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Khadijah Hickson

Fidel Castro Breaks Ties with U.S. and

Allies Himself with the Soviet Union
Castro established military court of justice for political
opponents and put them in jail. He denied Cubans
military pact with the United States and established
collectivism farms just like the Soviet Union.

Fidel Castro Breaks Ties with U.S. and

Allies Himself with the Soviet Union
As of January 3rd the United States broke relations with
Cuba due to that Castro formed alliance with the Soviet
Union which ended in thousands fleeing the country.

Bay of Pigs Disaster

The United Sates approached to invade Cuba which was
led by President John F Kennedy in 1961. During the time
of the invasion he didnt allow the US air support to get

Bay of Pigs Disaster

They failed the land on the Bay of Pigs on April 17th 1961.
Therefore Cuban support was repelled by the Cuban

Soviet-Missile Crisis
This involved the United States and the Soviet Union.
Cuba used a threat to use missiles ninety miles from the
United States. It created a tense thirteen wait days to see
if Cuba would remove the missiles.

Soviet-Missile Crisis
United states and Cuba came to an agreement of if they
would remove the missile as long as the US wouldnt
invade. Before the agreement the United States made it
clear that they were ready to use military force.

Castro Retirement
81-year-old Castro released a public statement declaring
that he was not healthy enough to campaign in the
upcoming parliamentary elections. This was seventeen
months after his emergency surgery on his intestinal.

Castro Retirement
When Castro announced his retirement, he couldnt run
for another term as president. His brother, Raul Castro
became the next president for Cuba in 2008.

Cuba Beginning to Win Small

The International Covenant on Civil and Political rights
and the international covenant of economics, social and
cultural rights was signed by Felipe Roque. Which allows
the citizens have the right to work, free wages, education,
mental and physical rights

Cuba Beginning to Win Small

The government isnt so harsh on the land restrictions for
private farmers, so they can boost the poor food
production and reduce the food imports. President Obama
is willing to establish more ties with Cuba. Castro
released 52 political prisoners because they were acting
with the United States.

Cuba takes steps toward a new

On April 19th 2011, Cuba had Jose Machado fill in for the
second highest position in the communist party. This was
the first time that one of the Castro brothers were not

Cuba takes steps toward a new

Buying and selling cars became legal for Cuba. And Jose
allowed people in Cuba to go into business by themselves.
Citizens could only own one home in the city or country so
it could prevent real estate holdings. Real estate
transactions must be made through the bank. December
of 2011, the government allowed 2,900 prisoners to be

Pope Makes a Visit

Pope Benedict XVI visited Cuba on March 26, 2012. He
visited for three days because of the tension between the
church and Cuban government. This was the first papal
trip since pope John Paul II.

Pope Makes a Visit

During the visit, Pope Benedict was trying to push
freedom toward Cuba. Around 200,000 attended the mass
in Cuba but many people felt pressured to attend by
members of the communist party.

Exit Visa Requirements dropped

On October 16, 2012, The government announced that
when you leave Cuba, you will no longer need an exit visa.
If someone wished to leave for vacation or forever, they
will only need a passport and a visa to where they are

Exit Visa Requirements dropped

Cubans could lose their citizenship and benefits after two
years of abroading. Cubans could be stopped from leaving
the country for national security and defense reasons.

Cuba Resumes diplomatic relations

with U.S.
Cuban government released a U.S. aid contractor, Alan
Gross, who was held as captivity for five years on
December of 2014. Obama responded to the prisoner
release, saying that he would resume the diplomatic
relations with Cuba. This has been the first diplomatic
relations since 1961.

Cuba Resumes diplomatic relations

with U.S.
In response to the prisoner release, U.S. President Barack
Obama announced that the U.S. would resume full
diplomatic relations with Cuba, which includes opening an
embassy in Havana. There hasn't been any diplomatic
relations between the U.S. and Cuba since 1961

Changes in the near Future

The relationship with Cuba and the United States will
become better than they are. And they both will be able to
work with each other peacefully.

How might the relationship between Cuba

and the U.S. be changing? good or bad?
The United States and Cubas relationship has changed
now from the past. The United States is now allowing
people to travel to Cuba for educational or religious
purposes as of now.

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