:"Hopseed Pressure Plate"=3309
I:"Hopseed Stairs"=3296
I:"Hopseed Trapdoor"=3322
I:"Log Slab"=3290
I:"Maple Button"=3336
I:"Maple Fence Gate"=3349
I:"Maple Pressure Plate"=3310
I:"Maple Stairs"=3297
I:"Maple Trapdoor"=3323
I:"Nether Berry Bush"=3255
I:"Nether Dispenser"=3365
I:"Nether Dropper"=3364
I:"Nether Glass"=3362
I:"Nether Lever"=3368
I:"Netherrack Button"=3367
I:"Netherrack Furnace"=3360
I:"Netherrack Pressure Plate"=3366
I:"Plank Slab One"=3288
I:"Plank Slab Two"=3289
I:"Planks Block"=3262
I:"Powered Blaze Rail"=3357
I:"Purple Glowshroom"=3275
I:"Rare Leaves"=3278
I:"Rare Log"=3277
I:"Rare Sapling"=3279
I:"Redwood Bark Door"=3269
I:"Redwood Block"=3261
I:"Redwood Button"=3333
I:"Redwood Door"=3252
I:"Redwood Fence Gate"=3346
I:"Redwood Pressure Plate"=3307
I:"Redwood Stairs"=3294
I:"Redwood Trapdoor"=3320
I:"Respawn Obelisk"=3361
I:"Saguaro Cactus"=3254
I:"Sakura Button"=3331
I:"Sakura Door"=3266
I:"Sakura Fence Gate"=3344
I:"Sakura Leaves"=3258
I:"Sakura Pressure Plate"=3305
I:"Sakura Stairs"=3292
I:"Sakura Trapdoor"=3318
I:"Silverbell Button"=3337
I:"Silverbell Fence Gate"=3350
I:"Silverbell Pressure Plate"=3312
I:"Silverbell Stairs"=3299
I:"Silverbell Trapdoor"=3325
I:"Tigerwood Button"=3339
I:"Tigerwood Fence Gate"=3352
I:"Tigerwood Pressure Plate"=3313
I:"Tigerwood Stairs"=1222
I:"Tigerwood Trapdoor"=3326
I:"Topiary Grass Block"=3286
I:"Topiary Grass Slab"=3287
I:"Willow Button"=3340
I:"Willow Fence Gate"=3353
I:"Willow Log"=3280

I:"Willow Pressure Plate"=3314

I:"Willow Stairs"=3301
I:"Willow Trapdoor"=3327
I:"Wood Block"=3251
# boat item
"boat item" {
# disabler
disabler {
B:"Enable wheat to flour recipe"=true
B:"Generate Amaranth Trees"=true
B:"Generate Ash Clouds"=true
B:"Generate Barley Crops"=true
B:"Generate Blackberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Blightberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Bloodwood Trees"=true
B:"Generate Bluebell Flowers"=true
B:"Generate Blueberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Cotton Crops"=true
B:"Generate Dark Clouds"=true
B:"Generate Darkwood Trees"=true
B:"Generate Duskberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Fusewood Trees"=true
B:"Generate Ghost Trees"=true
B:"Generate Hopseed Trees"=true
B:"Generate Maloberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Maple Trees"=true
B:"Generate Overworld Clouds"=true
B:"Generate Raspberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Redwood Trees"=true
B:"Generate Saguaro Cactus"=true
B:"Generate Sakura Trees"=true
B:"Generate Silverbell Trees"=true
B:"Generate Skyberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Small Eucalyptus Trees"=true
B:"Generate Stingberry Bushes"=false
B:"Generate Sulfur Clouds"=true
B:"Generate Thornvines"=true
B:"Generate Tigerwood Trees"=true
B:"Generate Willow Trees"=true
B:"Obelisks let players respawn in the Nether"=true
B:"Override Nether"=false
# general

general {
I:"Sea level"=64
# item
item {
I:"Barley Seed"=12403
I:"Barley Seed Bag"=12412
I:"Berry Food"=12402
I:"Berry Medley"=12417
I:"Bloodwood Bow"=12450
I:"Bloodwood Hatchet"=12429
I:"Bloodwood Kama"=12445
I:"Bloodwood Pickaxe"=12427
I:"Bloodwood Shovel"=12428
I:"Bloodwood Sword"=12426
I:"Bonemeal Bag"=12419
I:"Cactus Juice"=12407
I:"Carrot Bag"=12414
I:"Cotton Seed Bag"=12416
I:"Darkwood Bow"=12451
I:"Darkwood Hatchet"=12433
I:"Darkwood Kama"=12446
I:"Darkwood Pickaxe"=12431
I:"Darkwood Shovel"=12432
I:"Darkwood Sword"=12430
I:"Door Item"=12406
I:"Empty Bowl"=12442
I:"Flint and Blaze"=12459
I:"Food Items"=12404
I:"Fusewood Bow"=12452
I:"Fusewood Hatchet"=12437
I:"Fusewood Kama"=12447
I:"Fusewood Pickaxe"=12435
I:"Fusewood Shovel"=12436
I:"Fusewood Sword"=12434
I:"Ghostwood Bow"=12449
I:"Ghostwood Hatchet"=12425
I:"Ghostwood Kama"=12444
I:"Ghostwood Pickaxe"=12423
I:"Ghostwood Shovel"=12424
I:"Ghostwood Sword"=12422
I:"Imp Boots"=12456
I:"Imp Helmet"=12453
I:"Imp Jerkin"=12454
I:"Imp Leggings"=12455
I:"Imp Meat"=12457
I:"Nether Berry Food"=12401
I:"Nether Wart Bag"=12415
I:"Nether foodstuffs"=12420
I:"Potato Bag"=12413
I:"Quartz Axe"=12441
I:"Quartz Kama"=12448
I:"Quartz Pickaxe"=12439
I:"Quartz Shovel"=12440

I:"Quartz Sword"=12438
I:"Saguaro Fruit"=12418
I:"Spawn Egg"=12458
I:"Stew Bowl"=12443
I:"Wheat Seed Bag"=12411
# mob changes
"mob changes" {
I:"Maximum Baby Heatscar Spiders on Spider Death"=4
I:"Minimum Baby Heatscar Spiders on Spider Death"=2
# retrogen
retrogen {
B:"Retroactive Generation"=false
# terrain
terrain {
# Requires blockID < 256
I:"Heat Sand"=189
# Requires blockID < 256
I:"Tainted Soil"=190
# worldgen
worldgen {
I:"Amaranth Tree Spawn Rarity"=1
I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Height"=40
I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Range"=78
I:"Ash Cloud Spawn Rarity"=8
I:"Blackberry Spawn Range"=64
I:"Blackberry Spawn Rarity"=48
I:"Blightberry Spawn Range"=100
I:"Blightberry Spawn Rarity"=18
I:"Blood Tree Spawn Rarity"=14
I:"Blueberry Spawn Range"=64
I:"Blueberry Spawn Rarity"=34
I:"Bush Tree Spawn Range"=20
I:"Bush Tree Spawn Rarity"=10
I:"Cloud Spawn Height"=192

I:"Cloud Spawn Range"=48

I:"Cloud Spawn Rarity"=10
I:"Dark Cloud Spawn Density"=10
I:"Dark Cloud Spawn MinX"=0
I:"Dark Cloud Spawn Range"=256
I:"Darkwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=10
I:"Duskberry Spawn Range"=100
I:"Duskberry Spawn Rarity"=18
I:"Fusewood Tree Spawn Rarity"=50
I:"Ghostwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=10
I:"Maloberry Spawn Range"=64
I:"Maloberry Spawn Rarity"=40
I:"Maple Tree Spawn Rarity"=34
I:"Raspberry Spawn Range"=64
I:"Raspberry Spawn Rarity"=30
I:"Redwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=150
I:"Saguaro Cactus Spawn Rarity"=5
I:"Sakura Tree Spawn Range"=32
I:"Sakura Tree Spawn Rarity"=10
I:"Silverbell Tree Spawn Rarity"=70
I:"Skyberry Spawn Range"=100
I:"Skyberry Spawn Rarity"=18
I:"Small Eucalyptus Tree Spawn Range"=32
I:"Small Eucalyptus Tree Spawn Rarity"=25
I:"Stingberry Spawn Range"=100
I:"Stingberry Spawn Rarity"=18
I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Height"=40
I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Range"=78
I:"Sulfur Cloud Spawn Rarity"=8
I:"Thornvines Spawn Rarity"=40
I:"Tigerwood Tree Spawn Rarity"=30
I:"Willow Tree Spawn Rarity"=10

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